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Lesson 16.2 Angles, Angles, Angles. Math Vocabulary angle – Is formed by two rays, that share the same endpoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 16.2 Angles, Angles, Angles. Math Vocabulary angle – Is formed by two rays, that share the same endpoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 16.2 Angles, Angles, Angles

2 Math Vocabulary angle – Is formed by two rays, that share the same endpoint

3 Angles Four types of angles:  Acute angle  Right angles  Obtuse Angle  Straight Angle

4 Acute Angles Acute Angles…  small and a”cute”  LESS than 90º  named by the three points that fall on the angle GFE or EFG

5 Right Angles Right Angles…  creates “perfect” corner  EXACTLY 90º  measurement is represented by a small box  named by the three points that fall on the angle AOB or BOA

6 Obtuse Angles Obtuse Angle…  wide open angle  GREATER than 90º  named by the three points that fall on the angle QRS and TUV

7 Straight Angles Straight Angle…  looks similar to a straight line w/ three points  EXACTLY 180º  named by the three points that fall on the angle RST or TSR

8 Finding Angles within Angles Name the following angles: acute angle(s)? obtuse angle(s)? right angle(s)? straight angle?

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