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Success Vs. Average The Secrets of the highly Successful.

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1 Success Vs. Average The Secrets of the highly Successful

2 Kevin Kruse (New York Times Best Sellers) wrote a new book that I thought sounded VERY familiar to things we have discussed about Time Blocking The new book is called 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time You can get the book on Amazon for $18 for a print copy or $.99 for Kindle

3 Kevin interviewed 7 Billionaires 13 Olympic Athletes 29 Straight-A Students 239 Entrepreneurs These interviews developed data to statistically look at what the most successful people are doing differently

4 The first thing Kevin discovered is that extremely successful people have Habits as apposed to tasks “Richard Branson has a habit of conducting meetings standing up to keep the flow going” “The CEO of Intel comes in at 9:00 and leaves at 5:30 every day regardless of what is going on” Each Habit you create has an immediate impact on your business, implement new habits 1 at a time. Once you have truly developed a new habit then add a new one

5 The next thing Kevin found in his interviews is that none of the ultra successful people he spoke to use a To Do List This is Old Technology Mark Cuban said “Ivy Lee is the inventor of the To Do List in 1908. When consulting Charles Schwab on how he and his executives could be more productive. Lee told them to write down 6 things they want to accomplish the next day. Begin the next day on the first task, work on it until it is complete then begin on the second task, and so on” This is antiquated Technology that may work an average situation or for average performers, but none of the ultra successful use it

6 The 6 main reasons To Do Lists don’t work 1. No Time Duration or Restraints 2. No Priority of tasks 3. To many tasks to complete 4. To easy to say yes just add it to the list 5. Zeigarnick effect – Anything that we know about but do not yet have a plan for burns mental energy and causes stress 6. Don’t Work – 50% of tasks are never done, of the ones that are done, most are on the list less than an hour

7 There are a few Core Beliefs that Kevin identified in his interviews First – Time is the single most important asset a person has They believe that everyone of the 1440 minutes in a day is important They know you can make money, you can generate leads, you develop relationships, but you can not manufacture time If you are not working on your dreams and goals during the 1440 minutes, you are working on someone else's agenda

8 Second – Being Busy does not equal being productive Successful people NEVER say “crazy busy” they say things like “killing it” Successful people do not care how a project or a task gets done, they are focused on the result, not the task

9 Kevin Kruse has come up with a Formula he calls E-3C He believes this is the secret formula all successful people are using in their lives and business Energy – Capture Calendar Concentrate

10 Capture – Discover what your One Thing is. Your Most Important Task (MIT) Once you know what that one thing is that will allow you to be successful in your business you can begin to work productively instead of being busy Your MIT may be different on a Tuesday than it is on a Thursday The key of capture is to identify your Most Important Task

11 Calendar – Pretty simple right, add that MIT to your calendar Working from a calendar is infinitely more productive than a To Do List Schedule your MIT Make it for the morning hours. Studies have shown people are most alert 2 hours after waking up


13 Concentrate – Get into a Zone when working on your MIT Turn off your cell phones, close browsers and social media, put a do not disturb sign on the door We learned when talking about Focus that every time it is broken we spend 25 minutes getting back into the Zone not to mention the mental exhaustion we are creating for ourselves Multi Taskers are people who aren’t focused on the task at hand. Either they can’t or won’t get into a zone

14 Here are the List of the 15 Secrets of Successful People About Time

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