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UNITED NATIONS Konstantin Glukhenkiy Customs Expert United Nations Economic Commission for Europe REGIONAL TIR SEMINAR REGIONAL TIR SEMINAR Sofia, 11 and.

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Presentation on theme: "UNITED NATIONS Konstantin Glukhenkiy Customs Expert United Nations Economic Commission for Europe REGIONAL TIR SEMINAR REGIONAL TIR SEMINAR Sofia, 11 and."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITED NATIONS Konstantin Glukhenkiy Customs Expert United Nations Economic Commission for Europe REGIONAL TIR SEMINAR REGIONAL TIR SEMINAR Sofia, 11 and 12 May 2006 Customs control measures

2 UNECE Regional TIR Seminar Sofia, 11-12 May 2006 2 Customs control measures Role of the Customs office of departure Verify the TIR Carnet form Check boxes filled in by the IRU, national association and the holder Verify that the particulars in the goods manifest correspond to those in other documents (export, transport, commercials) Examine, if necessary, the load to compare it with the goods manifest Check the condition of the road vehicle or container Verify the certificate of approval

3 UNECE Regional TIR Seminar Sofia, 11-12 May 2006 3 Customs control measures Role of the Customs office of departure (cont’d) Seal the load compartment(s) Prescribe a Customs office of exit and, if necessary, fix a time-limit and an itinerary Fill in appropriate boxes of the TIR Carnet and register it in a Customs ledger Keep voucher No. 1 and return the TIR Carnet to the transport operator Send advance information to the Customs office of exit (en route) or to a central office, if appropriate Apply, in exceptional cases, Customs escort

4 UNECE Regional TIR Seminar Sofia, 11-12 May 2006 4 Customs control measures Role of the Customs office of exit (en route) Check the seals of the load compartment(s) Fill in appropriate boxes of voucher No. 2 and counterfoil No. 2 Register the TIR Carnet in a Customs ledger Keep voucher No. 2 and return the TIR Carnet to the transport operator Send information on termination of the TIR operation to the Customs office of departure or to a central office, where applicable

5 UNECE Regional TIR Seminar Sofia, 11-12 May 2006 5 Customs control measures Role of the Customs office of entry (en route) Check the seals of the load compartment(s) Examine, in exceptional cases, the load to compare it with the goods manifest Prescribe the Customs office of exit (en route) or destination and, if necessary, fix a time-limit and an itinerary Fill in appropriate boxes of the TIR Carnet and register it in a Customs ledger

6 UNECE Regional TIR Seminar Sofia, 11-12 May 2006 6 Customs control measures Role of the Customs office of entry (en route) (cont’d) Keep voucher No. 1 and return the TIR Carnet to the transport operator Send advance information to the Customs office of exit (en route) or destination, if appropriate Apply, in exceptional cases, Customs escort

7 UNECE Regional TIR Seminar Sofia, 11-12 May 2006 7 Customs control measures Customs escorts Foreseen by Article 23 of the TIR Convention in exceptional cases At the carriers’ expense Fees should be limited in amount to the approximate cost of the services rendered and should not represent an indirect protection to domestic products or a tax on imports or exports for fiscal purposes Applicable on the basis of risk assessment Customs authorities are recommended to indicate in writing the reasons which have led to the requirement for escorts

8 UNECE Regional TIR Seminar Sofia, 11-12 May 2006 8 Customs control measures Conditions for Customs escorts (current practice) Transport of specific sensitive goods Transport of goods in case the duties and taxes at risk exceed considerably the guarantee level A TIR transport is performed by a transport operator who has previously committed infringements There are other grounds to doubt the proper termination of the TIR operation and to expect a possible infringement (inconsistencies in documents, controversial explanations by the driver, etc.)

9 UNECE Regional TIR Seminar Sofia, 11-12 May 2006 9

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