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Put your project proposal out on your desk for Ms. Dyer to collect it.

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Presentation on theme: "Put your project proposal out on your desk for Ms. Dyer to collect it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Put your project proposal out on your desk for Ms. Dyer to collect it.
World War I Enduring Understanding: The underlying causes of World War One were militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism Essential Questions: Why were some countries pulled into World War One? How did alliances contribute to the magnitude of World War One? How did militarism, nationalism, and imperialism contribute to the causes of World War One? Put your project proposal out on your desk for Ms. Dyer to collect it.

2 Specific Learning Outcomes
Students will identify key players in World War One. Students will interpret the purpose and significance of alliances Students will identify and interpret underlying causes of World War One Students will organize the causes of World War One in a graphic organizer Students will apply their understanding of World War One to a collaborative in-class assignment.

3 Serbian/Austro-Hungarian Conflict
Franz Ferdinand Heir to Austro-Hungarian Empire Wanted to avoid war with Serbia have a peaceful coexistence Serbia Independent State Viewed Austria-Hungary as a threat Opposed alliance When Franz Ferdinand visited Sarajevo on Serbian National Day, he was killed.

4 The Shot Heard Around the World
Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian, Gavrillo Princip, without the permission of the Serbian government. Austria-Hungary viewed this act as a declaration of war

5 How did the Austria-Hungarian government react to the Assassination?
They issued Serbia an ULTIMATUM Find and bring killer and anyone involved to trial. Stop all anti Austrian-Hungarian terrorism. Serbia followed the ultimatum because they were no match militarily…BUT…

6 Germany’s Role Germany convinces Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia anyway Russia begins sending it’s army to help Serbia Germany declares war on Russia System of Alliances begin to activate

7 Many countries are pulled into the Great War
Russia asks their ally France to join. France hates Germany because Germany had stolen the important coal region of Alsace- Lorraine from France. Great Britain declares war on Germany because they are an ally of Russia and France.

8 What is so important about Alsace-Lorraine?


10 Why have Alliances? Countries or people form alliances or gangs because there is strength in numbers. Alliances are used to protect each other. Weaker countries use stronger countries for their military might. Stronger countries use weaker countries for their strategic locations and vital natural resources.


12 The Players The Allies (Major players) France Russia
United States (…later!) Great Britain Serbia F.R.U.G.S

13 The Players The Central Powers Austria-Hungary Germany
Italy (initially…)

14 Major Countries' Leaders
United States of America: WOODROW WILSON


16 Leaders Great Britain: DAVID LLOYD GEORGE

17 Leaders Russia: CZAR NICHOLAS II

18 Leaders Germany: KAISER WILHELM II

19 Why did WWI start? M.A.I.N 1. Militarism 2. Alliances
New weapons of mass destruction were waiting to be tested 2. Alliances System of complex alliances changed a conflict between two countries into a larger “world war”

20 Why did WWI start? M.A.I.N 3. Imperialism 4. Nationalism
Whoever had the most foreign colonies was seen as the most successful The dual-monarchy of Austria-Hungary was trying to impose Imperialism on Serbia 4. Nationalism Imperial countries of Europe were waiting for a reason to fight each other to establish one dominant power once and for all

21 Causes of WWI: Graphic Organizer
Ms. Dyer will be handing out a blank graphic organizer. On your own fill out the four bubbles that correspond with the four underlying causes of World War One.

22 Causes of WWI Assignment


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