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Ong and Frankenstein. Ong: Two Takeaways 1. Anxieties over the effects of new forms of writing predate our digital moment:

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Presentation on theme: "Ong and Frankenstein. Ong: Two Takeaways 1. Anxieties over the effects of new forms of writing predate our digital moment:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ong and Frankenstein

2 Ong: Two Takeaways 1. Anxieties over the effects of new forms of writing predate our digital moment:

3 Ong: Two Takeaways 1. Anxieties over the effects of new forms of writing predate our digital moment: 1. Orality -> Writing 2. Manuscript -> Print 3. Print -> Electronic (“The Screen”)

4 Ong: Two Takeaways 1. Anxieties over the effects of new forms of writing predate our digital moment: 1. Orality -> Writing 2. Manuscript -> Print 3. Print -> Electronic (“The Screen”) 2. The way we use language directly and powerfully affects our consciousness:

5 Ong: Two Takeaways 1. Anxieties over the effects of new forms of writing predate our digital moment: 1. Orality -> Writing 2. Manuscript -> Print 3. Print -> Electronic (“The Screen”) 2. The way we use language directly and powerfully affects our consciousness: 1. How we think 2. Our sense of self 3. Our cultural values

6 Bookscapes “ Books on the screen are not books, they are models of books. In order to substantiate that assertion, we must first establish what a book is and then articulate the advantages of describing electronic books as models rather than as metaphors.”

7 Not What Books ARE (Metaphor), What Books DO (Model) Books allow for both sequential and random access Books have volume; exist in three dimensional space Books begin and end Books allow us to compare easily Books can be read and written on

8 Frankenstein: Intertextuality Hamlet Rime of the Ancient Mariner Prometheus Paradise Lost Agrippa (Magician’s Apprentice)

9 Frankenstein: The “Undiscovered Country” Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? --Hamlet 3.1

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