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LTMS Technology Project: Using Simulations in Primary Prevention Training for Victims of Domestic Violence.

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Presentation on theme: "LTMS Technology Project: Using Simulations in Primary Prevention Training for Victims of Domestic Violence."— Presentation transcript:

1 LTMS Technology Project: Using Simulations in Primary Prevention Training for Victims of Domestic Violence

2 The Goal To provide a curriculum for the direct instruction and counseling of victims seeking services from a domestic violence agency, so as to decrease the reliance on one-to-one intervention with staff; and to increase the skills of victims seeking primary and secondary prevention of an abusive relationship.

3 The Objectives *To determine the needed learning solutions and the best delivery approach for each learning solution *To increase understanding and recognition of the causes and consequences of existing within a domestic violent relationship *To increase skills and use of services by victims, so as to live safely, financially, legally, and emotionally independent of a domestic violent relationship. *To train counselors and advocates to effectively implement the end-user learning solution

4 My Inspiration – My Passion I am a survivor I am now an advocate

5 DVSLC: A Non-Profit Agency Need for additional services Lack of money Shrinking staff

6 Making Time Work: The Timeline Research: early June until August Design: Late August until late November Development: Late October until present Implementation: Ongoing

7 Research: The Outcomes Lack of training for victims in specified areas Need for training in specific outcomes Emphasis on simulations and active involvement Need for data to support further financial support A late discovery – the easy part!


9 Design: From the Drawing Board to the Outcomes and sometimes back again Designed 6 modules focusing on interactive e-learning Each module has three to eight sections Each module includes formative and summative assessment Each module contains interactive games and/or simulations to reinforce learning All modules utilize a blend of Flash CS5.5 and Captivate 5 Additional programs: Photoshop and Word

10 Sample Storyboard

11 Design: The Challenges… and some were tough Need to develop a base curriculum Need to learn programs to determine available options for games and module training Need to simplify; change to 2 nd person Need to re-organize and rename modules Need to use rapid proto-typing

12 Development: The Outcomes Big ideas in process Need for additional revisions Increased knowledge of Flash and Captivate Plan works


14 Development: And then there were the challenges Needed to use remote desktop Needed to purchase software and user guides Learning to use two different design programs at same time Need to change photos that were more effective Programs freezing Impossible functions

15 Implementation: Learning Outcomes Content easy to understand Increased awareness and understanding of section objectives ---thanks to a great focus group

16 Implementation: Learning Attitudes Eager to start training Willing to discuss learning Critical analysis of content Enthusiasm

17 Implementation: Peer Feedback Highly supportive of venture Recognition of need for this type of training Appreciative of use of interaction Receptive to innovation- From educators, advocates, and “ the techs”

18 Implementation: Administrative Feedback Receptive to plan Specific expectations Helpful criticism on design Helpful instruction for software use Supportive of personal limitations ---thanks to Andy Petroski

19 Final Reflection A vision has become a reality Intense and credible research supported ideas Intense and credible research refined the vision Rapid prototype is effective for fast development Detailed design eases development Regular feedback provides support and needed evaluation

20 Now I get it!!

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