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EE3010_Lecture3 Al-Dhaifallah_Term332 1 3. Introduction to Signal and Systems Dr. Mujahed Al-Dhaifallah EE3010: Signals and Systems Analysis Term 332.

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1 EE3010_Lecture3 Al-Dhaifallah_Term332 1 3. Introduction to Signal and Systems Dr. Mujahed Al-Dhaifallah EE3010: Signals and Systems Analysis Term 332

2 Lecture Objectives General properties of signals Energy and power for continuous & discrete-time signals Signal transformations Specific signal types EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term3322

3 Reading List/Resources Essential AV Oppenheim, AS Willsky: Signals and Systems, 2 nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1997 Sections 1.1-1.4 Recommended S. Haykin and V. Veen, Signals and Systems, 2005. Sections 1.4-1.9 EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term3323

4 Last Lecture Material What is a Signal? Examples of signal. How is a Signal Represented? Properties of a System What is a System? Examples of systems. How is a System Represented? Properties of a System How Are Signal & Systems Related (i), (ii), (iii) EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term3324

5 Signals and Systems Signals are variables that carry information. Systems process input signals to produce output signals. Today: Signals, next lecture: Systems. EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term3325

6 Examples of signals Electrical signals --- voltages and currents in a circuit Acoustic signals --- audio or speech signals (analog or digital) Video signals --- intensity variations in an image (e.g. a CAT scan) Biological signals --- sequence of bases in a gene EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term3326

7 Signal Classification Type of Independent Variable Time is often the independent variable. Example: the electrical activity of the heart recorded with chest electrodes –– the electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term3327

8 The variables can also be spatial Eg. Cervical MRI In this example, the signal is the intensity as a function of the spatial variables x and y. EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term3328

9 Independent Variable Dimensionality An independent variable can be 1-D (t in the ECG) or 2-D (x, y in an image). EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term3329

10 Continuous-time (CT) Signals Most of the signals in the physical world are CT signals, since the time scale is infinitesimally fine, so are the spatial scales. E.g. voltage & current, pressure, temperature, velocity, etc. EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33210

11 Discrete-time (DT) Signals x[n], n — integer, time varies discretely Examples of DT signals in nature: — DNA base sequence — Population of the nth generation of certain species EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33211

12 Transformations of the independent Variable A central concept in signal analysis is the transformation of one signal into another signal. Of particular interest are simple transformations that involve a transformation of the time axis only. A linear time shift signal transformation is given by: Time reversal EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33212

13 Transformations of the independent Variable Time scaling represents a signal stretching if 0 1 EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33213

14 Periodic Signals An important class of signals is the class of periodic signals. A periodic signal is a continuous time signal x(t), that has the property where T>0, for all t. Examples: cos(t+2  ) = cos(t) sin(t+2  ) = sin(t) Are both periodic with period 2  The fundamental period is the smallest t>0 for which EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33214 22

15 Odd and Even Signals An even signal is identical to its time reversed signal, i.e. it can be reflected in the origin and is equal to the original or x[n] = x[−n] Examples: x(t) = cos(t) x(t) = c EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33215

16 Odd and Even Signals An odd signal is identical to its negated, time reversed signal, i.e. it is equal to the negative reflected signal or x[n] = − x[−n] Examples: x(t) = sin(t) x(t) = t This is important because any signal can be expressed as the sum of an odd signal and an even signal. EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33216

17 Odd and Even Signals EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33217

18 Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals Exponential and sinusoidal signals are characteristic of real-world signals and also from a basis (a building block) for other signals. A generic complex exponential signal is of the form: where C and a are, in general, complex numbers. Lets investigate some special cases of this signal Real exponential signals EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33218 Exponential growth Exponential decay

19 Right- and Left-Sided Signals EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33219

20 Bounded and Unbounded Signals EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33220

21 Periodic Complex Exponential & Sinusoidal Signals EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33221 Consider when a is purely imaginary: By Euler’s relationship, this can be expressed as: This is a periodic signals because: when T=2  /  0 A closely related signal is the sinusoidal signal: We can always use: T 0 = 2  /  0 =  cos(  ) T 0 is the fundamental time period  0 is the fundamental frequency

22 Exponential & Sinusoidal Signal Properties Periodic signals, in particular complex periodic and sinusoidal signals, have infinite total energy but finite average power. Consider energy over one period: Therefore: Average power: EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33222

23 General Complex Exponential Signals So far, considered the real and periodic complex exponential Now consider when C can be complex. Let us express C is polar form and a in rectangular form: So Using Euler’s relation EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33223

24 “Electrical” Signal Energy & Power It is often useful to characterise signals by measures such as energy and power For example, the instantaneous power of a resistor is: and the total energy expanded over the interval [t 1, t 2 ] is: and the average energy is: How are these concepts defined for any continuous or discrete time signal? EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33224

25 Generic Signal Energy and Power Total energy of a continuous signal x(t) over [t 1, t 2 ] is: where |.| denote the magnitude of the (complex) number. Similarly for a discrete time signal x[n] over [n 1, n 2 ]: By dividing the quantities by (t 2 -t 1 ) and (n 2 -n 1 +1), respectively, gives the average power, P Note that these are similar to the electrical analogies (voltage), but they are different, both value and dimension. EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33225

26 Energy and Power over Infinite Time For many signals, we’re interested in examining the power and energy over an infinite time interval (-∞, ∞). These quantities are therefore defined by: If the sums or integrals do not converge, the energy of such a signal is infinite EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33226

27 Classes of Signals Two important (sub)classes of signals 1. Finite total energy (and therefore zero average power). 2. Finite average power (and therefore infinite total energy). x[n]=4 3. Neither average power or total energy are finite. x(t)=t EE3010_Lecture3Al-Dhaifallah_Term33227

28 28/25 Discrete Unit Impulse and Step Signals The discrete unit impulse signal is defined: Useful as a basis for analyzing other signals The discrete unit step signal is defined: Note that the unit impulse is the first difference (derivative) of the step signal Similarly, the unit step is the running sum (integral) of the unit impulse.

29 29/25 Continuous Unit Impulse and Step Signals The continuous unit impulse signal is defined: Note that it is discontinuous at t=0 The arrow is used to denote area, rather than actual value Again, useful for an infinite basis The continuous unit step signal is defined:

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