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Cooking Principles Chapter 15. Ways that Cooking Alters Food  Microorganisms are destroyed - makes food safer to eat  Connective tissue breaks down.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooking Principles Chapter 15. Ways that Cooking Alters Food  Microorganisms are destroyed - makes food safer to eat  Connective tissue breaks down."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooking Principles Chapter 15

2 Ways that Cooking Alters Food  Microorganisms are destroyed - makes food safer to eat  Connective tissue breaks down - making meat more tender  Fibers in Vegetables break down - makes them more tender and releases nutrients  Gelatinization - Starches (potatoes, pasta, rice) absorb liquid and swell (rice multiplies three times)  Coagulation – Proteins in eggs become solid, changes texture of raw and cooked meats

3  Caramelization – chemical browning reaction that occurs when sugar is heated (caramel, onions, crust of bread)  Crystallization – when sugar crystals grow to create a solid structure in liquid (candy)  Mallard Reaction – when chemicals are changed by heat creating new flavor compounds (seared meats) grilled meats vs. boiled meats  Flavors blend and change - helps blend flavors (spaghetti sauce, chili, stews)

4 Dry Heat Cooking Methods  Dry heat methods often use higher temperatures, however they do not break down fibers or connective tissues as well as moist methods.  Dry heat methods best used with tender cuts of meat.

5 Sautéing

6 Panfrying

7 Deep Frying

8 Grilling

9 Broiling 

10 Roasting

11 Baking

12 Moist Heat Cooking Methods  Use steam or liquid in the cooking process.  Moist heat methods are best used for tougher cuts of meats and fibrous vegetables.  Moist heat methods use a range of temperatures that can be determined based upon how the appearance of the liquid.

13 Poaching (160°-180°)

14 Simmering (185°-205°)  Temperature range is important, any lower and connective tissue in meats does not break down, any higher and it makes proteins tough.

15 Boiling (cooking liquid at highest possible temperature)  Boiling liquids move rapidly and have large bubbles. Should not be used for protein foods, instead used for vegetables, starches, and grains.

16 Steaming

17 Combination Cooking Methods  Uses both dry and moist heat cooking techniques on the same food product.

18 Braising

19 Stewing

20 Blanch and Shock  Partially cooking vegetable in boiling water, then stopping the cooking process by plunging into ice water. Can then finish cooking the vegetables at another time.

21 Sweating  Cooking food in a small amount of fat on low heat to soften food without browning.

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