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KATRINE GASSER Meeting: Data Management projects 15/12 -2015.

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Presentation on theme: "KATRINE GASSER Meeting: Data Management projects 15/12 -2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 KATRINE GASSER Meeting: Data Management projects 15/12 -2015

2 KATRINE GASSER Practical Data Management Alle illustrationer fra

3 KATRINE GASSER Project Participants Samarbejdspartnere

4 KATRINE GASSER About the project Project period March 2015 – February 2017 Budget Budget DKK 8.230.000

5 KATRINE GASSER Vision The project helps to create better access to research data and results - for other researchers as well as for the industry and the public. The aim is to strengthen research itself.

6 KATRINE GASSER General goals The overall project goals and objectives are: a)There is established a Danish setup for managing the life cycle of research data. The solutions are in line with international best practice and demonstrate that they meet the needs of researchers. b)The project has demonstrated that the FFU libraries have an important role in the management of research data and has contributed actively to ensure that the libraries' skills are developed and considered in the national solutions.

7 KATRINE GASSER Specific goals Data Management Planning We have established a Danish DMPonline installation DMPonline adapted to Danish researchers and Danish relations in general Data capture, storage and documentation New or existing repositories available for storing active data sets with associated metadata. There is implemented techniques for data that integrates directly with the researchers working processes and ensures that the active data is managed. Data identification, citation and discovery Employing unique ID's for the handled data sets, so that they can be quoted and referred to in a persistent and unique manner. Typically this will be in the form of DataCite DanPID and DOI. There used unique identifiers for researchers and other persons associated with the data set. The handled data sets can (no matter where it is archived) should be increased in a national search service for datasets established as part of / in association with the Danish Research Database. Select and deposit for longterm preservation Create relevant documentation and best practice as well as criteria for how data is to be long-term retained selected The data is formatted and saved in a relevant way and enables both long-term preservation as recycling Training and marketing toolkits There developed relevant training material Marketing and outreach conducted in selected research groups Sustainability There is developed business models for relevant services

8 KATRINE GASSER Cases and Themes Cases: Practical implementation Themes: Ensure synergy


10 KATRINE GASSER Cases KB Kepler - cases: Measurement of stars and planets based on telescopic images from Kepler - the satellite (NAT) Soren Kierkegaard - case study : Research and publishing around Soren Kierkegaard's writings ( HUM) SB Netlab - Probing a Nations Web Domain. Analyze the development of the entire Danish web from 2005 to 2015. This project is based on data from the Danish Netarchive. Data is processed on the Danish Cultural Heritage Cluster. Preserve and share user generated data associated with radio broadcasts, such as annotations and researcher sourced metadata. DTUB DTU Space geomagnetic data from observatories and satellites ( TEK ) Possibly DTU Wind Energy ( TEK ) SDUB and DDA's Selection Experiment ( Social Sciences) Municipal elections Studies ( Social Sciences) RUB Data Management Planning ( Theme )

11 KATRINE GASSER Example case: NetLab The purpose of this project is to analyze the historical development of the entire Danish web, based on the material provided in the Danish Netarchieve. The main research questions are: How did the Danish web out earlier, and how has it evolved? A sub-goals of the project is to develop the necessary research infrastructure to carry out such an investigation, ie tools and procedures to handle corpus creation, big data analysis and collaboration between archives and researchers.

12 KATRINE GASSER Example: Agenda from the first meeting with the research team at SB Agenda Introduction to " Data Management Plan SB Checklist " and the "Data Management Plan for Probing a Nation 's Web Domain project" live? Basic Information. Data. Documentation and metadata. Ethical and legal issues. Storage and backup. I expect that this point is largely up to the Cultural Heritage cluster project. The selection and conservation. I expect that this item is one that Knud Aage and I continue to work on, and comes with a recommendation for. Data sharing. As above. Responsibilities and resources.

13 KATRINE GASSER Example: NetLab case

14 KATRINE GASSER Example: NetLab case

15 KATRINE GASSER Theme example Select and deposit for long term preservation

16 KATRINE GASSER Theme example: Select and deposit for long term preservation Analysis of existing long term preservation systems for research data Explore ISO standards to consider when determining long term preservation formats Overview of all cases from the long term preservation perspective


18 KATRINE GASSER Access to the DMIP wiki

19 KATRINE GASSER Data Management Planning in Denmark DM in Denmark 2011-15 (Anders) Installation Workshop Templates Future plan

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