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2 nd Year Principals Programme Day 1 TEC Omagh Tuesday 2 nd December 2008 Leading in time of changes.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd Year Principals Programme Day 1 TEC Omagh Tuesday 2 nd December 2008 Leading in time of changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd Year Principals Programme Day 1 TEC Omagh Tuesday 2 nd December 2008 Leading in time of changes

2 Public Service Agreement (PSA) Targets By 2011, 90% of school leavers achieving GCSE A* - G (or equivalent) level in English and Maths [PSA 19] (Baseline: School Leavers Survey 2005-06 = 85%) By 2011, 68% of students gaining at least 5+ GCSEs A*-C by the time they leave school. [PSA 19] (Baseline: School Leavers Survey 2005-06 = 64.2%) By 2011, 55% of students gaining 5+ GCSEs A*-C including English and Maths by the time they leave school [PSA 19] (Baseline: School Leavers Survey 2005-06 = 52.6%)

3 By 2011, at least 30% of FSME students achieving 5+ GCSE A*-C or equivalent including English and Maths by the time they leave school [PSA 10 and 19] (Baseline: 2005-06 = 26.4%) By 2011, at most 1.5% of year 12 pupils with no qualification at GSCE A*-G level or equivalent [PSA 10 and 19] (Baseline: Summary of Examination Results 2005-06 = 3%) By 2011, 65% of A level students gaining 3+ A levels at Grades A-C or equivalent in Year 14. [PSA 19] (Baseline: Summary of Examination Results 2005-06 = 63.5%) By 2011, increase the participation rate of 16-17 year olds in fulltime education or training to 95% (Baseline: School Leavers Survey 2006-07 = 92%)

4 By 31 st October –End of KS targets for the coming year –1 year Action Plan Revised guidance for SDP

5 Consultations Review of Irish Medium Education LMS Common Funding Formula Area based planning Every School a Good School –A Policy for School Improvement –Literacy and Numeracy

6 Every School a Good School A Policy for School Improvement Pupils at the centre Clarity as regards respective roles and responsibilities Accountability Each and every school capable of improvement Sustained improvement from within the school

7 Promoting collaboration Celebrate success/identify areas for improvement Schools identify and address issues through self evaluation and Development Planning Inspection Outcomes critical element All interventions need an exit strategy

8 DE Vision To ensure that every learner fulfils his or her full potential at each stage of their development Effective, Democratic Schools Literacy and numeracy School Improvement Inspection arrangements New assessment arrangements Improved availability and access to data Specialist Schools Sport and Language policy Thriving school councils Effective use of ICT to support learning Strong, Effective Leadership Review of school leadership provision Teacher Education Review Strong professional development services Effective PRSD systems Enhanced training and support for school governors Tackling Inequality and disadvantage Transfer Policy Literacy and Numeracy Policy Review of SEN and Inclusion Policy Review of AEP Policy Extended Schools Programme Review of Irish Medium Education Early Years Education English as an additional language policy School Age Mothers’ Programme Successful Learners Empowered young people whose voice is heard Revised Curriculum Entitlement Framework Review of Teacher Education Promoting Health and Well-being Counselling Youth Policy

9 Factors Impacting on Learning Social Family Social Capital Poverty Social Class Personal Readiness to learn Motivation Aspirations Resilience Ability School 40% 20%

10 Schools cannot do it on their own ETI Area-Based Integrated Evaluation –the adequacy, accessibility and the extent of integration of the range of services to support the emotional well-being and health of children and young people in Fermanagh ESAGS –Any collaborative arrangements –Strong parental and community support

11 PQH: The key areas Shaping the future Leading Learning and teaching Developing Self and Working with Others Managing the Organisation Securing Accountability Strengthening Community

12 Achieving Derry-Bright Futures Objectives Obtain the active involvement of all educational providers, community, voluntary and statutory agencies in the Derry City Council area to improve the life chances and well being of children and young people and break the link between social deprivation and poor educational outcomes.

13 Raise educational outcomes in the Derry City Council area to at least the N Ireland average. Encourage greater sharing of expertise and good practice within and across schools and the wider community

14 Education and Skills Authority January 2010 Regional strategy with a local delivery A seamless transition Transfer, transform and innovate

15 One Year on… Challenge Success Best resource, advice, coping strategy…

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