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Energy Depletion Energy Depletion Amber Kaylin Dakota Jake Nick.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Depletion Energy Depletion Amber Kaylin Dakota Jake Nick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Depletion Energy Depletion Amber Kaylin Dakota Jake Nick

2 People are all worried about the shortage of energy and fuel, etc., But no one seems to want to stop it. Here is a list of things you can do to solve energy depletion. --- If you’re a kid, talk to your parents about having a wood stove built into your home rather than fire places, gas stove, and whatever else you have in your house to keep your warm running on energy. --- Also bike more often, if it is a nice summer day, and you need to get around, ask a guardian around you if you could ride your bike to your destination. In some cases it’s easier to ride a bike rather than driving in a car. As you can see many simple things can help solve energy depletion in the simplest was. Think about it

3 How bad is energy? How bad is energy? There is probably one thing that we can all agree on: the worlds energy reserves are not unlimited. Actually that's not strictly true, there is a near unlimited supply of energy coming from the sun but we are pretty bad at converting it into useful energy. Look around and ask yourself how much things will change in the near future. It is pretty certain that we will run out of gas in your lifetime. Quite when it will happen is up for debate but a guess of around twenty years would probably be pretty close. That's not long considering that, certainly in the UK, a good portion of houses have only gas powered heating and cooking. Very Little supply Of energy left.

4 Wind and Biomass Biomass makes energy by melting garbage and plants for energy. Wind spins turbine for energy.

5 Solar Solar TIP- When you leave a room for the littlest second, still turn off the light. People believe there should be solar panels on houses to keep people warm and save money, electricity, and most importantly the planet. Do you think it’s a good idea? Well if you do, you’re right, its actually a great idea but it would be kind of strange to have big solar panels on the roof of your house. So if people use light from the sun, in the summer time open windows, and in the cold season have low fuel efficient heaters, people wouldn’t have to do that. You’d be saving the planet.

6 Nuclear power Nuclear power Nuclear Power is power (generally electrical) produced from controlled by nuclear reactions. Electric utility reactors heat water to produce steam, which is then used to generate electricity. In 2007, 14% of the world's electricity came from nuclear power, despite concerns about safety and radioactive waste management. More than 150 naval vessels using nuclear positions have been built. Nuclear powered reactions are widely believed to be safer than fission and appear potentially viable, though technically quite difficult. Fusion power has been under intense theoretical and experimental investigation for many years.

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