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Finland’s History Four Major Periods 1. Prehistoric Period: 10 500 years ago 2. Part of the Kingdom of Sweden 1155-1809 3. The Age of Autonomy or Imperial.

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Presentation on theme: "Finland’s History Four Major Periods 1. Prehistoric Period: 10 500 years ago 2. Part of the Kingdom of Sweden 1155-1809 3. The Age of Autonomy or Imperial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finland’s History Four Major Periods 1. Prehistoric Period: 10 500 years ago 2. Part of the Kingdom of Sweden 1155-1809 3. The Age of Autonomy or Imperial Era 1809-1917 4. The Age of Independence

2 1155 The first crusade to Finland by the Swedes Finland becomes part of the Swedish realm. Influence from the West: catholic faith, Swedish customs and language Influence from the East: Orthodox faith, eastern/Russian customs

3 First border to define the eastern border of Finland, year 1323

4 The Swedish reign Peace treaty of 1323: only eastern Finland to Novgorod (Russia), western and southern parts of Finland to Sweden Swedish legal and social systems Finland's most important centre was the town of Turku Finland was merely a group of provinces – not a national entity

5 Languages: Finnish and Swedish The Reformation set in motion a great rise in Finnish-language culture The New Testament was translated into Finnish in 1548 Swedes were often appointed to high offices in Finland, which strengthened the position of the Swedish language

6 Finland as a Grand Duchy of Russia (1809-1917) Russia conquered Finland in the war with Sweden Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy, Russian Emperor as the Grand Duke. Finland's highest governing body was the Senate, whose members were Finns.

7 Extensive autonomy created the Finnish state Alexander II gave Finland extensive autonomy thereby creating the Finnish state. The Lutheran Church retained its position in Finland Swedish as the official language Helsinki was made the capital of Finland

8 Aleksander II

9 The Finnish national movement Kalevala 1835 Finnish became an official administrative language National romantism in arts Akseli Gallén-Kallela: Sammon ryöstö

10 The independent republic On December 6th 1917, Parliament approved the declaration of independence At the same time, the breach between the parties of the left and the right had become irreconcilable Civil War 1918 Finland became a republic in 1919

11 The Civil War: reds and whites

12 Annu Kapulainen: Taistelevat Enkelit

13 Finland in war In 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non aggression pact: Finland to the Soviet sphere of interest Finland refused to allow the Soviet Union to build military bases on its territory: attack to Finland in 1939 The Winter war > southeastern Finland to the Soviet Union When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941, Finland entered the war as a cobelligerent with Germany. The 'Continuation War' > Petsamo to Soviet Union

14 Helge Dahlman: Sota (1946 – 1948)

15 Unto Pusa: Kaatunut sotilas (1948)

16 Lennart Segerstråle: Pakolaisia (1940)

17 The lost areas

18 From ”finnlandisierung” to EU The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance with Soviet Union Finnlandisierung? The end of the division of Europe, the collapse of the communist system and the dissolution of the Soviet Union: liberalized atmosphere also in Finland Finland became a member of EU in 1995

19 Ilkka Halso: Vuoristorata (2004)

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