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7A Unit4 My day ------Study skills By Li Xiaoling.

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Presentation on theme: "7A Unit4 My day ------Study skills By Li Xiaoling."— Presentation transcript:

1 7A Unit4 My day ------Study skills By Li Xiaoling

2 weather /e/

3 Tounge twisters Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We’ll weather the weather whether we like it or not. 无论是晴天或是阴,无论是冷或是暖,不管喜欢 与否,我们都要经受风霜雨露。 /e/ /ded/dead

4 2016-1-6 go outdoor do sport ball games /ɔ:/

5 Small ball, It’s warm outdoor. Let us do sport. Walk, walk, like the horse. Needn’t walk along the hall. /ɔ:/ /tɔ:k/ talk

6 Shirley is a nurse Nurse, nurse, nurse Likes wearing a skirt Skirt, skirt, skirt Lives in a beautiful world World,world, world. /ɜ:/ /tɜ:n/turn

7 Teacher, teacher Works in a school. Singer, singer Sings in a hall. Swimmer, swimmer Swims in a swimming pool. /ə/ /wintə/ winter

8 zoo car /u:/ /a:/

9 2016-1-6 I can read books. I can have lunch and enjoy delicious food. I can see many animals. Would you like to join me? /ʊ //ʊ / /u:/ /ʊ //ʊ / /wʊd / wood /nu:n/noon

10 sheep peacock /i:/ /ti:m/team

11 Clean water, clean sea, Under a big green tree, Three sheep running free. I say ‘drink the tea, eat the meat!’ /i:/

12 Read aloud. /a:/ /ɔ:/ /i:/ /e/ /u:/ /ʊ //ʊ / / ɜ :/ /ə/

13 Pratice 1 Find the homes for words. /ʊ//ʊ/ cook /u:/ /i:/ / ɑ :/ /e/ / ɜ :/ / ɔ :/ /ə/ cool first foot free hall healthy never park player ready noodle start sport world team

14 ( ) 1. A. B. C. D. ( ) 2.A. horse B. nurse C. walk D. all ( ) 3.A. book B. look C. food D.could ( ) 4.A. girl B. bird C. dinner ( ) 5.A. head B. tea C. heavy D.bread C B C C B Can you find out the different one? Pratice 2 Which word is in the wrong line? knee greenheadsee

15 Pratice 3 Listen and find the right word. 1.A arm B at C am D park 2.A word B world C work D bird 3.A read B red C lead D rain 4.A could B book C cool D cotton 5.A dime B dinner C dining D dirty Who has sharp ears?

16 Game 1 Cross the river

17 late apple art asas cake they daddad glad bark day

18 duty dirty after turn teacher bedbed firstdrew drawer her dancer

19 gate lead bread healthy readyfeel her headeasy meetegg

20 moon good boxbox cool talk look noodle would tortoise zoocould

21 art sadsad or park allstop noon hardchalk bartalk

22 Game 2 Stand up Each group gets 6 cards and each member gets 1 card. Stand up when you hear the word that has the same sound and say it out.

23 Thank you!

24 Let’s enjoy “Do-re-mi” together! (When we read, we begin with ABC. When we sing, we begin with Do-re-mi. The f ir st three notes( 音符 ) just happen to be Do-re-mi. ) Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow sew Tea, a drink of jam and bread That will bring us back to Do-oh-oh-oh! /i:/ / ɔ :/ / ɑ :/ /u / /u:/ /e / /ə / /ə:/

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