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Camas School 2016 Bond Fall 2015 A History of Caring, Quality, and Growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Camas School 2016 Bond Fall 2015 A History of Caring, Quality, and Growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camas School 2016 Bond Fall 2015 A History of Caring, Quality, and Growth

2 Our Mission  The mission of the Camas School District is to provide students with the ability to communicate effectively, use technology, reason, be self-confident, possess mental and physical health, and work effectively with others.  In broader terms, our mission is to create a learning community where staff, students, and citizens are involved jointly in the advancement of knowledge and personal growth.

3 The State of Camas Schools STRONG!  Results of survey completed by CFM Research in the fall of 2015  84% of respondents gave the CSD a grade of an A or B for overall performance  The highest grades CFM has found for a school district in history !

4 Smarter Balanced: English/Language Arts

5 Smarter Balanced: Math Results

6 MSP: Science Results

7 SAT Results 2015

8 ACT Results 2015

9 Growth in Student Enrollment  76% who moved to the Camas School District during the past 10 years said quality schools influenced their decision  The last ten years: over a 1,600 increase in student enrollment  2005-06: 5,238 students  2015-16: 6,843 students

10 FACTSS: Facilities Advisory of Citizens Teachers Students Staff  Formed in March 2015  55 patrons, students, staff, community, and business leaders  Studied capacity, projected enrollment, facility conditions, core facility strain  Made recommendations to the school board on how to address student growth  Made recommendations on existing facility needs  Recommendation for a possible February, 2016 bond

11 What is a bond vs. a levy?  Bond = Building  Bonds can only be used for construction or remodeling of buildings as well as property acquisition  Cannot be used for staffing or operational costs  Levy = Learning  Bridges the gap between State and Federal funding and the actual cost of operating a school system  Teachers, books, athletics/extra-curricular activities, special programs, support staff

12 FACTSS Recommendations  Address Overcrowding

13 A Growing District Source: Cascade Planning Group Capacity w/Portables 20162020 CHS Capacity vs. Enrollment

14 New Parking Fall 2016


16 FACTSS Recommendations  Address Overcrowding o Build a new 600 student facility on current CHS site

17 FACTSS Recommendations  Address Overcrowding o Build a new Lacamas Heights Elementary north of Lacamas Lake o Near new housing developments

18 Address Overcrowding  Build new Lacamas Heights Elementary

19 FACTSS Recommendations  Improve Student Safety  Take Care of Existing Facilities  Acquire property for future school sites  Technology network and server expansion  Additional Turf and Lighting for fields  Renovate and re-Open Garfield Building  Modernize Garver Theater  District-wide Early Learning Center* *ELC added to recommendation

20 How much would it cost? Project DescriptionEstimated Cost Improving Student Safety$1,805,000 Address Overcrowding and parking/traffic $102,706,900 Take Care of Existing Buildings$8,295,000 Enhance Student and Community Recreation $16,219,500 subtotal$129,026,400 State Matching Funds($8,000,000) Impact Fees(2,000,000) Bond costs700,000 Total$119.7 million

21 What would it cost me?  The projected increase is approximately $.48 per $1,000 of assessed valuation  If approved in 2016, homeowners would begin paying for the bond in 2017

22 What would it cost me? Home Value 2015 Rate per 1,000 2015 Bond Taxes Projected 2017 Rate per 1,000 Projected 2017 Bond Taxes Difference 300,000$2.95$885$3.43$1,029 $144 ($12.00/mo.) 500,000$2.95$1,475$3.43$1,715 $240 ($20.00/mo) 700,000$2.95$2,065$3.43$2,401 $336 ($28.00/mo)

23 Next Steps Listening Posts  October 20 at 6:30 PM at Hayes-Freedom High School  October 22 at 10:00 AM at Camas Fire Department #42  October 27 at 6:30 PM at Dorothy Fox Elementary  November 9 Board Workshop at 4:00 PM at ZAC Board Room  November 23 School Board Meeting at 5:30 PM at ZAC Board Room for Final Board Resolution  February 9, 2016-Election Day  More info:

24 The Camas Way

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