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The Terrorist Trade Tools of the Trade Tactics and Targets of Terrorists.

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2 The Terrorist Trade

3 Tools of the Trade Tactics and Targets of Terrorists

4  Objectives, Victims, and Constituencies  The New Terrorism and New Objectives

5 Terrorist Objectives (continued)  Objectives, Victims, and Constituencies  Typical objectives:  Changing the existing order.  Psychological disruption.  Social disruption.  Publicizing the Cause  Creating a revolutionary environment.  Victims and constituencies:  Politically apathetic people.  Government and its allies.  Potential supporters.  Confirmed supporters.

6 Terrorist Objectives (continued)  The New Terrorism and New Objectives  Weapons of mass destruction and objectives.  Attracting attention.  Pleasing God.  Damaging economies.  Influencing enemies.  Cases:  The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord.  Ramzi Yousef.  Aum Shinrikyo.


8  Asymmetrical Warfare  Unconventional, unexpected, and unpredictable methods.  Netwar.  Chain networks.  Star, hub, or wheel neworks.  All-channel networks.  Case: The “martyr nation” as an asymmetrical strategy

9 Terrorist Methods (continued)  Common Methods  Recurrent tactics and weapons:  Bombings.  Sidearms.  Kidnappings.  Hijackings.  Signature methods.  Case: Kneecapping.

10 Terrorist Methods (continued)  Weapons Old and New  Firearms.  Explosives.  Triggers.  Types of bombs.  Weapons of mass destruction (WMD).  Case: The suicide bombers.

11 Types of Terrorist Events in the U.S. 1980-2001

12  The Symbolism of Targets  Armed propaganda.  Types of symbols:  Embassies and diplomatic personnel.  International symbols.  Symbolic buildings and sites.  Symbolic people.  Passenger carriers.

13  Media and Political Attention  Impact on an Audience  Forcing Concessions  Disruption of Normal Routines  Provoking the State to Overreact  Case: The King David Hotel Bombing


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