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Sustainability, Community, Value 3. Criteria Transportation Development Walkability Resource Management Waste Management 41.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability, Community, Value 3. Criteria Transportation Development Walkability Resource Management Waste Management 41."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability, Community, Value 3

2 Criteria Transportation Development Walkability Resource Management Waste Management 41

3 Transportation Choices = Affordability Housing located close to public transit is convenient and holds value Steepest value declines and the highest foreclosure rates in auto- dependent areas Areas with transportation choices, including walkability, held their value 41-44

4 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, published 2009, Where Does the Money Go? Average Household Expenditures 42

5 Housing + Transportation Index Interactive mapping tool Average percentage of income spent on housing plus transportation for cities, towns, and neighborhoods across the country Benchmark = 47% 44

6 Development Away from the traditional city center consuming rural and agricultural space Growing realization that a car-dependent way of life is expensive, inconvenient, and ultimately unsustainable 44-45

7 New Urbanism Principles: Developing urban infill Promoting mixed-use community design Efficient intermodal transportation systems Encouraging walkability Redeveloping greyfield and brownfield sites Also known as smart growth 46

8 Form-Based Codes Traditional zoning codes focus on separating land uses Form-based building codes focus on how buildings relate to each other and shape the public spaces 46

9 Walkability Ultimate zero-emissions community Connect places and people Foster a sense of community Improve property values—every point on the scale increases home value by $700– $3,000 48

10 Complete Streets Meet the needs of all users or all ages Low-speed routes, simplified intersections, reduced visual clutter, and separation between traffic and walkways and bike paths Reduce accidents, promote physical activity and walkability, Enhance property values 49

11 Partnership for Sustainable Communities Provide more transportation choices Promote equitable, affordable housing Enhance economic competitiveness Support existing communities Coordinate and leverage federal policies and investment Value communities and neighborhoods 49-50

12 LEED-ND Imagine the positive impact on a community’s property values of LEED ND certification? Coalition U.S. Green Building Council Congress for the New Urbanism Natural Resources Defense Council 50-51

13 Opportunities for the Real Estate Professional Opinion Leader Information Source Networker Green MLS Supporter Influencer Market Leader 51-52

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