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Reporting in PowerSchool Laurie Kinney Michigan PSUG Summer Academy June 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting in PowerSchool Laurie Kinney Michigan PSUG Summer Academy June 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting in PowerSchool Laurie Kinney Michigan PSUG Summer Academy June 2010

2 About Laurie Laurie Kinney ( Technology, Assessment and Data Coordinator – Cadillac Area Public Schools PowerSchool newbie – converted from SASI this year (after 14 years) Old dog trying to learn new tricks

3 Objectives Report Options Pros and Cons of Each –Focus or Intent –Longevity –Ease of use Discussion


5 Where oh Where do I look? Functions –Search –List Students –Quick Export –Template Export Reports –System –Report Works –State –Engine –Setup –Custom

6 List Students Function Search for students Select List Students function

7 List Students Function Purpose – generate a quick report using student fields Pros –Can use DATs, can get linked data from difficult places (test data) –Easy to use Cons –Can’t be saved –Limited fields

8 Quick Export Function Search for students Select Quick Export function

9 Quick Export Function Purpose – generate a quick report that is exported to Excel Pros –Easy to use –Can use DATs –Can further manipulate data Cons –Can’t be saved (saves last one) –Limited fields

10 Export Templates Special Functions Importing and Exporting Export Using Template

11 Export Templates Purpose – generate a “canned” report that is exported to Excel Pros –Can export from multiple tables –Can further manipulate data Cons –Must be created ahead of time –Time consuming to create

12 DDE System Direct Database Export Select Table Select search criteria

13 DDE Purpose – Powerful export Tool Pros –Can export from other tables –Can further manipulate data Cons –Must be recreated each time –Can be daunting to use/master –May not have access

14 System Reports Reports / System

15 System Reports Purpose – Basic Reports “out of the box” Pros –Easy to use –Little setup or knowledge needed to use Cons –Not many available

16 Engine Reports Reports / Engine

17 Engine Reports Purpose – Powerful reports to provide much needed reporting capability Pros –Easy to use (once created) –Powerful – sophisticated reports, complex data sets –Many available from users (can import) –Don’t need sql knowledge (helpful though) Cons –Difficult to build –Build process can be repetitive –Not supported by Pearson –Could disappear in the future

18 Object Reports Reports /Setup /Object Great for report cards, transcripts, schedules, certificates, etc.

19 Object Reports Purpose – Create reports containing objects (graphics, data boxes, etc.) Pros –Easy to use (once created) –Powerful –Visually appealing (insert objects) –Many available from users (can import) –Don’t need sql knowledge –Can use DATs Cons –Can be difficult to build

20 Custom Reports Must be done as a customization on your server

21 Custom Reports Purpose – Provide needed reports that can’t be generated easily using existing tools/reports Pros –Easy to use (once created) –Powerful –Flexible –Many available from users (can import) Cons –Must be installed –Need special knowledge to create or edit

22 sqlReports Add On Must be done as a customization on your server

23 sqlReports Purpose – Create easy to use reports – great replacement for common list student and quick export reports Pros –Easy to use (once created) –Powerful –Flexible –Many available from users (can import) –Easier to build and add on than custom reports Cons –Must be installed –Need special knowledge to create or edit

24 Report Works The wave of the future

25 Report Works Purpose – Create easy to use reports that are also visually appealing Pros –Easy to use (once created) –Visually appealing –Can Import –Functionality will expand in future releases –No sql knowledge needed Cons –Limited data sets

26 Discussion How would YOU / do YOU deliver reports to your users?

27 Attendance Grading –General –Report Cards Schedules Demographics Tests Logs Data Validation Other?

28 Resources PowerSource PSUG Power Data Solutions Nicktech Others?

29 Questions? Contact info:

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