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Irregular Verbs Chapter 11, pg 190. VERB Tenses Normally, verbs get an -ed in the past tense and past participle. Irregular means the verb does something.

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1 Irregular Verbs Chapter 11, pg 190

2 VERB Tenses Normally, verbs get an -ed in the past tense and past participle. Irregular means the verb does something different.

3 COMMON REGULAR VERBS Walk PresentPastPast Participle ??? Can you list these verb forms? Walk Walked

4 SOME IRREGULAR VERBS Don’t change their form Bet PresentPastPast Participle Bet

5 SOME IRREGULAR VERBS Don’t change their form (pg 190) PresentPastPast Participle Bet Cost Cut Hit Hurt, put, quit, spread. Practice pg 191

6 SOME IRREGULAR VERBS Past/Past Participle are the Same PresentPastPast Participle BendBent LendLent SendSent CreepCrept BringBrought Practice pg 191-192

7 SOME IRREGULAR VERBS Differ in each form. blow PresentPastPast Participle ??? Can you list these verb forms?

8 COMMON IRREGULAR VERBS blow PresentPastPast Participle blowblewblown Practice! Pg 192-193

9 break Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

10 break PresentPastPast Participle breakbrokebroken

11 catch Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

12 catch PresentPastPast Participle catchcaught

13 choose Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

14 chose PresentPastPast Participle chose chosen

15 come Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

16 come PresentPastPast Participle comecamecome

17 do Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

18 do PresentPastPast Participle dodiddone

19 draw Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

20 draw PresentPastPast Participle drawdrewdrawn

21 drink Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

22 drink PresentPastPast Participle drinkdrankdrunk

23 dream Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

24 dream PresentPastPast Participle dreamdreamt/ dreamed

25 drive Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

26 drive PresentPastPast Participle drivedrovedriven

27 eat Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

28 eat PresentPastPast Participle eatateeaten

29 fall Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

30 fall PresentPastPast Participle fallfellfallen

31 forgive Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

32 forgive PresentPastPast Participle forgiveforgaveforgiven

33 get Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

34 get PresentPastPast Participle getgotgotten

35 go Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

36 go PresentPastPast Participle gowentgone

37 grow Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

38 grow PresentPastPast Participle growgrewgrown

39 know Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

40 know PresentPastPast Participle knowknewknown

41 lay Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

42 lay PresentPastPast Participle laylaid

43 lie Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

44 lie PresentPastPast Participle lielaylain

45 ride Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

46 ride PresentPastPast Participle rideroderidden

47 run Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

48 run PresentPastPast Participle runranrun

49 see Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

50 see PresentPastPast Participle seesawseen

51 sing Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

52 sing PresentPastPast Participle singsangsung

53 sit Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

54 sit PresentPastPast Participle sitsat

55 speak Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

56 speak PresentPastPast Participle speakspokespoken

57 swim PresentPastPast Participle swimsswamswum ??? Can you list these verb forms?

58 swim PresentPastPast Participle swimswamswum

59 take Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

60 take PresentPastPast Participle taketooktaken

61 throw Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

62 throw PresentPastPast Participle throwthrewthrown

63 write Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???

64 write PresentPastPast Participle writewrotewritten

65 Irregular Verb Goodies Irregular Verb Guessing Game Irregular Verb Flashcards Irregular Verb Concentration Irregular Past Tense Verbs Ants Picnic Verb Concentration Irregular Verb Listing Irregular Verb Online Exercises Exercise 1: Using Irregular Verbs Exercise 2: Using Irregular Verbs Exercise 3: Using Irregular VerbsExercise 3: Using Irregular Verbs New! Exercise 4: Using Irregular VerbsExercise 4: Using Irregular Verbs New! Exercise 5: Using Irregular VerbsExercise 5: Using Irregular Verbs New! Exercise 6: Using Lay and Lie Correctly MAIN

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