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Asesu CA3 / KS3 Assessment Grŵp Arfer Dda / Good Practice Working Party Seiont Manor 8/12/06.

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Presentation on theme: "Asesu CA3 / KS3 Assessment Grŵp Arfer Dda / Good Practice Working Party Seiont Manor 8/12/06."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asesu CA3 / KS3 Assessment Grŵp Arfer Dda / Good Practice Working Party Seiont Manor 8/12/06

2 Asesu / Assessment

3 Trefniadau Asesu CA3 2006 ymlaen KS3 Assessment Arrangements 2006 onwards Peilot Craidd CA3 2006 Peilot Craidd CA3 2006 KS3 Core Subject Pilot 2006 Cymedroli Craidd CA3 2007 Cymedroli Craidd CA3 2007 KS3 Core Subject Moderation 2007 Peilot Cymedroli Pynciau Sylfaen CA3 2007 Peilot Cymedroli Pynciau Sylfaen CA3 2007 KS3 Foundation Subject Pilot 2007 Trefniadau 2008 ymlaen Trefniadau 2008 ymlaen Arrangements 2008 onwards

4 Ble ‘da ni arni? Where are we? AagD / AfL AagD / AfL Peilot Cymedroli AA CA3 / KS3 Assessment Moderation Pilot Peilot Cymedroli AA CA3 / KS3 Assessment Moderation Pilot HMS – Ffocws ar Asesu / INSET – Assessment Focus HMS – Ffocws ar Asesu / INSET – Assessment Focus Ymholiad Trefniadau Asesu CA2 a CA3 ADGOS / KS2 and 3 Assessment Arrangements Consultation Ymholiad Trefniadau Asesu CA2 a CA3 ADGOS / KS2 and 3 Assessment Arrangements Consultation Trefniadau Asesu Ysgol Gyfan / Whole School Assessment Arrangements Trefniadau Asesu Ysgol Gyfan / Whole School Assessment Arrangements

5 Cwestiwn Allweddol 1 Key Question 1 Beth yw’r goblygiadau ar gyfer addasu polisi asesu ysgol gyfan? Beth yw’r goblygiadau ar gyfer addasu polisi asesu ysgol gyfan? What are the implications in terms of revising the school’s assessment policy? What are the implications in terms of revising the school’s assessment policy?

6 Cwestiwn Allweddol 2 Key Question 2 Sut all yr asesu ffurfiannol fwydo’r asesu crynodol? Sut all yr asesu ffurfiannol fwydo’r asesu crynodol? How can the formative assessment feed into the summative assessment? How can the formative assessment feed into the summative assessment?

7 Cwestiwn Allweddol 3 Key Question 3 Beth yw’r goblygiadau hyfforddiant? Beth yw’r goblygiadau hyfforddiant? What are the implications in terms of training teachers? What are the implications in terms of training teachers?

8 Cwestiwn Allweddol 4 Key Question 4 Pa cyfleoedd sydd ar gyfer cymedroli mewnol? Pa cyfleoedd sydd ar gyfer cymedroli mewnol? What are the opportunities for internal standardisation? What are the opportunities for internal standardisation?

9 Cwestiwn Allweddol 5 Key Question 5 Beth yw goblygiadau gweithdrefnau CA2 a 3 ar CA3? Beth yw goblygiadau gweithdrefnau CA2 a 3 ar CA3? What are the implications of KS2 and 3 arrangements on KS3? What are the implications of KS2 and 3 arrangements on KS3?

10 Cwestiynau Allweddol Key Questions

11 Amserlen / Timeline 2006/07 Hydref 2006 / Autumn 2006 Cynadleddau adborth ar gyfer ysgolion peilot 2005/06 (craidd) Cynadleddau adborth ar gyfer ysgolion peilot 2005/06 (craidd) Feedback conferences for 2005/06 pilot schools (core) Gwahoddiad i dreialu’r model asesiad athrawon yn 2007 (craidd a sylfaen) Gwahoddiad i dreialu’r model asesiad athrawon yn 2007 (craidd a sylfaen) Invitation for 2007 pilot (core and foundation subjects)

12 Trefniadau Asesu’r CC [CA2 a CA3] / NC Assessment Arrangements [ KS2 and KS3] Beth mae hyn yn ei olygu yn ymarferol? Beth mae hyn yn ei olygu yn ymarferol? What does this mean in practice? What does this mean in practice?

13 2006/07 … Gwanwyn 2007 / Spring 2007 Set derfynol o brofion dewisol (craidd) Set derfynol o brofion dewisol (craidd) Last set of optional tests (core) Haf 2007 / Summer 2007 Peilot cymedroli craidd a sylfaenol Peilot cymedroli craidd a sylfaenol Moderation pilot for core and foundation subjects Treialu gwirio systemau/ gweithdrefnau Treialu gwirio systemau/ gweithdrefnau Pilot for verification of systems / procedures

14 2007/08 Hydref 2007 / Autumn 2007 Parhau i dreialu achredu’r model AA (pynciau sylfaen a gwirio) / Ongoing piloting of accreditation (non-core and verification) Parhau i dreialu achredu’r model AA (pynciau sylfaen a gwirio) / Ongoing piloting of accreditation (non-core and verification) Canllawiau cenedlaethol ar achredu AA pynciau craidd / National guidance on core subject accreditation arrangements Canllawiau cenedlaethol ar achredu AA pynciau craidd / National guidance on core subject accreditation arrangements

15 2007/08 … Haf 2007 / Summer 2007 Tystiolaeth gan adrannau craidd sy’n weddill / Evidence from remaining core departments Tystiolaeth gan adrannau craidd sy’n weddill / Evidence from remaining core departments Ysgolion yn paratoi adroddiadau ar lefel targed cyrhaeddiad ar ddiwedd CA3 / Schools to prepare reports on end of KS3 ATs Ysgolion yn paratoi adroddiadau ar lefel targed cyrhaeddiad ar ddiwedd CA3 / Schools to prepare reports on end of KS3 ATs

16 Haf /Summer 2008 … Casglu data arall diwedd CA ar lefel disgybl / End of key stage non-core date collected at pupil level Casglu data arall diwedd CA ar lefel disgybl / End of key stage non-core date collected at pupil level Treialu pellach pynciau sylfaen a gwirio systemau/ gweithdrefnau / Further roll-out of non-core pilot and verification of systems/procedures Treialu pellach pynciau sylfaen a gwirio systemau/ gweithdrefnau / Further roll-out of non-core pilot and verification of systems/procedures

17 Gwanwyn/Haf 2009 Spring/Summer 2009 Gweithredu trefniadau cymedroli AA clystyrau CA2/3 Gweithredu trefniadau cymedroli AA clystyrau CA2/3 Implementation of KS2/3 Cluster assessment moderation arrangements Targedu timau craidd o 2007/08 Targedu timau craidd o 2007/08 Targeting of core subject teams identified in 2007/08 Treialu pellach (sylfaen a gwirio) Treialu pellach (sylfaen a gwirio) Further trials (foundation subjects and verification)

18 Haf 2010 Summer Cymedroli allanol o weddill timau pwnc sylfaen a gwirio systemau/gweithdrefnau Cymedroli allanol o weddill timau pwnc sylfaen a gwirio systemau/gweithdrefnau External moderation of remaining foundation subject teams and verification of systems/procedures External moderation of remaining foundation subject teams and verification of systems/procedures

19 Asesiadau yn seiliedig ar sgiliau a phroffiliau sgiliau / Assessments based on skills and skills profiles

20 Trefniadau Asesu’r CC ar gyfer CA2 a CA3 / KS2 and KS3 Assessment Arrangements Cynhadledd Ymgynghori / Consultation Conference [Llandudno 06/12/06] [Llandudno 06/12/06] Sesiwn 1 / Session 1: Deunyddiau cefnogi CA2 (DADau) / KS2 Support materials (OAMs) Deunyddiau cefnogi CA2 (DADau) / KS2 Support materials (OAMs) Sesiwn 2 / Session 2: Cymedroli asesiad athrawon / Teacher assessment moderation Cymedroli asesiad athrawon / Teacher assessment moderation Sesiwn 3 / Session 3: Asesiadau yn seiliedig ar sgiliau a phroffiliau sgiliau / Assessments based on skills and skills profiles Asesiadau yn seiliedig ar sgiliau a phroffiliau sgiliau / Assessments based on skills and skills profiles

21 Deunyddiau cefnogi CA2 (DADau) / KS2 Support materials (OAMs) Pynciau Craidd / Core Subjects Pynciau Craidd / Core Subjects Defnyddiol? / Useful? Defnyddiol? / Useful? Cynnal trafodaeth / Dialogue Cynnal trafodaeth / Dialogue Opsiynol a hyblyg / Optional and flexible Opsiynol a hyblyg / Optional and flexible Cefnogi AA ffurfiannol a crynodol / Support for Teacher Assessment, formative and summative Cefnogi AA ffurfiannol a crynodol / Support for Teacher Assessment, formative and summative

22 Cymraeg Ail Iaith Welsh as a second language Iaith Pawb Iaith Pawb Goblygiadau i’r Polisi Iaith Goblygiadau i’r Polisi Iaith Implications for the Language Policy Tracio Carfan Iaith Tracio Carfan Iaith Language Tracking Adlewyrchu anghenion daearyddol Adlewyrchu anghenion daearyddol Reflecting geographical/regional needs Angen ymateb / Need to respond! Angen ymateb / Need to respond!

23 Cymedroli asesiad athrawon Teacher assessment moderation Cynradd – trefniadau mewnol Cynradd – trefniadau mewnol Uwchradd – trefniadau mewnol efo safoni allannol Uwchradd – trefniadau mewnol efo safoni allannol Trefniadau Clwstwr o 2008 Trefniadau Clwstwr o 2008


25 Prif Negeseuon / Key Messages Cynradd yn brwdfrydig i gynnal deialog / Primary colleagues keen to begin dialogue Cynradd yn brwdfrydig i gynnal deialog / Primary colleagues keen to begin dialogue Goblygiadau: ariannu, amser / Implications: finance, time Goblygiadau: ariannu, amser / Implications: finance, time Cael systemau mewn lle / Establishing systems Cael systemau mewn lle / Establishing systems Ffocws ar y disgybl / Focus on the pupil Ffocws ar y disgybl / Focus on the pupil

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