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Cup flour food dye water We made goo two weeks ago we needed… Borax food colouring Pva glue Water cups spoons Pop stick.

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Presentation on theme: "Cup flour food dye water We made goo two weeks ago we needed… Borax food colouring Pva glue Water cups spoons Pop stick."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cup flour food dye water

3 We made goo two weeks ago we needed… Borax food colouring Pva glue Water cups spoons Pop stick

4 300ml Cream Condensed Mil Cocoa powder Bowl Sifter

5 First you have a bowl then you pour the 300ml cream into the bowl And then we added the cocoa powder And then we made sure all the lumps were all gone And then added condensed milk And put it in the freezer

6 What we need…… a jar fill the jar 7cm put raisins in put 3 table spoons of powder Than stir Put vinegar in jar than the raisins will start jumping and dancing

7 What we need………………. Borax tea spoon cup pipe cleaner boiling water food die string pencile

8 Make a shape with the pipecleaner than hang the shape that you did on the string that is attached to a pencil Fill your jar with hot boiling water Add the borax and now stir now let it grow

9 First u get a cup fill it up with water and than put any food colouring in. Then put 3 tea spoons of borax into cup. Than stir than put PVA glue into cup that makes it sticky and makes it into goo



12 get a cup and put water in it then put 2 tea spoons of floor and stir really well then add blue food dye than we add the baking powder in and also the corn flour

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