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Gaziantep University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1 Development of Monitoring Blood Bank Center Based PIC Microcontroller Using.

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Presentation on theme: "Gaziantep University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1 Development of Monitoring Blood Bank Center Based PIC Microcontroller Using."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gaziantep University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1 Development of Monitoring Blood Bank Center Based PIC Microcontroller Using CAN Communication Prepared by : KAIWAN S. ISMAEL International Conference on Electrical and Microelectronics Systems

2 Human’s blood are divided in to three main components 1.Plasma 2.Red Blood Cell (RBC) 3.Platelet & White Blood Cell 2

3 Plasma Platelet RBC 20◦ _ 24 ◦ -18◦ _ -24 ◦ 1◦ _ 6 ◦ Each component of blood should be stored in different refrigerators because of the temperature limit’s range. Storing Of Blood Component 3

4 Due to the security of locations in the blood bank hall and difficulty of monitoring of big number of refrigerator separately, this work proposes a solution to setting and monitor all the blood bank refrigerators in one location. Refrigerators Inside Blood Bank Center PlasmaPlateletRBC 4

5 We designed the employed principles to monitor the blood centers by using MPLAB and C code. PIC microcontrollers are used to implement the hardware architecture of each node. The nodes that have a thermometer to read the temperatures in the blood centers, communicate with the display node through in implementing CAN bus system. Fig. 2 CAN Bus Block Diagram Fig. 1 CAN Bus Block Diagram 5

6 CAN Bus Introduction Controller Area Network (CAN) Originally developed by Robert Bosch for automobile in-vehicle network Multi-drop, Multi-master serial bus provides communication Between controllers, sensors, and actuators. Very reliable and robust, well proven technology(introduced mid 1980s) Inexpensive 6

7 CAN Bus Introduction CAN 2.0 A - Standard format CAN 2.0 B - Extended format ISO – 11898 – 2 =High Speed up to 1Mbps ISO – 11898 – 3 =Low Speed up to 125 Kbps 7

8 CAN Bus Introduction CAN Applications Automotive Military vehicles Industrial machinery Medical Systems Agricultural machinery Marine control and navigation Elevator control systems 8

9 CAN Bus Introduction CAN Characteristics All messages are broadcast Any node is allowed to broadcast a message Each message contains an ID that Identifies the source or content a identifies the source or content of a message Each receiver decides to process or ignore each message 9

10 CAN Bus Introduction CAN Characteristics Bus length/Bit rate tradeoff 1 M bit/sec 40 meters 500K bit/sec 100 meters 250K bit/sec 200 meters 125K bit/sec 500 meters 10

11 CAN Bus Introduction CAN Characteristics – Bit timing Local timing logic re-synchronizes with bus on each recessive to dominant transition 11

12 CAN Bus Introduction CAN Characteristics Network Size The maximum number of nodes is not specified Networks are limited by electrical loading,up to 64 nodes is normal 12

13 CAN Bus Introduction CAN Characteristics Network Size The maximum number of nodes is not specified Networks are limited by electrical loading,up to 64 nodes is normal 13

14 CAN Bus Introduction CAN Characteristics Bit field Standard CAN Standard CAN: 11-Bit Identifier Extended CAN Extended CAN: 29-Bit Identifier 14

15 Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) internal memory Central Processing Unit (CPU) Read Only Memory (ROM) Random Access Memory(RAM) peripherals PIC microcontrollers ( Programmable Interface Controllers), are electronic circuits that can be programmed to carry out a vast range of tasks A microcontroller has 3 basic parts : digital I/O pins Analog to Digital Converters (ADC), Timers and counters 15

16 Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) Application of PIC A microcontroller is a compact microcomputer designed to govern the operation of embedded systems in : Motor vehicles Robots Office machines Medical devices Telecommunications systems Alarm systems and fire detection Home security systems & Home automation systems 16

17 Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) Benefits of the PIC Microcontroller Faster speed Lower cost Easier and quicker development 17

18 Program language ASSEMBLY language C language BASIC language 18

19 Why program PICs in C ? C is a portable language, requiring minimal modification when Transferring programs from one processor to another C programming in high-level language rather than assembler Allows programs to be developed much more rapidly Typically a program which takes a few weeks in assembler Can be written in C in a few days 19

20 PIC programming overview Write the code Compile the code Upload the code into a microcontroller 20

21 The hardware module is consisting of four main nodes, each node in different places and collects all refrigerator temperatures in one place. Also each node sends data to the bus. Our hardware is simulated in a one card and consist it the following : HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE 21 Blood Bank Center designed layout

22 1. PICF18458 PIC18F458 PIN diagram 22

23 2. MCP2561 Control Area Network (CAN) Transceiver: high-speed CAN, fault-tolerant device that serves as the interface between a CAN protocol controller and the physical bus including 5V requirements operate at speeds of 1 Mb/s CANH CANL 23

24 LM7805C Voltage Output +5V+9V Voltage Input GND VinVout 3.LM7805C VOLTAGE REGULATOR The operating voltage range of PIC18F458 is 2.0V to 5.5V. So LM7805C which is a +5.0V 1A voltage regulator, is used. It is a linear voltage regulator that produces a relatively constant output voltage of +5VDC 4.Temperature sensor LM35 The LM35 is an integrated circuit sensor that can be used to measure temperature with an electrical output proportional to the temperature (in C°) LM35 Temperature Sensor Voltage Regulator Circuit The LM35 does not require any external calibration 10mV per 1 °C LM35 is that it draws only 60 micro amps from its supply 24

25 The Implemented Algorithms This project is a four node CAN bus project, which are Display, Plasma, platelet, and RBC node The display node is consisting of a PIC18f458, a 4 MHz Oscillator, a transceiver MCP2561, 7channel Darlington Sink Driver ULN2003APG is connected to the PORTE of PIC, Buzzer, LED and an LCD is connected to the PIC via port D. All the components interface with each other and work based on a specified algorithm. Using C-Language that is compiled on MPLAB v.8.92 we have programmed the PIC. The PIC18f458 has one build in CAN module and CAN controller. This facilitates the CAN project because there is an internal interface between the CAN module and the CAN controller. The shows the circuit diagram of the Node. Display Node 25

26 Display Node Schematic Diagram 26

27 Flow Chart For CAN Based Display Node 27

28 The Implemented Algorithms This node has the following components: a PIC18f458, an LM35 temperature sensor, a 4 MHz Oscillator, and an MCP2561 transceiver. The temperature sensor is connected to the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) which is a module inside the PIC through Port A (RA1). The temperature sensor continuously reads the actual temperature and sends the temperature as a voltage signal to ADC input pin which is RA1 in my case Red Blood Cell (RBC), Platelet and Plasma Node 28

29 RBC, Platelet and Plasma Node schematic diagram 29

30 Flow Chart for CAN Based RBC, Platelet and Plasma Node 30

31 Display node Platelet node RBC node Plasma node 31

32 32

33 33

34 Plasma nodeRBC nodePlatelet node Display node 34

35 35 The four nodes CAN bus system designed and implemented successfully and the data exchanges between all the four nodes. The PIC18f458 is used in each of the four nodes. The PIC18f458 that used in display node interfaced with an LM35 temperature sensor and the CAN bus. The node is read the temperature from the sensor and build a CAN package data and then put it on the can bus as well as the node read the data on the bus successfully. Another node has been designed in this project that connected to an LCD and has sent the data to show on the LCD successfully. The LCD (display) node could send and read the data on the bus perfectly, Also it turned on and off the LED and Buzzer successfully in case the temperature is greater or less than the limited range. conclusion

36 36 REFEERENCES [1]Texas Instrumeents, “Introductioon to the Conttroller Area Neetwork CAN),” Appliccation report, SLLOA101A–Auguust 2002–Revisedd July (CAN specificcation version 22.0 Robert Boschh GmbH, publisshed by 2008. copper hill Teechnologies Corpooration. [2] Steve Corriggan, “Introductioon to the Conttroller Area Neetwork”, pH Sensor byy Using PIC Microcontroller Unit (MCU)””IEEE Published byy Texas Instrumments Applicatio n Report, SLO A101A, August 2002––Revised July 20008. C.P.,pp.148-1522,2009. [4] U. Hashim, M. NN. Haron,” Desiggn of Digital Dispplay System for IISFET [5] Microchip technolog Inc, “High-Speed CAN Transceiver,” MCP2561/2, Device Document DS25167B, 2013 [6] Singh, S.A.J., Raviram, P., ShanthoshKumar, K., “Embedded Based Green House Monitoring System Using PIC Microcontroller’’ IEEE ICGCCEE, 2014, pp.1-4. [7] U. Hashim, M. N. Haron,” Design of Digital Display System for ISFET pH Sensor by Using PIC Microcontroller Unit (MCU)”IEEE C.P.,pp.148-152,2009. [8] National Semiconductor, “LM35 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors Data sheet”, National Semiconductor Corporation, November2000. [9] Microchip Technology Inc, “28/40/44-Pin, Low-Power, High Performance Microcontrollers with XLP Technology,” PIC18(L)F2X/4XK22 Data Sheet, ISBN: 9781620763131, USA 2012. [10] Microchip Technology Inc, “Understanding Microchip’s CAN Module Bit Timing,” Document AN754, DS00754A, 2001.

37 37 Thank you

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