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The Cross In Church Relationships.  Sometimes the heaviest cross to bear is the one we carry among ourselves.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cross In Church Relationships.  Sometimes the heaviest cross to bear is the one we carry among ourselves."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cross In Church Relationships

2  Sometimes the heaviest cross to bear is the one we carry among ourselves.

3 Paul’s Cross Within The Church Christians attacked Paul’s....  Conversion – Acts 9:10-14; 9:26  Work – Acts 14:27-28; 15:1  Apostleship – II Cor. 3:1; 10:10  Position – Acts 21:17-26  Character – Gal. 4:16  Motives – Phil.1:12-17

4 The way Paul bore his cross among his “nasty” brethren then helps us do the same today.

5 Loving The Church Successfully  He was not overcome by the evil of others – Romans 12:17-21 Vs. 17 – avoid revenge Vs. 18 – search for peace Vs. 19 – Trust in God’s justice Vs. 20 – Do what is right Vs. 21 – Let goodness win

6  Paul always praised God. Phil. 4:4-7 Loving The Church Successfully... constant praise of God discourages offences between people.

7 Prayer and praise comes before the Peace, not after. After peace comes joy!

8  Paul was not distracted. II Tim. 4:5-8 Loving The Church Successfully Don’t let “cross bearing” become a distraction. God is glorified by perseverance, not quitting.

9 Paul’s Victory Speech “For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” Phil. 1:21

10 The Fruit Of Cross Bearing  It produces spiritual healing.  It provides spiritual balance.  It preserves our souls.

11 THE CROWN WE RECEIVE will be worth the cross we bear.

12 Remember... Sometimes we are the cross that someone else has to bear.

13 Jesus bore the cross for us are we ready to bear one for Him?

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