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Published byBryce West Modified over 9 years ago
National Food Security Mission, Uttar Pradesh 9 th Meeting of the National Food Security Mission Executive Committee (NFSM-EC) 16 th May, 2012 at ICAR Committee Room No. 1, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Department of Agriculture, Govt. of UP
Sl. No. Component Sanctioned From GOI Released from GOI Revalidate from GOI Total Released / Approved Amount Expenditure%age of Exp. against released amount 1Rice 6654.886134.32520.566654.885863.223 88.10 2Pulses 6576.775646.60930.176576.774998.810 76.00 3 Addl. Rabi Pulses -1192.00- 266.261 22.33 4Wheat 11851.1610121.15267.2210388.379857.374 95.00 Total 26274.8123094.071717.9524812.0220985.660 84.57 1- NFSM Progress 2011-12 Amount in Lakh Rs. Till 31 March, 2012 Status of implementation of NFSM and A3P during 2011-12
NFSM – Rice Component Amount in Lakh Rs. Sl. No. InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance UnitTargets Approved by GOI Achievement (Till 31 March, 2012) PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Demonstrations on Improved Package of Practices (One demon. of 0.4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice area) Rs. 2500/-per Demon. Nos.6000150.0006000139.732 2 Demonstrations on System of Rice Intensification Rs. 3000/-per Demon. Nos.6000180.0006000164.403 3 Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice Tech. (one Demon. Of 0.4 ha at every 100 haof Rice area. Rs. 3000/-per Demon. Nos.5000150.0005000129.866 4Support for Promotion of Hybrid Rice Seed: (a) Assistance for Production of Hybrid Rice Seed. Rs. 1000/-per Qtl. Qtl.00.000 (b) Assistance for Distribution of Hybrid Rice Seed Rs. 2000/-per Qtl. Qtl.9998199.9606583126.408 5Assistance for Distribution of HYVs Seeds.Rs. 500/-per Qtl.Qtl.80000400.00060933306.214 6Seed Minikits of Rice: (a) HYVs (5 kg each)Full CostNos.61758*64661 (b) Hybrids (6 kgs each)Full CostNos.7000*7050 7Incentive for Micro-nutrients.Rs. 500/-per ha.Ha150000750.000152816772.013 8Assistance for PP Chemicals and bio-agents.Rs. 500/-per haHa.58000290.00051308259.914
Sl.No.InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance UnitTargets Approved by GOI Achievement (Till 31 March, 2012) PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 9 Incentive for Cono-weeders & Other Implements Rs. 3000/-per imple/farmerNos.5038151.1408366130.653 10 Incentive for Knap Sack / Foot / Power Sprayer Rs. 3000/-per MachineNos.354931064.790102210681.868 11Incentive Zero Till Seed Drills.Rs. 15000/-per MachineNos.17225.80012218.258 12Incentive on Seed Drills.Rs. 15000/-per MachineNos.1095164.25687100.950 13Incentive on Power Weeders.Rs. 15000/-per MachineNos.142.10071.050 14Zero Till Multi-crop PlantersRs. 15000/-per MachineNos.182.70030.450 15Ridge Furrow PlantersRs. 15000/-per MachineNos.192.85010.150 16Laser Land LevelersRs. 1.50 lakh /Nos.2233.0002030.000 17Incentive on RotavatorsRs. 30000/-per MachineNos.51601548.00050861499.098 Sub-Total Machinery (Item9 to 17) 2462.477 18Incentives for Pump SetsRs. 10000/-per MachineNos.123701237.000119791197.192 19 Farmers Trainings. (One FFS at every 1000 ha) Rs. 17000/-per training.Nos.700119.000700114.295 20Award for Best Performing Districts.Rs. 5.00 lakh per year.Nos.15.000 21 Miscellaneous Expenses: (a) PMT & Other Misc. Expenses at District Level. Rs. 6.36 lakh per district. Distts. 27165.400 176.839 (b) PMT & Other Misc. Expenses at StateLevel. Rs. 13.87 lakh per State. Distts. 113.870 22Local Initiatives (Activity-wise) TOTAL FINANCIAL 6654.880 5863.223
NFSM – Pulses Component Amount in Lakh Rs. Sl.NoInterventionsApproved Rate of assistance UnitTargets approved by GOI Achievement (Till 31 March, 2012) PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Seed (i) Purchase of Breeder Seeds of Pulses from ICAR Full cost as per uniform rate fixed by DAC Approx. Rs.5234/- per qtls. Qtl.544.7228.510 3217.030 ( ii) Production of Foundation Seeds.Rs. 1000/-per qtlsQtl.30000300.00039778384.130 (iii) Production of Certified Seeds.Rs. 1000/-per qtlsQtl.80000800.00072075720.750 (iv) Distribution of Certified SeedsRs. 1200/-per qtlsQtl.66012.5792.15062200669.800 Sub Total Seeds (I to iv) 1781.710 2 Integrated Nutrient Management: (a) GypsumRs. 750/-per HaHa60000450.000248380.000 (b) Micro-nutrients.Rs. 500/-per HaHa60000300.00050932243.260 (c )Rizobium Culture/ Phosphate Solublizing bacteria Rs. 100/-per HaHa6000060.0003473015.450 Sub Total INM (2a to 2c) 258.710 3 Integrated Pest Management (IPM)Rs. 750/-per HaHa50000375.00063717220.360 4 Assistance for Distribution of PP Chemicals.Rs. 500/-per ha.Ha50000250.0004322794.440 Sub Total IPM (3 to 4) 314.800
Sl. No InterventionsApproved Rate of assistance UnitTargets approved by GOI Achievement (Till 31 March, 2012) PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 5Assistance for WeedicidesRs. 500/-per ha.Ha300015.000 6Incentive for Knap Sack / Foot / Power SprayerRs. 3000/-per machineNos.300090.00021581129.250 7Distribution of Zero Till Seed Drills. Rs. 15,000/-per machine Nos.32248.30031046.500 8Distribution of Multi-crop Planters. Rs. 15,000/-per machine Nos.111.65030.300 9Distribution of Seed Drills. Rs. 15,000/-per machine Nos.4381657.1504130618.430 10Distribution of Rotavators.Rs. 30000/-per machineNos.2296688.8002302688.500 11Laser Land lever Rs.150000/-per machine for group of 10 farmers Nos.1218.000916.500 Sub Total Machinery 1499.48 12Incentive for Pump sets. Rs. 10000/-per per machine Nos7040704.0006959696.790 13Distribution of Sprinkler Sets. Rs. 7500/-per ha per machine Ha100075.000775.770 14 Assistance for Pipe for carrying water from source to the field Rs. 15000/- per farmerSets3900585.0001389251.670 15 Extension, Training including Award to best performing districts (i) Training on Pattern of FFS.Rs. 17,000/- per trag.Nos.50085.00036461.920 (ii) State Level Trainings for Trainers.Rs. 1.00 lakh per trag.Nos.44.000 42.450 ( iii) Award for Best Performing District.Rs. 5.00 Lakh per distNos15.000 16Local Initiatives (Activity-wise) 100.000 17Miscellaneous Expenses (a) District Level (Existing NFSM Districts)Rs. 4.47 lakh per dist.Nos1984.930 118.000 (b) State LevelRs. 6.28 lakhNos16.280 7.510 (c ) Misc. expenses to State for other districtsRs. 1.00 lakh per dist. 5353.000 TOTAL FINANCIAL 6576.770 4998.810
NFSM – Wheat Component Amount in Lakh Rs. Sl. No. InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance UnitTargets Approved by GOI Achievement (Till 31 March, 2012) PhysicalFinancial PhysicalFinancial 1Demonstrations on IPP of Practices (One demo. of 0.4 ha at every 50 ha of Wheat area) Rs. 2000/-per Demo.Nos.21890437.80021890393.903 2Distribution of Certified Seeds of HYVs (SRR)Rs. 500/-per Qtl.Qtl.14465007232.50015012186248.828 3Distribution of Seed Minikits of HYVs of Wheat (10 kg each) Full CostNos. 35427 4Incentive for Micro-nutrients.Rs. 500/-per ha. or in proportion to Gypsum Ha2600001300.0002252391093.540 5Incentive for Gypsum (Salt affected soils).Rs. 500/-per ha. or in proportion to micro- nutrients Ha50000250.0006349 Sub Total INM (Item 4 to 5) 15501093.540 6Incentive for Knap Sack / Foot / Power SprayerRs. 3000/-per MachineNos.13450403.50023279197.388 7Incentive Zero Till Seed Drills.Rs. 15000/-per MachineNos.35052.50014821.900 8Incentive on Multi-crop Planters.Rs. 15000/-per MachineNos.20.30000.000 9Incentive on Seed Drills.Rs. 15000/-per MachineNos.65097.50049674.047 10Incentive on Rotavators..Rs. 30000/-per MachineNos.1800540.0001817542.086 11Incentives for Pump Sets.Rs. 10000/-per MachineNos.100001000.0009028856.699 12Incentives for Sprinkler Sets.Rs. 7500/-per HaHa.201.500211.350 Sub Total Machinery (Item 6 to 12) 1110.3001693.470 13Farmers Trainings. (One FFS at every 1000 ha)Rs. 17000/-per training.Nos.1025174.2501025168.372 14Award for Best Performing Districts.Rs. 5.00 Lakh per year.Distt.15.000 15Miscellaneous Expenses: (a) PMT & Other Misc.Expenses at District Level.Rs. 6.38 lakh per district.Distts.39242.440232.754 (b) PMT & Other Misc.Expenses at StateLevel.Rs. 13.87 lakh per StateState113.870 16 Local Initiatives (Activity Not Specified) $ 100.00012.637 TOTAL FINANCIAL 11851.160 9857.374
Sl. No. InterventionsUnitTargets approved by GOIAchievement up to 31-03-2012(Provisional) 1Seeds- PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial (i) seedqtl 28000336.00021067121.18 (ii) Summer moongqtl 12000144.0003753.35 2 Gypsumha. 35600267.00084 3 Micronutrientha. 35600142.400878556.37 4 Bio Fertilizerha. 3560026.70026732.21 5 Potashha. 356008.9008850.18 6 IPMha. 35600178.000796960.69 7 Pre emergence Weedicide ha. 3560089.000482822.28 TOTAL 1192.000 266.261 NFSM-Additional PULSES, 2011-12 Amount in Lakh Rs.
2- Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) NFSM 2011-12 Uttar Pradesh Total Cost of the Project sanctioned 38 Units by GOI. Rs.1990.00 Lakh Additional 10 Units Cost sanctioned by GOI.Rs.548. 00 Lakh Total Cost of the A3P Project.Rs. 2538.00 Lakh Amount released by GOIRs.1402.00 Lakh During 2010-11 A3P Saving.Rs.539.00 Lakh During 2011-12 Total Amount Available.Rs. 1941.00 Lakh During 2011-12 Total Expenditure.Rs.2033.95 Lakh During 2011-12 Total Liability (Payable).Rs. 92.95 Lakh A3P Financial Progress of 2011-12
CropUnit Physical (ha.) TargetAchi. Kharif Arhar22000 Urd1010000 Total (Kharif)1212000 Rabi Gram2525000 Lentil1111000 Total (Rabi)3636000 Grand Total (Kharif+Rabi)4848000 Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) NFSM 2011-12 Uttar Pradesh Kharif & Rabi 2011-12 Physical Progress
Reasons for shortfall in achievement, if any, INTERVENTION-WISE Limited supply of Hyb. and HYV seed in Rice resulted less distribution. Power weeder / Ridge Furrow Planter / Multi crop Planter are less popular amongst farmers, thereby less distribution. The production of breeder seed was less than their target. Ultimately the payment for breeder seed was claimed less. Due to low occurrence of pest and diseases, the need of PP chemicals does not arise. Rates of sprinkler sets and HDPE pipe were not sanctioned in time. Due to assembly elections from mid of December to March first week the functioning was hampered.
Financial Statement including unspent and interest accrued as on 01.04.2012 InterventionImplement ing Agency Balance on 1.4.2011 Release from GoI in 2011-12 Total Available Fund for 2011-12 Expenditur e in 2011- 12 Unspent / Balance on 1.4.2012 RiceAgri. Deptt. / SAMETI UP 528.0736134.3206662.3935863.223799.170 Wheat 295.99810121.15010417.1489857.375559.773 Pulses 926.140 5646.6006572.7404998.8181573.922 Addl. Rabi Pulses 0.0001192.000 266.261925.739 Publicity 0.0230.0000.0230.00.023 Total 1750.23423094.07024844.30420985.6773858.627 Amount in Lakh Rs.
Performance of Minikits (including stress tolerant varieties of Rice during 2011-12 The impact of the mini-kits is found positive and the varieties are being popularized in the area. Varieties distributed under mini-kit programme have performed well and the productivity of the same has given appreciating results. Crop cutting of mini-kit fields has given better performance rather than prevailing varieties.
APY of Rice, Wheat, Pulses during the period 2006-07 to 2011-12 in NFSM and Non-NFSM districts ComponentImpact on Area (Lakh ha.) 2006-07 (Base Year) 2007-082008-092009-102010-112011-12 Rice NFSM30.6930.42 (0.87% decrease) 31.24 (1.79% increase) 26.71 (12.96% decrease) 29.06 (5.31% decrease) 30.86 (0.55% increase) Non-NFSM27.5027.14 (1.30% decrease) 28.88 (5.01% increase) 24.62 (10.47 due to drought) 27.26 (0.87% decrease) 28.36 (3.12% increase) Wheat NFSM53.6752.24 (2.66% decrease) 54.13 (0.86% increase) 55.18 (2.81% increase) 55.62 (3.63% increase) 97.31 (T) Non-NFSM40.2238.90 (3.28% decrease) 40.57 (0.87% increase) 41.49 (3.16% increase) 40.74 (1.29% increase) Pulses NFSM16.5014.73 (10.72% decrease) 14.74 (10.66% decrease) 16.99 (2.97% increase) 24.28 24.48 (T) Non-NFSM8.187.97 (2.56% decrease) 7.48 (8.55% decrease) 7.53 (7.94% decrease)
Component Impact on Production (Lakh MT) 2006-07 (base year) 2007-082008-092009-102010-11 (T)2011-12 (T) Rice NFSM Non-NFSM 51.2658.54 (14.20% increase) 64.60 (26.02% increase) 51.34 (0.16% increase even drought) 58.94 (14.98% increase) 69.86 (36.28 increase) 57.5159.75 (3.89% increase) 65.91 (14.61% increase) 55.51 (3.48% decrease) 60.44 (5.09% increase) 69.76 (21.30 increase) Wheat NFSM Non-NFSM 140.00139.83 (1.7% decrease) 154.49 (10.35% increase) 147.01 (5% increase) 164.43 (17.38% increase) 315.77 (T) 120.26116.97 ( 2.73% decrease due to rise in temp. milking/ dough stage ) 131.05 (8.97% increase) 128.17 (6.57% increase) 135.57 (12.73% increase) Pulses NFSM Non-NFSM 11.969.51 (20.48% decrease) 13.62 (13.88% increase) 12.42 (3.85% increase)20.69 (11.09% increase) 21.13 (T) 6.176.76 (9.56% increase) 6.36 (3.07% increase) 5.99 (2.92% decrease due to drought )
ComponentImpact on Productivity in (Q/ha.) 2006-07 (Base Year) 2007-082008-092009-102010-112011-12 Rice NFSM16.7019.24 (15.21% increase) 20.68 (23.83% increase) 19.22 (15.08% increase) 20.28 (21.43% increase 22.64 (35.56% increase) Non-NFSM20.9122.01 (5.26% increase) 22.82 (9.50% increase) 22.55 (7.84% increase) 22.17 (10.81% increase) 24.60 (17.64% increase) Wheat NFSM26.0826.76 (2.68% increase) 28.54 (9.43% increase) 26.64 (2.15% increase) 29.56 (13.34% increase) 32.45 (T) Non-NFSM29.9030.06 (0.54% increase) 32.30 (8.03% increase) 30.88 (3.27% increase) 33.27 (11.27% increase) Pulses NFSM7.256.45 (11.03% decrease) 9.24 (27.45% increase) 7.31 (0.83% increase)8.32 (12.92% increase) 8.63 (T) Non-NFSM Avg. 7.55 7.35 8.48 (12.32% increase) 8.50 (12.58% increase) 7.95 (5.30% increase)
Special initiatives and overall impact of NFSM SRR is improved through seed distribution. Demonstrations had positive results in disseminating technology amongst the farmers. The production and productivity is significantly increased. Soil health is also improved by using soil ameliorants. Mechanization in agriculture is getting pace. Additional land is brought under irrigation.
Status of online submission of progress report Status of online feeding of the beneficiaries is in progress and as on today U.P. stands first in the country. Online submission of progress report will be initiated soon. Online Feeding Report …
Strategies under NFSM during 2012-13 Sl No ComponentsTentative Target Worked out by GoI Proposed by State 1Rice8124.0879301.940 2Pulses7863.7919966.460 3Wheat8030.53316686.64 Total24018.41135955.040 Summary of State Action Plan (NFSM) 2012-13 proposed by Districts Amount in Lakh Rs.
Input planning for Kharif - 2012 Pulses seed will be made available by 25 th May. Remaining seed is being made available at the sale points level. Fertilizer arrangements have already been made. Pesticide and insecticide will be made available well in time.
Issues for discussion PMT in all pulses districts. Support – Staff (Computer Operator, Photo Fax / Copier Operator and Peon) at Head Quarters, as per need based requirement. Mobility allowance (Transport & Communication) be provided. As the cost of agricultural implements has increased, therefore subsidy on implements needs to be enhanced. Subsidy on production of foundation / certified seed of pulses and purchase of breeder seed should be continued. Paddy Transplanter, Power Tiller, Thresher, Marker and Drum Seeder should be included under implements on subsidy. Fund flow through Mission Director − NFSM & not through SAMETI
Year-wise & Component-wise Expenditure under NFSM during 11 th Five Year Plan Amount in Lakh Rs. Fin.Wheat ComponentPulse ComponentRice ComponentPublicityTotal% YearRecd.Exp.Recd.Exp.Recd. Amt Exp.Recd.Exp.Recd. AmtExp.age Amt 2007-087079.044648.33841.03314.83--459.000.978379.064964.1359.24 2008-0911391.589282.872596.261829.034489.421161.43458.02309.4918935.2812582.8266.45 2009-1015700.9015134.015686.784264.837444.793436.58148.53137.7728981.0022973.2079.26 2010-1110443.3910176.174912.933982.775008.214479.6510.77 20375.3018638.6091.47 2011-1210388.379857.377768.775265.076654.885863.22−−24812.0220985.6684.57 Total55003.2849098.7521805.7715656.5323597.3014940.881076.32448.23101482.6680144.4178.97
Updated on 15/5/2012 State/Year Wise Summary Report of Beneficiaries of Online Feeding (Only Beneficiaries) State2007-082008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Uttar Pradesh139542017294156926724495826 Maharashtra1238184227141022623645506 Chhattisgarh2123111608679818142 Tamil Nadu201312042507860211464 Punjab110623061727234213498830 Assam2459892527814848115 Gujrat0059011601219 Karnataka1002135892225 Bihar141656077 Madhya Pradesh03216874 Jharkhand000300 Andhra Pradesh0444012 Odisha01010011 Grand Total191531 Beneficiaries + Inputs Supply State2007-082008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Uttar Pradesh137840127144137806271589029 Maharashtra124717329866241023220995 Punjab11862341166020504607697 Assam270274450514276926 Chhattisgarh3123490845265672 Gujrat00001058 Tamil Nadu1912920513039522 Bihar36207036 Andhra Pradesh132309 Madhya Pradesh030003 Karnataka100113 Odisha010102 Grand Total131952
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