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Femtoscopy and dynamics/ intermediate energies Imaging “Femtoscopy” Transport models / Asy-EOS Complex particle correlations Our future R~1-10fm  ~10.

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Presentation on theme: "Femtoscopy and dynamics/ intermediate energies Imaging “Femtoscopy” Transport models / Asy-EOS Complex particle correlations Our future R~1-10fm  ~10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Femtoscopy and dynamics/ intermediate energies Imaging “Femtoscopy” Transport models / Asy-EOS Complex particle correlations Our future R~1-10fm  ~10 -21 -10 -15 sec G. Verde, INFN, Italy

2 p-p correlations S.E. Koonin, PLB70 (1977) 43 S.Pratt et al., PRC42 (1990) 2646 Kernel = = Source function If (not simultaneous) r0r0 M. Lisa, PRL70 (1993)

3 Directional measurements at GSI energies FOPI FOPI: central collisions @ 400 MeV/u v  ~ 2-3 fm ALADiN: Target spectators Au+Au @ 1 GeV/u  < 20 fm/c Kotte et al., Eur. Phys. J.A 9 (1999) Schwarz, NPA 681 (2001) …these are short time scales

4 Long-lived emissions at intermediate energies r0r0 Secondary decays: enormous elongations (>10 4 fm/c…) Weak sensitivity to very long  (Awes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 1988) Directional correlations cannot tell the full story…

5 Angle-averaged correlations: information content q (MeV/c) 1+R(q) G. Verde et al., PRC65, 054609 (2002) Dynamical fast source (pre- equilibrium) Long-lived sources (evaporation, sec. decays, …) Y total =Dynamical + Sec. Decays Y fast + Y slow

6 “Femtoscopes”… from the widths 204060800100 q (MeV/c) 1+R(q) p-p q (MeV/c) 1+R(q) 1 2 3 1 4 Peak A Peak B d-  G. Verde et al., PRC65, 054609 (2002) Source size (fm) Width (MeV/c) p-p Angle-averaged d-  Source size (fm) Width (MeV/c) Peak A Peak B

7 Imaging at intermediate energies Y total =Dynamical + Sec. Decays Y fast + Y slow dynamical source (pre-eq.) Source size evap. sources (sec. decays) 14 N+ 197 Au E/A=75 MeV G. Verde et al., PRC65, 069604 (2002) P. Danielewicz, D.A. Brown

8 What physics from imaging 1.Sizes from width of peaks 2.Relative contributions from long-lived emissions from integral of source (peak height) Handle on secondary decays! 3.Entire source profile: probes of transport models (EOS, Asy-EOS,…)

9 Probing transport properties? Central Collisions D.O. Handzy et al., PRL 75 (1995) 2916 Early comparisons to BUU failed: Long-lived emitting sources not handled properly USE IMAGED SOURCE TO RENORMALIZE BUU SOURCES

10 Imaging and transport Ar+Sc central e q G. Verde et al., Phys. Rev. C67, 034606 (2003) Handzy, Lisa (1994) Imaged S(r) vs BUU S(r) E/A=120 MeV r (fm) S(r) (fm -3 ) Imaging Data BUU free  NN BUU red  NN Models Source shape sensitive to  NN

11 pp source systematics in central collisions S(r) r (fm) Imaged sources No E/A dependence What do transport models say about it? A part Size (fm) Size increases with nr. of participants Dynamical features

12 Central collisions - Imaging vs BUU Kr+Nb b red <0.4 r (fm) S(r) (a.u.) E/A=100 MeV E/A=70 MeV Imaging data BUU free  NN BUU red  NN Imaged sources reproduced by BUU with red  NN G. Verde, B. Barker,P. Danielewicz (2008) E/A independence A part dependence Kr+Nb BUU Ar+Sc BUU E/A=120 MeV 100 MeV 70 MeV E/A=150 MeV 100 MeV Probing dynamical early stages? Back-tracing p emission in BUU

13 Protons emission time and transverse momentum 112 Sn+ 124 Sn E/A=50 MeV b red =0-0.4 time (fm/c) dN/dt P T /m > 0.2 P T /m > 0.3 Early Late

14 pp sources High P T : shorter emission times and smaller source sizes “Back-tracing” p emission as it is probed by HBT P T > 0.2 No P T gate r (fm) S(r) (fm -3 ) P T > 0.3 Early pp emitting source

15 Emission times and Asy-EOS Asy-Stiff Asy-Soft Emmission times of neutrons and protons Lie-Wen Chen et al., PRL (2003), PRC(2005) IBUU: 52 Ca+ 48 Ca E/A=80 MeV Emitting source functions r (fm) S(r) (fm -3 ) Asy-stiff Asy-soft Density dependence of symmetry potential in EOS  0 V sym (MeV) Asy-Stiff Asy-Soft

16 Isotopic effects on p-p imaging 40,48 Ca + 40,48 Ca E/A=80 MeV Si strips X-Y CsI Angular resolution ! HiRA High angular resolution required: accessing low q-values… 1+R(q) q (MeV/c) Asy-stiff Asy-soft Collaboration: MSU, IU, WU INFN Catania GANIL

17 N/Z effects on p-p correlation functions r (fm) S(r) (a.u.) 40 Ca+ 40 Ca N/Z=1 r (fm) S(r) (a.u.) 48 Ca+ 48 Ca N/Z=1.4 q (MeV/c) 1+R(q) 40 Ca+ 40 Ca N/Z=1 48 Ca+ 48 Ca N/Z=1.4 E/A=80 MeV central prelim r (fm) S(r) (a.u.) Sensitivity to E sym (  ),stopping,  NN, asy-transport (IBUU)… in progress Em. source more localized in N=Z than in N>Z

18 Neutron-proton correlation functions neutron-proton Ghetti et al, PRC 69 (2004) 031605 Protons Neutrons … in memory of Tano Lanzano’… Accessing emission chronology - high sensitivity to Asy-EOS Verde, Chbihi, Ghetti, Helgesson, EPJA 30, 2006

19 Beyond pp correlations… Chronology and Hierarchy: different particles emitted at different times Non-identical particle correlations relevant to pp correlations IMF emission times: talk by E. De Filippo tomorrow stay tuned!

20 IMF emission times Kr + Au Emission time decreases with velocity Evolutionary fragment emission mechanisms (EES predictions) Miniball data, E. Cornell et al., PRL75 (1995) 1475  -, p + A 8.0, 8.2, 9.2, 10.2 GeV/c From surface to bulk emission (Liquid-gas phase transition?) Surf Bulk ISiS data, L. Beaulieu et al., PRL84 (2000) 5971

21 Light complex particles Dominated by nuclear short-range interaction d-  correl q (MeV/c) 1+R(q) Distortions due to position/momentum correlations Second peak attenuated

22 Collective motion and correlations Position dependent velocity fields: Thermal r (fm) q (MeV/c) G. Verde et al., Physics Letters B653, 12 (2007) Thermal+Collective q (MeV/c) r (fm) r-q correlations! (  r-P correlations!) S = S(r,q) Line-shape of R(q) distorted and depending on T

23 d  vs pp radii q (MeV/c) 1+R(q) E p >30 MeV 15 <E p <30 MeV 0 <E p <15 MeV slow medium fast r 0 =5.6 fm r 0 =9.4 fm r 0 =14 fm p-p 1+R(q) E d >40MeV E  >45MeV 20<E d <40MeV 25<E  <45MeV 0<E d <20MeV 0<E  <25MeV q (MeV/c) fast medium slow Xe+Au E/A=50 MeV b red <0.3 No T eff correction Small T eff correction Large T eff correction r 0 =9 fm r 0 =6 fm r 0 =2.2 fm d- 

24 Sizes: pp vs d  d-  sources more localized than p-p sources 14.00 9.40 5.60 9.00 6.00 2.20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Ecm gates Sizes (fm) pp dd Different particles emitted at different time stages (hierarchy) EES scenario (W. Friedmann) Xe+Au E/A=50 MeV central

25 HIC as a spectroscopic tool Several unbound states are produced in each collision - reconstructed with correlations Relative heights of peak heights sensitive to spin of 8 Be states LASSA data T. Wanpeng et al., PRC (2004) 8 B*---> p+ 7 Be F. Grenier, A. Chbihi, R. Roy, G. Verde et al., NPA, in print E k (MeV) Probe sequential decays 10 C--> 9 B+p vs 10 C--> 6 Be+  10 C* ---> p+p+  C+Mg INDRA

26 Conclusions Femtoscopy and imaging –Sizes, contributions pre-eq/evap Probing transport theories and back-tracing particle emissions Isotopic effects (N/Z) to access Asy-EOS - preliminary results on Ca+Ca data Extend to several particle species - reveal hierarchy and chronology

27 Active projects Chimera and Indra + Silicon strips (INFN, GANIL) improving angular resolution Fazia (Italy, France, Poland, Romania, Spain, UK, India) - 4  detector with high isotopic resolution, PSA and digitalization, low thresholds - well suited to future Spiral2 experiments HiRA, LASSA+First (USA) presently exploring isospin and HBT physics

28 Acknowledgements NSCL/MSU (P. Danielewicz, W.G. Lynch, M.B. Tsang, Wanpeng Tan, K. Gelbke, B. Barker, REU students) HiRA groups (IU, MSU, WU) LLNL (D.A. Brown) INDRA group (A. Chbihi, J. Frankland et al.) Laval University (F. Grenier, R. Roy)

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