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An Age of Explorations 1400–1800 Motivated by Christian faith and a desire for profit, Europeans explore distant lands, while Japanese and Chinese rulers.

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Presentation on theme: "An Age of Explorations 1400–1800 Motivated by Christian faith and a desire for profit, Europeans explore distant lands, while Japanese and Chinese rulers."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Age of Explorations 1400–1800 Motivated by Christian faith and a desire for profit, Europeans explore distant lands, while Japanese and Chinese rulers isolate their societies from Europeans. Caravel—a small, light ship—with triangular sails.

2 Europeans Explore the East For “God, Glory, and Gold” See Factors Behind 15 th -Century European Exploration

3 Europeans Seek New Trade Routes Main reason for exploration is to gain wealth Crusades had created demand for Asian goods Muslims and Italians control trade from East to West Other European nations want to bypass these powers

4 The Spread of Christianity Desire to spread Christianity also motivates exploration

5 Technology Makes Exploration Possible In 1400s, the caravel makes it possible to sail against wind Astrolabe makes navigation easier Magnetic compass improves tracking of direction Astrolabe, used to determine altitude of stars, with planispheres, or adjustable overlays. Georg Hartmann (1532). Many navigation techniques had been developed by the Arabs and Chinese

6 Portugal Leads the Way The Portuguese Explore Africa Prince Henry, the son of Portugal’s king, supports exploration In 1419, he founds navigation school on coast of Portugal By 1460, Portuguese have trading posts along west coast of Africa Henry the Navigator, Portuguese prince noted for patronage of voyages of discovery. Panel detail (about 1465).

7 Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias wants to serve God and king First to sail around the southern tip of Africa in 1488. Explores southeastern coast of Africa. Did not make it further east.

8 Portuguese Sailors Reach Asia In 1498, Vasco da Gama sails to India In 1499, returns to Portugal with valuable cargo I gave Portugal a direct sea route to Asia!

9 Spain Also Makes Claims A Rival Power In 1492, Christopher Columbus sails for Spain Convinces Spanish to support plan to reach Asia by sailing west Reaches the Americas instead Opens Americas to exploration and colonization More on him later...

10 Columbus returns, and meets with Spanish rulers Ferdinand and Isabella. Eugene Delacroix (1839).

11 Zheng He's treasure ship compared in size with Christopher Columbus's smaller Santa Maria.

12 Trading Empires in the Indian Ocean Portugal’s Trading Empire In 1509, Portugal defeats Muslims, takes over Indian Ocean trade Ends Muslim-Italian hold on Asian trade

13 Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain His expedition of 1519–1522 completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth. Magellan did not complete the entire voyage. He was killed in battle. Ferdinand Magellan

14 Other Nations Challenge the Portuguese English and Dutch begin moving into Asia in 17th century Dutch and English weaken Portuguese control of Asian trade Form Dutch East India Company for Asian trade

15 Spain Builds an American Empire The voyages of Columbus prompt the Spanish to establish colonies in the Americas. Christopher Columbus, Spanish explorer, as young man.

16 The Voyages of Columbus First Encounters Genoese sea captain Christopher Columbus reaches Americas (1492) Thinks he is in East Indies, calls natives “los indios”—Indians Actually lands on an island, probably in the Bahamas Unable to find gold, he claims many islands for Spain See Point/Counterpoint: Legacy of Columbus

17 See Interhemispherical Exchange of Plants & Animals; One of the most significant events in the history of world ecology, agriculture, and culture that permanently changed Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

18 Conquistadors In 1519, Hernando Cortés—Spanish adventurer— lands in Mexico He and others become known as conquistadors— Spanish conquerors Cortés Conquers the Aztecs Cortés and 600 men reach Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán By 1521, they conquer Aztec empire Conquest aided by superior weapons, Native American allies European diseases wipe out large numbers of Aztecs

19 Hernando Cortés, Spanish conquistador, received by Montezuma, Aztec emperor.


21 A few words on Economics... The economic theory behind the Age of Exploration was Mercantilism Mercantilism was a precursor to Capitalism See Mercantislism v. Free Market 1500-1776

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