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Have you ever eaten insects? Have you ever seen a ghost? Have you ever had an accident?

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2 Have you ever eaten insects? Have you ever seen a ghost? Have you ever had an accident?

3 The present perfect is often used for an action which started at some time in the past, and is still continuing now. Example: When do we use the PRESENT PERFECT Past tense I lived in USA in 2001 Present tense Now, I live in Mexico (2008) I have lived in USA Present perfect tense

4 To form the PRESENT PERFECT you need to remember that in English we have two kinds of verbs in this tense, Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs.

5 Regular Verbs

6 Want/Wanted/wantedTalk/Talked/talked Open /opened/openedClose/closed/closed

7 Walk/walked/walked Play /played/played Listen/listened/listenedJump/jumped/jumped

8 Watch/watched/watched Dance/danced/danced Cry/cried/cried Clean/cleaned/cleaned

9 Wait/waited/waited Climb/climbed/climbed Work/worked/worked Play/played/played


11 Win/won/won Give/gave/given Find/found/found Break/broke/broken

12 Take/took/taken Think/thought/thoughtCut/cut/cut Buy/bought/bought

13 Read/read/readWrite/wrote/written Sleep/slept/slept Run/ran/run

14 Eat/ate/eaten Drink/drank/drunk Fly/flew/flown Speak/spoke/spoken

15 To form the Negative Form we just need to add NOT Have not =haven’t has not =hasn’t Carlos has gone to Houston AFIRMATIVE FORM I have played soccer in this team Sandra has met a famous actor. We have worked here since 2001 I haven’t played soccer in this team Carlos hasn’t gone to Houston Sandra hasn’t met a famous actor We haven’t worked here since 2001 NEGATIVE FORM

16 COMPLETE THE STATEMENTS WRITING THE VERBS IN PARENTHESIS IN PARTICIPLE: A. My mother _______________________ a delicious dinner. (prepare) B. Susan and Carlos ____________________ to Europe twice this year. (go) C. I _____________________ a ghost (not/see) D. The teacher _____________________ the students with their homework. (help) E. Maria ____________________ a great picture in the school. (paint) F. We _____________________ money for our wedding. (not/save) G. Rayados ______________________ a soccer match. (win) H. Luis _____________________ all the questions in the exam. (not/answer ) I. I ______________________ in this company since 2001. (work) J. My parents _____________________ to Tampico. (travel)

17 YES / NO QUESTIONS AFIRMATIVE Negative Have you ever ridden a horse?Yes, I have No, I haven’t Have you ever eaten frog’s legs? Yes, I have already eaten No, I haven’t eaten yet Have you ever copied in an exam? Yes, I haveNo, I haven’t Has he ever gone to Tampico?Yes, he hasNo, I hasn’t Has Mary ever had an accident? Yes she hasNo she hasn’t

18 When do we use FOR and SINCE We use for with a period of time, for example: For a few days for half an hour for two years For a year For three hours We use since with the time when the action started, for example: Since last year Since June 8th Since I met you Since I started the course Since last week

19 Exercise. Decide if you need for or since with these time expressions LAST WEEKEND TEN SECONDS I FINISHED SCHOOL MY BIRTHDAY A LONG TIME FIFTEEN YEARS I WAS A BOY AUGUST

20 Exercise. Do we use for or since with the following time references We’ve been here ___________ nine o’clock I have worked for International House __________ more than eight years I haven’t visited my home town ___________ i left school I haven’t been to the cinema __________ ages I have studied non-stop _________ 9:15 I have had a driving licence _____________ I was eighteen She hasn’t had a day off ___________ 1999 Johan has been in England ___________ more than two weeks now Peter has been my best friend __________ we were nine


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