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Analysis of certification systems in partner countries mag.Danica Hrovatič, Slovenia Happy Farm, 2nd International Meeting Ireland, 12th-16th September.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of certification systems in partner countries mag.Danica Hrovatič, Slovenia Happy Farm, 2nd International Meeting Ireland, 12th-16th September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of certification systems in partner countries mag.Danica Hrovatič, Slovenia Happy Farm, 2nd International Meeting Ireland, 12th-16th September 2007

2 2 Analysis structure 0/ Introduction (project goals, purpose of analysis, partners presentation, methodology) I/ Starting points of the qualification systems (terminology framework, some aspects of educational and vocational systems, REVANIL process) II/ Education and training for people with special needs and employment difficulties III/ Cases of comparable vocational qualifications

3 3 Project aims to develop social enterprises on countryside (with social services, sports and ecological aspects); opening new possibilities for employment; preparation of the supporting programmes of social enterprises; preparing vocational programme for working on farm.

4 4 Purpose of analysis -training of project group/providers of SE -training programme/standard on 3rd level -3 programmes of social enterprise (farm) supporting the project HF at achievement its goals

5 5 Methodology desk research questionnaire 1 OECD, EC, LLL, national reports

6 6 Structure of the questionnaire 1 National strategy that defines the system of recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning 25 questions in three chapters: I.national strategies and legislative framework in the field of recognition II.national strategies and legislation about training programmes of people with difficulties or less opportunities on the LM III.comparable vocational qualifications

7 7 I / Qualification systems and REVANIL Terminology framework (glossary) Characteristics of educational and training systems between the partner countries National strategies and legislation framework of REVANIL process Certification system (Slovenia, Ireland) Actors, conditions, financing

8 8 Terminology framework recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning : REVANIL 15 other terms connected with project (education, learning, certification system, recognition, standard, competences,...) Source: OECD (2007): Qualification Systems. Bridges to Lifelong Learning. OECD, Paris.

9 9 REVANIL Recognition (legislation is not necessary) Validation (legislation is or not necessary) Accreditation (legislation is necessary) certificate / award / qualification Non-formal and Informal Learning learning outcomes knowledge, skills and competences

10 10 Characteristics of Educational and training systems between involved countries: How to get education or qualification? we have to compare learning environment andqualification structure (school, working place)

11 11 Typology of QS (8) Dual System: responsibility between schools and firms; Qualification Framework: explicit framework from educational and occupational sectors; VET Schools: studies to specific occupational area; Centralization: unified QS controlled by agency/government; Labour Market: entry to LM is regulated through qualification; RPL: clear national system or programme; Credit System: different qualifications can be combined; Credentialist: education and other credentials are essential for entry to LM, to higher education, progress.

12 12 Comparison of QS * This is definitely true for my country (1); ** This is only partially true for my country (2); There is only limited experience of this in my country (3); This is not present in my country (4) (Source: OECD 2005) 1*RPL** Belgium Flanders DS, VET, C, LM 4 Belgium WalloniaCr3 HungaryC, LM, Cr3 IrelandQF, C,4 SloveniaC, LM,2.5 Austria (quest. 1) DS4

13 13 Strategies and legislation (REVANIL) Nationalstrategieslegislation SloveniaYES AustriaYESNO IrelandYESNO BelgiumYES HungaryNO

14 14 REVANIL and VQ REVANILVQ SloveniaYESVE and CS AustriaNOdual system BelgiumNO? IrelandYES/NOqualification system / 10 levels HungaryYES?

15 15 Two cases: SLO and IR SLO: process of recognition (group and individual counselling, creating portfolio, validation of competences) and procedure of assessment and accreditation (portfolio assessment and accreditation) IR: developing awards and standards by FETAC


17 17 Source: MŠŠ/2006 Vocational education - SL

18 18 Fan of NFQ – Ireland

19 19 Qualification Systems Sources: OECD 2007: Qualification Systems. Bridges to Lifelong Learning. OECD, Paris. CEDEFOP: Training village. National VET Systems

20 20 SloveniaMLFSA, CPI, RIC, unions, professional and vocational associations; accredited providers AustriaAustrian Federal Economic Chamber, Chamb.of Commerce, Cham.of Labour BelgiumPiloting instances, Accreditation bodies, Evaluators. IrelandFETAC; specter of organisations HungaryNational institute for public educaton; Training centres; Accredited institutions. Actors (REVANIL)

21 21 Conditions / ages / financing no special conditions age of 18 (Slovenia,Belgium) age of 15 (Austria, exceptionally Slovenia) cost of procedure: from 300 – 1200 EUR cost per individual: from 0 – 143,98 EUR

22 22 EQF Why is it important for project HF? Because EQF stresses importance of the learning outcome. not learning (way of learning, formal or non-formal, duration) but learning outcome knowledge, skills and competences

23 23 8 levels (EQF NQF) 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 level 6 level 7 level 8 level knowl edge x skills X comp etenc es X

24 24 II/ E. and T. of persons with disabilities project target group, national strategies and legislation, key partners in the implementation of the main activities of TG, financing / REVANIL / meeting needs of persons, education and training centres, innovative employment policies.

25 25 Target group (project HF) people with disabilities and people with decreased working abilities; the unemployed elderly; the youth without completed formal education and the unemployed (people with elementary or vocational school diploma or without completed elementary or high school education ); other groups, defined as disadvantaged in the labour market.

26 26 NS and L: 3 systems people with special needs people with less opportunities on labour market people with difficulties education employment social welfare

27 27 Key partners (TG) SloveniaMES, Public Employment Service, MLFSA, CPI, SAEI, CSD, JAPTI; AustriaInclusive Professional Training Asistance, Public Employment Service, Ch.of commerce, Federal Social Office Belgium3 ministries for education, one per linguistic community IrelandGovernment Department for Health&Children; other actors (specter of them) HungaryNational institute for public educaton; Training centres; Accredited institutions. Key partners (TG)

28 28 Slovenia: MLFSA and MES Austria: Ministry of social welfare and the regional governments Ireland: government departments (education and science, enterprise trade and employment, health & children), Sheltered Occupational Services; Belgium: VDAB Hungary: Employment Fund Financing (ETs,Es,SWs)

29 29 Revanil and TG -no special procedure (Ex.SL – catalog) -individual approach, individual support, individual assessment, -vocational orientation (what is appropriate for person, which training or field of work), -special needs have to be integrated in practical training, -easy-to-read and easy-to-write concept. REVANIL and needs of TG

30 30 Traininig centres Training Centres Sloveniasheltered enterprises for the disabled, NGO programmes, examples of social cooperatives Austriasocial enterprises and their training centres Belgiumall over the country Irelanddeveloped on national, regional and local basis Hungaryin every chief town (38)

31 31 Innovative employment policies programmes of School-to-Work transition working enclaves supported employment job stripping, job carving natural support job coaching person centred planning training and work at farm (day care, living centre)

32 32 III / Comparative VQ Slovenia (comparative VQ) assistant to the farmer; manufacturer of bread, pastry and pasta in the traditional way; gardener/producer; cheese maker; stock farmer; social home care worker; Austria (VQ could be trained in the farm) craftsman of rural home economics; conservation of fruits and vegetables; pastry cooks; Belgium (VQ for persons with disabilites) gardening and agriculture; family and industrial techniques; work in sheltered workshops, kitchens, hotels; Ireland (training programmes) nationally accredited courses, delivered in modules (12,5 – 25 hours duration); progression to awards Hungary (VQ and training programme) basket maker; purpose of the training programme – organic farmer (9 contents – 300 lessons)

33 33 Conclusion What are the needs of (new) occupation/ qualification for further work in the project? Slovenia(Slovene) farm host; (tourism) animator (3th level); assistant to the caretaker on the farm) Austria(pastry) cooks; waiter Belgium transfer of practices or programmes ? Ireland transfer of selected modules ? Hungaryanimal breeding; cheese making

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