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Data-Driven Knowledge Discovery and Philosophy of Science

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1 Data-Driven Knowledge Discovery and Philosophy of Science
Vladimir Cherkassky University of Minnesota Presented at Ockham’s Razor Workshop, CMU, June 2012 Electrical and Computer Engineering 1 1

2 OUTLINE Motivation + Background
- changing nature of knowledge discovery - scientific vs empirical knowledge - induction and empirical knowledge Philosophical interpretation Predictive learning framework Practical aspects and examples Summary 2 2

3 Disclaimer Philosophy of science (as I see it)
- philosophical ideas form in response to major scientific/ technological advances Meaningful discussion possible only in the context of these scientific developments Ockham’s Razor - general vaguely stated principle - originally interpreted for classical science - in statistical inference ~ justification for model complexity control (model selection) 3 3

4 Historical View: data-analytic modeling
Two theoretical developments - classical statistics ~ mid 20-th century - Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory ~ 1970’s Two related technological advances - applied statistics - machine learning, neural nets, data mining etc. Statistical(probabilistic) vs predictive modeling - philosophical difference (not widely understood) - interpretation of Ockham’s Razor 4 4

5 Scientific Discovery First-principle knowledge:
Combines ideas/models and facts/data First-principle knowledge: hypothesis  experiment  theory ~ deterministic, simple causal models Modern data-driven discovery: Computer program + DATA  knowledge ~ statistical, complex systems Two different philosophies 5 5 5

6 Scientific Knowledge Classical Knowledge (last 3-4 centuries):
- objective - recurrent events (repeatable by others) - quantifiable (described by math models) Knowledge ~ causal, deterministic, logical Humans cannot reason well about - noisy/random data - multivariate high-dimensional data

7 Cultural and Psychological Aspects
All men by nature desire knowledge Man has an intense desire for assured knowledge Assured Knowledge ~ belief in - religion - reason (causal determinism) - science / pseudoscience - empirical data-analytic models Ockham’s Razor ~ methodological belief (?)

8 Gods, Prophets and Shamans
8 8 8

9 Knowledge Discovery in Digital Age
Most information in the form of data from sensors (not human sense perceptions) Can we get assured knowledge from data? Naïve realism: data  knowledge Wired Magazine, 16/07: We can stop looking for (scientific) models. We can analyze the data without hypotheses about what it might show. We can throw the numbers into the biggest computing clusters the world has ever seen and let statistical algorithms find patterns where science cannot

10 (Over) Promise of Science
Archimedes: Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world Laplace: Present events are connected with preceding ones by a tie based upon the evident principle that a thing cannot occur without a cause that produces it. Digital Age: more data  new knowledge more connectivity  more knowledge

11 REALITY Many studies have questionable value
- statistical correlation vs causation Some border nonsense - US scientists at SUNY discovered Adultery Gene !!! (based on a sample of 181 volunteers interviewed about sexual life) Usual conclusion - more research is needed … 11 11 11

12 Three Types of Knowledge
Growing role of empirical knowledge New demarcation problems: - First-principle vs empirical knowledge - Empirical knowledge vs beliefs 12 12

13 Philosophical Challenges
Empirical data-driven knowledge - different from classical knowledge Philosophical Interpretation - first-principle: hypothetico-deductive - empirical knowledge: ??? - fragmentation in technical fields, e.g. statistics, machine learning, neural nets, data mining etc. Predictive Learning (VC-theory) - provides consistent framework for many apps - different from classical statistical approach 13 13 13

14 What is a ‘good’ data-analytic model?
All models are mental constructs that (hopefully) relate to real world Two goals of modeling - explain available data ~ subjective - predict future data ~ objective True science makes non-trivial predictions  Good data-driven models can predict well, so the goal is to estimate predictive models 14 14

15 Learning from Data ~ Induction
Induction ~ function estimation from data: Deduction ~ prediction for new inputs: Note: statistical induction is different from logical

16 OUTLINE Motivation + Background Philosophical interpretation
Predictive learning framework Practical aspects and examples Summary 16 16

17 Observations, Reality and Mind
Philosophy is concerned with relationship between - Reality (Nature) - Sensory Perceptions - Mental Constructs (interpretations of reality) Three Philosophical Schools REALISM: - objective physical reality perceived via senses - mental constructs reflect objective reality IDEALISM: - primary role belongs to ideas (mental constructs) - physical reality is a by-product of Mind INSTRUMENTALISM: - the goal of science is to produce useful theories Which one should be adopted (by scientists+ engineers)??

18 Three Philosophical Schools
Realism (materialism) Idealism Instrumentalism

19 Realistic View of Science
Every observation/effect has its cause ~ prevailing view and cultural attitude Isaac Newton: Hypotheses non fingo  scientific knowledge can be derived from observations + experience More data  better model (closer approximation to the truth) 19

20 Alternative Views Karl Popper: Science starts from problems, and not from observations Werner Heisenberg: What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning Albert Einstein: - Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.  Science ~ creation of human mind??? 20

21 Empirical Knowledge Can it be obtained from data alone?
How is it different from ‘beliefs’ ? Role of a priori knowledge vs data ? What is ‘the method of questioning’ ? These methodological/philosophical issues have not been properly addressed 21

22 OUTLINE Motivation + Background Philosophical perspective
Predictive learning framework - classical statistics vs predictive learning - standard inductive learning setting - Ockham’s Razor vs VC-dimension Practical aspects and examples Summary 22 22

23 Method of Questioning Learning Problem Setting ~
- assumptions about training + test data - goals of learning (model estimation) Classical statistics: - data generated from a parametric distribution - estimate /approximate true probabilistic model Predictive modeling (VC-theory): - data generated from unknown distribution - estimate useful (~ predictive) model 23 23

24 Critique of Statistical Approach (L. Breiman)
The Belief that a statistician can invent a reasonably good parametric class of models for a complex mechanism devised by nature Then parameters are estimated and conclusions are drawn But conclusions are about - the model’s mechanism - not about nature’s mechanism 24 24

25 Inductive Learning: problem setting
The learning machine observes samples (x ,y), and returns an estimated response Two modes of inference: identification vs imitation Goal is minimization of Risk Note: - estimation problem is ill-posed (finite sample size) - probabilistic model P(x,y) is never evaluated

26 Binary Classification
Given: data samples (~ training data) Estimate: a model (function) that - explains this data - predicts future data Classification problem:  Learning ~ function estimation

27 Statistical vs Predictive Approach
Binary Classification problem estimate decision boundary from training data where y ~ binary class label (0/1) Assuming distribution P(x,y) is known: (x1,x2) space 27 27

28 Classical Statistical Approach
(1) parametric form of unknown distribution P(x,y) is known (2) estimate parameters of P(x,y) from the training data (3) Construct decision boundary using estimated distribution and given misclassification costs Estimated boundary Modeling assumption: Parametric distribution is known and it can be estimated from training data 28 28

29 Predictive Approach Estimated boundary Modeling assumptions
(1) parametric form of decision boundary f(x,w) is given (2) Explain available data via fitting f(x,w), or minimization of some loss function (i.e., squared error) (3) A function f(x,w*) providing smallest fitting error is then used for predictiion Estimated boundary Modeling assumptions - Need to specify f(x,w) and loss function a priori. - No need to estimate P(x,y) 29 29

30 Classification with High-Dimensional Data
Digit recognition 5 vs 8: each example ~ 28 x 28 pixel image  784-dimensional vector x Medical Interpretation Each pixel ~ genetic marker Each patient (sample) described by 784 genetic markers Two classes ~ presence/ absence of a disease Estimation of P(x,y) with finite data is not possible Accurate estimation of decision boundary in 784-dim. space is possible, using just a few hundred samples 30 30

31 High dimensional data: genomic data, brain imaging data, social networks, etc.
Available data matrix X where d >> n Predictive modeling ~ estimating f(x) is very ill-posed - Curse of dimensionality (under classical setting) - is generalization possible? - what is a priori knowledge? - understanding high-dimensional models

32 Predictive Modeling Predictive approach
- estimates certain properties of unknown P(x,y) that are useful for predicting the output y. - based on mathematical theory (VC-theory) - successfully used in many apps BUT its methodology + concepts are very different from classical statistics: - formalization of the learning problem (~ requires understanding of application domain) - a priori specification of a loss function - interpretation of predictive models is hard - many good models estimated from the same data 32

33 VC-dimension Measures of model ‘complexity’
- number of ‘free’ parameters/ entities - VC-dimension Classical statistics: Ockham’s Razor - estimate simple (~interpretable) models - typical strategy: feature selection - trade-off between simplicity and accuracy Predictive modeling (VC-theory): - complex black-box models - multiplicity of good models - prediction is controlled by VC-dimension 33 33

34 VC-dimension Example: spherical decision functions f(c,r,x)
can shatter 3 points BUT cannot shatter 4 points 34 34

35 VC-dimension Example: set of functions Sign [Sin (wx)]
can shatter any number of points: 35 35

36 VC-dimension vs number of parameters
VC-dimension can be equal to DoF (number of parameters) Example: linear estimators VC-dimension can be smaller than DoF Example: penalized estimators VC-dimension can be larger than DoF Example: feature selection sin (wx)

37 Philosophical interpretation: VC-falsifiability
Occam’s Razor: Select the model that explains available data and has the small number of entities (free parameters) VC theory: Select the model that explains available data and has low VC-dimension (i.e. can be easily falsified)  New Principle of VC falsifiability

38 OUTLINE Motivation + Background Philosophical perspective
Predictive learning framework Practical aspects and examples - philosophical interpretation of data-driven knowledge discovery - trading international mutual funds - handwritten digit recognition Summary 38 38

39 Philosophical Interpretation
What is primary in data-driven knowledge: - observed data or method of questioning ? - what is ‘method of questioning’? Is it possible to achieve good generalization with finite samples ? Philosophical interpretation of the goal of learning & math conditions for generalization 39 39

40 VC-Theory provides answers
Method of questioning is - the learning problem setting - should be driven by app requirements Standard inductive learning commonly used (not always the best choice) Good generalization depends on two factors - (small) training error - small VC-dimension ~ large ‘falsifiability’ Occam’s Razor does not explain successful methods: SVM, boosting, random forests, ... 40 40

41 Application Examples Both use binary classification ISSUES
- good prediction/generalization - interpretation of estimated models, especially for high-dimensional data - multiple good models 41 41 41

42 Timing of International Funds
International mutual funds - priced at 4 pm EST (New York time) - reflect price of foreign securities traded at European/ Asian markets - Foreign markets close earlier than US market Possibility of inefficient pricing Market timing exploits this inefficiency. Scandals in the mutual fund industry ~2002 Solution adopted: restrictions on trading 42 42 42

43 Binary Classification Setting
TWIEX ~ American Century Int’l Growth Input indicators (for trading) ~ today - SP 500 index (daily % change) ~ x1 - Euro-to-dollar exchange rate (% change) ~ x2 Output : TWIEX NAV (% change) ~next day Model parameterization (fixed): - linear - quadratic Decision rule (estimated from training data): 43 43 43

44 VC theoretical Methodology
When a trained model can predict well? (1) Future/test data is similar to training data i.e., use 2004 period for training, and 2005 for testing (2) Estimated model is ‘simple’ and provides good performance during training period i.e., trading strategy is consistently better than buy-and-hold during training period 44 44 44

45 Empirical Results: 2004 -2005 data Linear model
Training data 2004 Training period 2004  can expect good performance with test data 45 45

46 Empirical Results: 2004 -2005 data Linear model
Test data Test period 2005 confirmed good prediction performance 46 46

47 Empirical Results: 2004 -2005 data Quadratic model
Training data 2004 Training period 2004  can expect good performance with test data 47 47

48 Empirical Results: 2004 -2005 data Quadratic model
Test data Test period 2005 confirmed good test performance 48 48

49 Interpretation vs Prediction
Two good trading strategies estimated from 2004 training data Both models predict well for test period 2005 Which model is true? 49 49

50 Handwritten digit recognition
Digit “5” Digit “8” 28 pixels 28 pixels 28 pixels 28 pixels Binary classification task: digit “5” vs. digit “8” No. of Training samples = 1000 (500 per class). No. of Validation samples = 1000 (used for model selection). No. of Test samples = 1866. Dimensionality of input space = 784 (28 x 28). RBF SVM yields good generalization (similar to humans) Test data digit “5” 892 samples, digit “8” 974 samples. 50

51 Interpretation vs Prediction
Humans cannot provide interpretation even when they make good prediction Interpretation of black-box models Not unique/ subjective Depends on parameterization: i.e. kernel type 51 51

52 Interpretation of SVM models
How to interpret high-dimensional models? Strategy 1: dimensionality reduction/feature selection  prediction accuracy usually suffers Strategy 2: interpretation of a high-dimensional model utilizing properties of SVM (~ separation margin) 52 52 52

53 Univariate histogram of projections
Project training data onto normal vector w of the trained SVM W -1 +1 W -1 +1

Projections of training data. Training error=0 (b) Projections of validation data. Validation error=1.7% Selected SVM parameter values (c) Projections of test data: Test error =1.23%

55 SUMMARY Philosophical issues + methodology:
important for data-analytic modeling Important distinction between first-principle knowledge, empirical knowledge, beliefs Black-box predictive models - no simple interpretation (many variables) - multiplicity of good models Simple/interpretable parameterizations do not predict well for high-dimensional data Non-standard and non-inductive settings 55 55

56 References V. Vapnik, Estimation of Dependencies Based on Empirical Data. Empirical Inference Science: Afterword of 2006 Springer L. Breiman, “Statistical Modeling: the Two Cultures”, Statistical Science, vol. 16(3), pp , 2001 V. Cherkassky and F. Mulier, Learning from Data, second edition, Wiley, 2007 V. Cherkassky, Predictive Learning, 2012 (to appear) - check in early Aug 2012 - developed for upper-level undergrad course for engineering and computer science students at U. of Minnesota with significant Liberal Arts content (on philosophy) - see

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