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Italian Law 21 March 2001, no. 84 – “Provision for Italian participation in the stabilization, reconstrucions and development of the Balkans countries»

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2 Italian Law 21 March 2001, no. 84 – “Provision for Italian participation in the stabilization, reconstrucions and development of the Balkans countries» With the support of Coordinated by Italian Partner

3 The Partners from the South East Europe

4 18 MONTHS January 2012 June 2013 DURATION

5 SECTORS Technical Assistance Training Support to SMEs




9 The Project is co-funded under the Italian Law 21 March 2001, no. 84 – “Provision for Italian participation in the stabilization, reconstrucions and development of the Balkans countries »

10 Project Management Team AIDA Albanian Investment Development Agency: Mr. Ergest LEKDUSHI, Head of SMEs Sector Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Ms. Elda MYFTARI, Project Department FIPA Foreign Investment Promotion Agency: Ms. Korica SLAVICA, Project Manager Croatian Chamber of Economy: Mr. Luka ANTUNOVIĆ, Associate, International Relations Dept Invest Macedonia: Ivan ILIEV, Head of Marketing and Communication Department Economic Chamber of Macedonia: Ms. Jadranka ARIZANKOVSKA, Consultant MIPA Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency: Mr. Blagota RADULOVIĆ, Project Manager Chamber of Economy of Montenegro: Ms. Dragana SOFRANAC, Legal Advisor SIEPA Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency: Ms. Vesna STAJIĆ, Senior FDI Advisor Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia: Ms. Vera VELJANOSVSKI, Senior Advisor Board of SMEs PROMOS, Special Agency of the Milan Chamber of Commerce: Ms. Monica Luxa, Project Manager ARIES Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Trieste: Mr. Michele CROSATTO, Project Manager WTC Genoa: Ms. Cristina IRACI, Project Manager METROPOLI Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence: Mr. Lorenzo TELLINI, Project Manager Chamber of Commerce of Palermo: Ms. Concetta AMATO, Project Manager AICE Italian Foreign Trade Association: Mr. Pierantonio CANTONI, Project Manager ASSOLOMABRDA: Ms. Anna GIGLIOLA, Officer International Business Unit FORMAPER Special Agency of the Milan Chamber of Commerce: Ms. Olga NOGAEVA, Project Manager

11 Project „RISEE Italy-South East Europe Network“ is supported by the Italian Ministry for the Economic Development and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Italy under the Law 21 March 2001, no. 84 - Provisions for Italian participation in the stabilization, reconstruction and development of the Balkans countries

12 Chamber of Commerec and Industry of Serbia ______________________________ Vera Veljanovski Project Manager tel: (+381 11) 3304 523 e-mail: web-site: _______________________________

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