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Shirley Jackson’s story “The Lottery” ends with the brutal killing of Tessie Hutchinson. Does the story also show the powerlessness of women? Does this.

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Presentation on theme: "Shirley Jackson’s story “The Lottery” ends with the brutal killing of Tessie Hutchinson. Does the story also show the powerlessness of women? Does this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shirley Jackson’s story “The Lottery” ends with the brutal killing of Tessie Hutchinson. Does the story also show the powerlessness of women? Does this reflect history? Has this changed? Remember our discussion of Soraya M (the woman recently stoned in the Middle East)?




5 Shirley Jackson wouldn’t tell what the story was about because she wanted to leave the people wondering what was happening. She probably didn’t want to tell anyone why they did that because it probably wouldn’t make sense to us. There was probably a certain reason they did this. Maybe her family got stoned or someone in her family did.

6 The differences between the movie and story are that instead of just one person picking from the lottery the whole family picked from it. In the movie, Mrs. Dunbar picked for her husband. In the story she did also, but Mr. Summers asked her son if she could pick for her but she said he was not even 16 so she had to pick. Also, the girls make fun of Harry Jones, but in the story they didn’t. Also, the Hutchinson’s had 3 kids in the story but only 1 in the movie. I like the story better because there’s more suspense, and you can picture it better.

7 Some traditions are not fair, when the seniors torment the freshman at the pep rally, or, when they call the freshman, ‘freshmeat’ on the first day of school. People wanted to change things about the slaves, and how they were treated.

8 Sending people by their birthdates is unfair. They shouldn’t be allowed to do that. People should be able to go into the army voluntarily. People should have the right to choose whether to go or not.

9 As I watched the video, I realized that it happened again and it happens all the time. It happens everyday people leave someone all because they’re a certain race, or religion. Kids die, trained from when they’re little, so when they grow up they see it happening in other countries and don’t react. The video was a wakeup call, its not okay to do that anymore and people will never change.

10 In “The Lottery,” who had the most power in the village? Do you think this reflected the society that Shirley Jackson (the author) grew up in? Why or why not?

11 He was the 28 th President from 1913-1921

12 Women’s suffrage was the fight for the right to vote for all people, including women.

13 She was a leader in the NWP (National Women’s Party), which was fighting for the right to vote for all women. She organized pickets outside of the White House, protesting against the president in wartime.


15 Who were the Silent Sentinels? Write a paragraph explaining who they are and get 5 extra credit points.

16 As we have seen from “The Lottery,” where the village is unwilling to give up its traditions, and with other events in our history, people seem to be reluctant give up outdated traditions and ideas. Why do you think people are unwilling to let go of traditions or ideas? Directions: Work with your group and summarize your answer by writing and/or drawing around the prompt on the poster.

17 Please work quietly on your creative projects and essays. You may use the Mac Lab: User Name- Type the name on keyboard’s label Please put them away at the end of the period.

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