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The Giver Students will understand how censorship affects the lives of people within ‘The Giver’

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1 The Giver Students will understand how censorship affects the lives of people within ‘The Giver’

2 Look at the images  What do they have in common?




6 Censoring Definition: to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered inappropriate. Synonyms: Antonyms: Use the word in a sentence:Image:

7 Censor Definition: to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered inappropriate. Synonyms: delete, remove, withhold, edit Antonyms: Allow, approve, encourage, permit Use the word in a sentence: The parent censored traumatic material by not letting the child watch a film. Image:

8 Censorship  Censorship is the prevention of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body.

9 Censorship in ‘The Giver’  What have we read so far that connects to this idea of censorship?

10 Censorship in ‘The Giver’ Examples of censorship in ‘The Giver’Reasons for this censorship The Giver’s house has many books: information The Giver’s door was locked, but doors aren’t normally locked in the community: everyone is open Furniture is different - more elegant and stylish The Giver can turn the speaker off, the rest of the community must have it on all the time to receive information and to be listened too Memories that the Giver has that the rest of the community doesn’t have access too

11 TEEL Paragraph  The Elders use censorship in ‘The Giver’ to make a better community.  You need to write two TEEL paragraphs.  One agreeing with the topic  One disagreeing with the topic

12 Through censorship the elders have created a better society Yes the Elders did make a better community because… No, the Elders did not make a better community because… No pain – physical or mental – heartbreak, grief No war No worries about what colour clothing you wear Safe because there are no vehicles etc. Things are controlled and run smoothly, everyone has a job to do and they know what they should be doing. Everything is predictable There are no secrets so there is no conflict No Unemployment No violence No hunger or greed Relationships aren’t complicated - jealousy Jonas feels better after having the memories – more complete They have no individuality: no choice of style (music) responsibility (pet) They have no memories or knowledge of the past so it limits their understanding of how they live now – they don’t know what they are missing out on No colours: no diversity or race/culture No understanding of difference No one can go on an adventure

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