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Basics and Set Up of 4-H Afterschool Programs 4-H Afterschool In-Service November 29, 2006 Sherry Ford Mary Kramer.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics and Set Up of 4-H Afterschool Programs 4-H Afterschool In-Service November 29, 2006 Sherry Ford Mary Kramer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics and Set Up of 4-H Afterschool Programs 4-H Afterschool In-Service November 29, 2006 Sherry Ford Mary Kramer

2 Establish Partnerships Schools Churches Current Afterschool Programs Community Organizations, PTA Key Contacts: Administrators Teachers Program Coordinators

3 Recruitment Brochures –Student Focus –Parent Focus Flyers News Articles –Newspapers –Newsletters

4 Decisions, Decisions Who should be the financial administrator? Budgeting Fees Hiring Staff –Screening –Evaluation –Policies & Pay –Scheduling

5 More Decisions Registration Forms –Methods of delivery –Collection of forms –How to collect fees –Make sure all information is provided to all partners

6 Expectations for Use of Facilities Is there a fee for use? Who will set up and tear down? Who is responsible for cleanup? Who will open and close facility? Can you have food?

7 Policies Early Outs –Weather Related –Inservice Days Child Pick-Up and Drop Off –Who? –Sign-In and Sign-Out Procedures for absentees –Phone call to guardians –Check with office for school absences

8 Coordinator/ Educators Scheduling duties –Lesson Plans –Include BMIG –Guest speakers –Field trips Policies for absences Associates

9 Meeting the Needs of Youth Utilize BMIG Belonging: to feel connected, wanted valued, and part of a group Mastery: to know you have skills, are capable, and can be successful Independence: to learn to do things and make decisions on your own; to be responsible Generosity: to give back to others and the community; to obey the law

10 Set a Positive Tone Involve youth in setting up behavior expectations and policies Post expectations each day Afterschool = FUN & Safe Environment Be ORGANIZED! Let youth know what they are going to do each day

11 Volunteers Senior citizens, RSVP Teens Businesses Community Members Parents Provide Training

12 Parent Involvement Introductory Letter Update Letters/ Notices Invite to open house or show Invite to donate snacks Incorporate a parent fun night

13 Many Faces of 4-H Afterschool 4-H Club after school –Includes 4-H fee –Meets several times –Includes use of project materials –Can include business meeting, presentations, leadership, etc. Clover Kids

14 Many Faces of 4-H Afterschool Theme-based Interest Groups –Select theme such as science, theater arts, etc. Special Interest Groups (Specific) –Babysitter Training –Go-the-Distance Day Camps –InService/other out-of-school days –Summer

15 Call it 4-H 4-H Afterschool offers alternatives for youth to engage in positive activities during high risk hours. Develop your program to meet the needs of your families. Develop community partnerships It is 4-H = Positive Youth Development

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