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Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20111 Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance REFLECTIVE PRACTICE Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20111 Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance REFLECTIVE PRACTICE Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20111 Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance REFLECTIVE PRACTICE Department of Education

2 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20112 Training/Development Question Posed: Does training change practice = What interventions are necessary for change and transformation? What methodologies are necessary for change transformation?

3 vanita richard 7 March 20093 Methodology Start with self experiential photo-voice project reflective journal. policies documentaries self study transformation/re dress. Methodology

4 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20114 Transforming Practice Theoretical Framework: Sparks and Phillips 1997 and Lawrence and Tatum 1998 Noel typology on identity development is used as a broad framework to engage participants to reevaluate their perceptions, attitudes, and values. Typology is a chronological progression or stages of experiences.

5 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20115 Transforming Practice Sparks & Phillips 1997 Activism Transformation Disequilibrium Conflict

6 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20116 Transforming Practice NoelLawrence and Tatum Unexamined identity Search for identity Construction of identity Clarified identity Expanded sense Use of clarified identity Contact Disintegration Reintegration Pseudo-independence Immersion/emersion Autonomy

7 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20117 Reflection Common practice in Leadership development. Consequences. What meaning does it have for management. What impact did this have on you personally. Not just statements and diary of events.

8 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20118 REFLECTION

9 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 20099 Double Loop Thinking IMPLEMENT Action Strategies DESIGN Action Strategies ASSESS Possible Corrections OBSERVE Outcome DEFINE Intended Outcome Double Loop Thinking ASSESS Value of Intended Outcome and Assumptions behind Action Strategies DESIGN New Values and Assumptions Single Loop Double Loop IMPLEMENT Action Strategies DESIGN Action Strategies ASSESS Possible Corrections OBSERVE Outcome DEFINE Intended Outcome ASSESS Value of Intended Outcome and Assumptions behind Action Strategies DESIGN New Values and Assumptions Single Loop Double Loop


11 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201111 Areas for Reflection Principles of Gender Theory ACE Language and Power: Memory work, media, articles. Strategic planning: Global, local, Mainstreaming. Seeing objectively. Visualizing change. Reflective journal

12 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201112 Areas for Reflection Reflection is used in all assessments. Looking through a lens. Gradual process and participants begin to ‘see’ their fixed ideas changing. Surprised by their own insights. Looking back and looking Forward. Challenge is to use the reflections for improvement from Personal to institutional. Expanded identity-Activism.

13 vanita richard 7 March 200913

14 PHOTOGRAPH Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201114

15 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201115 Processes for Transformation Professional Identity Safe schools Who has power-Glass Precipice and Glass Ceiling Playing the system and modern racism Telling the story Strategies to shatter the barriers Leading for change.

16 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201116 Questions How has this shaped you as a professional? What was the driving force? What other interpretations do you have now? What reading materials were relevant and why? What beliefs and values underpin the story? What additional tools are you using to investigate?

17 Reflection How does your viewpoints compare with others? Implications of your analyses: What do you want to do now? Do you change the way you do things. Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201117

18 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201118 EXTRACTS FROM JOURNALS “ This gender course has empowered me with various skills, tools and knowledge of how I can break through the glass ceiling or shatter the glass precipice in this male dominated world. I realized that in most cases women are unable to exercise their constitutional rights or not afforded an opportunity to unfold their potentials and capabilities”.

19 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201119 “Being a woman does not make me feel less efficient in my job. I no longer feel or have the desire to constantly show. I am capable of achieving success. I know I can I know my potential. I am a person a woman, a human being with rights, responsibilities and respect…..This aspect uplifted my self esteem and confidence and made me recognize that I am capable of demonstrating applied competence in Leadership and in Educational management as a woman”.

20 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201120 EXTRACTS FROM JOURNALS “I’ve been motivated and encouraged tremendously by this course to maximize my full potential and to overcome the stereotyping of society. It boosted my self esteem and I definitely experienced a paradigm shift. I am more empowered, confident and aware of my ability to lead and manage effectively. I know for sure that as a woman, I will always face challenges but I can choose how to handle it. I am informed about gender issues. I have been conscientised about gender ”.

21 Vanita Richard Reflective Practice 201121 Conclusion “Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”. Margaret Mead.

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