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Jennifer Biskey Erin Card Jesse Fretwell Jennifer Hilliard Joshua Trantham Presented By:

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Biskey Erin Card Jesse Fretwell Jennifer Hilliard Joshua Trantham Presented By:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer Biskey Erin Card Jesse Fretwell Jennifer Hilliard Joshua Trantham Presented By:

2 Introduction  Focus: Technology

3 Strengths and Weaknesses  Strengths Affordability Easy to read Ability for readers to relate to the book Credibility of Dr. Hall Coincides with seminars  Weaknesses Outdated look of book cover Lack of investment in advertising Modest biography of the author Limited technological skills to modernize availability of The ABC’s of Leadership

4 Opportunities and Threats  Opportunities Offer as an eBook online Create an audio CD of the book Investment with search engines and advertisements  Threats Competition with other leadership books Diminishing amount of book readers

5 Target Market  Young professionals Leadership is always a part of a job, whether entry-level or managerial Become more aware of different leadership styles

6 Offer  Discounts 10% off a purchase of 100 books or more Free copy of Dare to be Different with a purchase of 50 or more copies of The ABC’s of Leadership 10% discount if customer purchases both Dare to be Different and The ABC’s of Leadership $2.00 coupon off each copy of The ABC’s of Leadership when a seminar is booked 8 weeks in advance Offer an eBook

7 Media and Creative

8 Workbook  Help readers retain and put to use the information in the book  Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice, True and False, Short Answer, Activities  Handed out at seminars after a book purchase  Digital Copy with E-book  Costs- developing workbook, printing

9 Audio CD  Can listen on long business trips or on the way to work  Sirius XM stations  Costs- buying the CD’s, album artwork, packaging, recording Recording Studio ○ $40/hour, $790 for 1,000 CD’s in jackets, total $1,010 Home Recording ○ $40 for Pyro Audio Creator, $23.82 for 100-pack blank CD’s, total $278.20 for 1,000 CD’s and software

10 Advertising  BusinessWeek, Fortune Magazine, Wall Street Journal  Costs in BusinessWeek Full page 4 color - $115,600 Full page black and white - $78,400 2/3 page - 58,800 1/2 page - $49,000 1/3 page - $31,400  BusinessWeek book article

11 Creative Concepts  New and Improved Book Cover  Illustrations for magazine advertisements



14 Testing Requirements  Ratio of hard copies to eBooks Take total number sold over a 6 month period Separate by hard copy and eBook Divide larger number by the smaller number Arrive at ratio

15 Testing Requirements  Example 500 eBooks sold 100 hard copies sold 500/100=5 5:1 ratio of eBooks to hard copies

16 Budget, Break-Even, and Profit/Loss Analysis  Possible changes in the market How many books are sold Budget issues  Budget Breakdown eBook conversion Audio CD Workbook Production

17 Budget, Break-Even, and Profit/Loss Analysis  Budget Breakdown eBook conversion

18 Budget, Break-Even, and Profit/Loss Analysis Audio CD Workbook Production ○ Size* ○ Number of pages* ○ Quantity* ○ Coating ○ File type ○ Proof type ○ Cover selection and shipping *denotes criteria that affects costs of booklet

19  Personal Recommendation Budget, Break-Even, and Profit/Loss Analysis

20 My Recommendation Booklet SizeStandard 8.5” x 11” Page Length12 Pages Booklet Quantity1,000 Booklets Page CoatingGloss FiletypeMulti-Page PDF Proof TypeHard Copy Total = $959.20

21 Implementation/Conclusion

22 References  "Advertising Packages." Targeted Internet Advertising. Paypopup, 2007. Web. 21 March 2010..  "Booklet Printing | Online Printing Services." Online Printing | Online Printing Services from Featuring High Quality Digital Printing, Business Cards, Brochures, Post Cards, Notepads and More. 2003. Web. 14 Apr. 2010..  "CDs in Jackets, DVDs in Jackets." CD / DVD Duplication, CD / DVD Replication, CD / DVD Duplicators, CD / DVD Printers, Blank CDs and DVDs. 2010. Web. 25 Mar. 2010..  ”eBook Conversion Options." Publishing Center. eBookMall, Inc., 2010. Web. 15 March 2010..  Owens, Mark D. "EBook Conversion." EBookMall Publishing Center. EBookMall Publishing Center, 2000. Web. 15 Apr. 2010..  "Pyro Audio Creator 1.5 Download." Cakewalk Store. Web. 25 Mar. 2010..

23 May we answer any questions?

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