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THE MAKING OF THE MODERN BRITISH STATE Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 1  Politics in Action  Margaret Thatcher  Geographic Setting  England, Wales,

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Presentation on theme: "THE MAKING OF THE MODERN BRITISH STATE Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 1  Politics in Action  Margaret Thatcher  Geographic Setting  England, Wales,"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE MAKING OF THE MODERN BRITISH STATE Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 1  Politics in Action  Margaret Thatcher  Geographic Setting  England, Wales, and Scotland  Britain is largest of British Isles  Offshore islands adjacent to Europe Section 1

2 THE BRITISH NATION AT A GLANCE Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 2

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4 THE MAKING OF THE MODERN BRITISH STATE  Critical Junctures  The Consolidation of the British State  The Seventeenth-Century Settlement  The Industrial Revolution and the British Empire Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 4

5 THE MAKING OF THE MODERN BRITISH STATE  Critical Junctures (cont’d)  The British Empire (1800s)  International trade and imperial expansion  Hegemonic power  Industrial Change and the Struggle for Voting Rights  World Wars, Industrial Strife, and the Depression (1914–1945) Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 5

6 World Trade and Relative Labor Productivity Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 6

7 THE MAKING OF THE MODERN BRITISH STATE  Critical Junctures  Collectivist Consensus (1945–1979)  Margaret Thatcher and the Enterprise Culture (1979-1990)  New Labour’s Third Way (1997-2007)  The Conservative–Liberal Coalition  “Big Society” Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 7

8 Expansion of Voting Rights Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 8

9 THE MAKING OF THE MODERN BRITISH STATE  The Four Themes and Britain  Britain in a Globalized World of States  Strategies in Governing the Economy  Political Influence of Democratic Idea  The Politics of Collective Identity Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 9

10 Where Do You Stand? Was Margaret Thatcher just what the doctor ordered to jump-start the British economy – or was she too divisive and ideological? Tony Blair and Gordon Brown reinvented the modern Labour Party, severing its ties with the working class and emphasizing a cross-class coalition, which often seemed to tilt toward business. In this era of occupy movements and huge income inequality should Labour return to its historic roots? Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 10

11 GOVERNANCE AND POLICY-MAKING Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 11  Organization of the State  Parliamentary sovereignty  Unitary state  Fusion of powers  Cabinet government  Constitutional monarchy Section 3

12 GOVERNANCE AND POLICY-MAKING  The Executive  Cabinet government  Bureaucracy and Civil Service  Public and Semipublic Institutions  Nationalized Industries  Nondepartmental Public Bodies Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 12

13 The Cabinet System Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 13

14 GOVERNANCE AND POLICY-MAKING  Other State Institutions  The Military and Police  The Judiciary  Subnational Government  England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 14

15 GOVERNANCE AND POLICY-MAKING  The Policy-Making Process  Focus is on Whitehall  European Union policy Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 15

16 Where Do You Stand? Which is a more effective form of government: American checks and balances or British parliamentary democracy? Does the strength of the cabinet and the power of the prime minister risk turning Britain into an elective dictatorship? Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 16

17 REPRESENTATION AND PARTICIPATION  The Legislature  The House of Commons (lower chamber)  The Legislative Process  The House of Lords (upper chamber)  Reforms in Behavior  Structural Changes: Parliamentary Committees Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 17 Section 4

18 REPRESENTATION AND PARTICIPATION  Political Parties and the Party System  The Labour Party  The Conservative Party  Liberal Democrats Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 18

19 REPRESENTATION AND PARTICIPATION  Elections  The Electoral System and the 2010 Election  Gender, Ethnicity, and Representation  Trends in Electoral Behavior Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 19

20 REPRESENTATION AND PARTICIPATION  Political Culture, Citizenship, and Identity  Social Class  National Identity  Multiethnic  Europeanization and globalization Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 20

21 REPRESENTATION AND PARTICIPATION  Interests Groups, Social Movements, and Protest  Political protest rising  Environmental activism rising Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 21

22 REPRESENTATION AND PARTICIPATION  The Political Impact Of Technology  2012: Parliamentary committee released a report  Rupert Murdoch hacking scandal  Besmirched the reputations among Parliament members Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 22

23 Where Do You Stand? Is perpetual surveillance too high a price to pay for security? Nearly everyone in Britain wants Britain to go green. Why is the support for a Green Party so weak? Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 23

24 POLITICAL ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT  State and Economy  British economy: “two-track” pattern of growth  Economic Management  The Consensus Era (Keynesianism)  Thatcherite Policy Orientation (monetarism)  New Labour’s Economic Policy Approach  The Coalition Government’s Economic Policy Approach Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 24 Section 2

25 POLITICAL ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT  State and Economy  Social Policy  National Health Service Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 25

26 POLITICAL ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT  Society and Economy  New Labour focused its social policy on training and broader social investment  Inequality and Ethnic Minorities  Inequality and Women  Inequality in labor and wages Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 26

27 POLITICAL ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT  Environmental Issues  Increasing public concern  Acid rain  Coal-fired plants  Fracking  Food safety  “Green” vs. anti-regulatory bias Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 27

28 POLITICAL ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT  Britain in the Global Economy  Britain’s economic policies/political climate encourages foreign direct investment  Comparatively strong microeconomic and growth competitiveness Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 28

29 Where Do You Stand? Will Blair be remembered for the success of New Labour or the tragic failure of the war in Iraq? Will Cameron’s tough stance on austerity turn around the British economy or wreck the coalition government? Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 29

30 BRITISH POLITICS IN TRANSITION  Political Challenges and Changing Agendas  Constitutional reform  Identities in flux Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 30 Section 5

31 BRITISH POLITICS IN TRANSITION  Youth Politics and the Generational Divide  Huge generational divide  High unemployment rate for recent university graduates Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 31

32 BRITISH POLITICS IN TRANSITION  British Politics in Comparative Perspective  United Kingdom escaped the 1990s Europe recession  2008 Great Recession  Drastically effected Britain's economic fortunes  New Labour Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 32

33 Where Do You Stand? Is Britain important enough and functioning well enough today to stand alongside the United States as one of the two great models of democratic government? Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 33

34 Where Do You Stand? With Putin’s Russia on the ascendant, America looking inward, and the EU facing tremendous economic and institutional challenges, is there an opportunity for Britain to play a greater role in a globalizing world of states? Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning 34

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