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PSoC® 4 Programmable System-on-Chip
PSoC 4: The World’s Most Flexible, Lowest-Power ARM® Cortex™-M0 One-Chip Solution Is $1
PSoC 4 Awards The editors of Semiconductor Industry News gave PSoC 4 their 19th annual “Semiconductor of the Year” award “PSoC 4 is truly a revolutionary device that symbolizes a new era of flexibility in design.” - Wataru Izumiya, President of Sangyo Times, Publisher of Semiconductor Industry News The editors of Embedded Computing Design magazine selected PSoC 4 as the “Most Innovative Product” of 2013 “We selected the PSoC 4 architecture as an Editor’s Choice Product for its combination of flexible analog and digital resources with capacitive touch technology and the 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 core.” - Warren Webb, Editorial Director at Embedded Computing Design
PSoC Terms PSoC Creator™ Components Component Configuration Tools
PSoC 3, PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP Integrated Design Environment (IDE) Software that installs on your PC Allows concurrent hardware and firmware design of PSoC systems Components Free embedded ICs represented by an icon in PSoC Creator software Used to integrate multiple ICs and system interfaces into one PSoC Dragged and dropped as icons to design systems in PSoC Creator Inherently connected to the MCU via the main system bus Component Configuration Tools Simple graphical user interfaces in PSoC Creator Embedded in each Component Used to customize Component parameters Accessed by right-clicking a Component Continuous Time Block-mini (CTBm) Programmable analog block used to implement opamps, PGAs, comparators, etc. 60+ Components available for PSoC 4 designs Opamp Component with Configuration Tool in PSoC Creator The opamp graphical Component Configuration Tool simplifies parameter configuration
PSoC Terms CapSense® SmartSense™ Auto-tuning
Cypress’s touch-sensing user interface solution The industry’s No. 1 solution in sales by 4x over No. 2 SmartSense™ Auto-tuning An algorithm that enables CapSense buttons to continuously compensate for system, manufacturing and environmental changes Universal Digital Block (UDB) PSoC programmable digital logic block containing: Two programmable logic devices (PLDs) One programmable data path with arithmetic logic unit Status and control registers Configured with PSoC Creator using: 1) PSoC Creator Components, 2) the graphical state machine editor, or 3) Verilog code Programmable Interconnect and Routing Allows for the flexible connection of internal analog and digital signals to internal buses and external IOs
Design Problems Engineers Face
1. Proprietary 8-bit and 16-bit MCUs are being broadly replaced by 32-bit ARM Cortex-M cores 8-Bit MCUs Now Look Like This Both faster and lower in power 8-bit and 16-bit legacy MCUs include the Microchip PIC10/12/16/18/24, TI MSP430, Atmel AVR8, Freescale S08/S12 and Renesas H8S While 32-Bit MCUs Look Like This (e.g., PIC16, AVR8, MSP430, H8S) Tesla, with touch controls by Cypress
Design Problems Engineers Face
2. Analog front ends (AFEs) and digital glue logic around MCUs are difficult to design and debug Device Selection Analog Design and Simulation Digital Design and Modeling Firmware Development and Programming Prototyping
Design Problems Engineers Face
3. Reliable touch-sensing solutions are difficult to design Wet Environments Noisy Environments Multi-Touch Capability Standards Compliance
Design Problems Engineers Face
4. It is difficult to achieve the lowest power at the required performance level Battery Drain Is a Big Problem Optimizing Performance in a Low-Power System Is Difficult and Requires the Careful Use of Low-Power Modes2 Deep-Sleep Sleep Active System Current (mA) Average Current (mA) ARM standard power modes: Active = MCU on + all peripherals on Sleep = MCU off + all peripherals on Deep-Sleep = MCU off + select peripherals on1 1 Select peripherals enabled in the Deep-Sleep low-power mode greatly varies by ARM vendor 2 Graph is not to scale, in order to illustrate the differences in ARM standard power modes
PSoC 4 Solves These Problems
1. PSoC 4 has a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 system with programmable analog and digital that quickly upgrades legacy 8-bit and 16-bit systems 2. PSoC Creator™ IDE simplifies the design and debug of analog front ends and digital glue logic 3. PSoC Creator CapSense Component simplifies designs for CapSense, the No. 1 touch-sensing solution 4. The PSoC Creator IDE simplifies power optimization using PSoC 4 low-power modes For $1 you can buy the world’s most flexible, lowest-power ARM Cortex-M0 one-chip solution The PSoC “Lego” image illustrates how engineers can construct their own systems simply, using PSoC Creator and PSoC Components
PSoC Portfolio PSoC 1 Cypress M8C PSoC 3 Cypress 8051 PSoC 4
ARM® Cortex™-M0 PSoC 5LP ARM Cortex-M3 PDIP, SOIC, SSOP, QFN, TQFP, CSP SSOP, QFN, TQFP, CSP SSOP, QFN, TQFP Standard Integrated Functions Complete Solutions Proprietary Certified Support for MFi Connectivity and MFi Music Single-Shunt FOC Compressor Motor, Sensorless BLDC Motor (Est. Q1 2014) Integrated Power Supervisor Functions: Fault Detect, Trim&Margin, Voltage Seq LED Lighting with PrISM™ 1 Technology Integrated Power Supervisor Functions: Fault Detect, Trim&Margin, Voltage Seq. Closed-Loop Micro-Stepper (Est. Q2 2014) Optical Module Support with MDIO Home Appliance: CapSense®, LED Drive, Segment LCD Home Appliance: CapSense, LED Drive, Segment LCD Home Appliance: CapSense, LED Drive, Segment LCD Home Appliance: CapSense, LED Drive, Graphic LCD PowerPSoC® (Current Sense Amplifiers, Hysteretic Controllers, FETs, DMX5122) Precision Analog Sensing (e.g., Temp.) Custom Analog ASIC Replacement Digital and Analog Sensor Hub (e.g., Temp., Pressure, Accelerometer, Light) Precision Analog Sensing (e.g., Temp.) Custom analog ASIC replacement Integrated Thermistor RTD, Thermistor and Thermocouple RTD, Thermistor and Thermocouple RTD, Thermistor and Thermocouple Integrated Fan Control HW I2C Mux, Quadrature Decoder Pseudo Random Pulse Modulator Quadrature Decoder Pseudo Random Pulse Modulator HW I2C Mux, Quadrature Decoder Pseudo Random Pulse Modulator Gas Sensor Analog Front End DSP 24-bit MAC and ALU with DMA I2CUARTSPI Bridge Integrated Fan Controller DSP 24-bit MAC and ALU with DMA CY Patented CSD™ CapSense with SmartSense™ Auto-tuning CY Patented CSD CapSense with SmartSense Auto-tuning CY Patented CSD CapSense with SmartSense Auto-tuning CY Patented CSD CapSense with SmartSense Auto-tuning VDAC3 Differential GPIO IDAC4, VDAC3 IDAC4 Opamp Differential GPIO IDAC4, VDAC3 EEPROM ECC Memory Segment LCD LP Comparator EEPROM ECC Memory RTC (ext. 32kHz) EEPROM Opamp Segment LCD EEPROM Opamp Segment LCD 10-bit SAR ADC 14-bit ADC 20-bit ADC 0.1% VREF LIN Slave 12-bit SAR ADC 1Msps Ultra-Low Power 20-nA STOP 20-bit ADC 0.1% VREF 12-bit SAR ADC 1Msps Custom Analog: Switch Cap.&Cont. Time (e.g., Mixer, PGA, TIA, Filter, CMP) Custom Analog: Switch Capacitor (e.g., Mixer, PGA, TIA, Filter, CMP) Custom Analog: Switch Capacitor (e.g., Mixer, PGA, TIA, Filter, CMP) USB/UART/SPI/I2C/IrDA USB/CAN/UART/SPI/I2C/I2S UART/SPI/I2C/I2S USB/CAN/UART/SPI/I2C/I2S Timers/Counters/PWMs Timers/Counters/PWMs Timers/Counters/PWMs Timers/Counters/PWMs External Bus Interface 1 CY patented Precise Intensity Signal Modulation 2 Digital MultipleX communication protocol 3 Voltage digital-to-analog converter 4 Current digital-to-analog converter
PSoC 4 Device Families All families include: Performance
ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU CapSense® Timers/counters/PWMs Serial-Wire Debug (SWD) Performance Analog CY8C46xx Programmable Analog CY8C44xx Programmable Digital CY8C42xx Intelligent Analog CY8C41xx Production Development/Concept PSoC MCU CY8C40xx Integration Features CY8C40xx CY8C41xx CY8C42xx CY8C44xx CY8C46xx CPU speed 16 MHz 24 MHz 48 MHz Flash/SRAM 8K-16K/2K 16K-32K/4K 32K-64K/8K-16K 64K-128K/16K-32K Comparators 1 2-4 4 In development Opamps 0-2 1-2 Programmable Digital Blocks Programmable Analog Blocks ADC 1x12-bit SAR (800 ksps) 1x12-bit SAR (1 Msps) Configurable I2C/SPI/UART 1 (I2C only) GPIOs/Packages 20/8-SOIC, 16-QFN, 24-QFN 36/28-SSOP, 40-QFN, 44-TQFP
PSoC 4200 Architecture PSoC 4 One-Chip Solution Interrupt Controller
Flash (16 To 32 KB) Clocking System SRAM (4 KB) Power Mgmt. SWD CortexTM-M0 48 MHz MCU Subsystem Advanced High-Performance Bus (AHB) UDB TCPWM SCB Segment LCD Drive Programmable Digital Blocks 12-bit SAR ADC 1 Msps Programmable Analog Blocks CMP CTBm Op amp CapSense 8-bit IDAC 7-bit IDAC Programmable Interconnect and Routing GPIO Port Programmable I/O Subsystem
PSoC 4 System Design in PSoC Creator
CapSense Starter Project on Six Windows in the PSoC Creator IDE Explore the library of 60+ Components Complete your hardware system design by dragging and dropping component icons Configure Components using a component-specific configuration tool Access component datasheets directly from the configuration tool for technical specification Codesign your application firmware and hardware using the PSoC Creator IDE C-based compiler Review the Components’ application note for usage guidelines CapSense Design Guide CapSense Component Datasheet CapSense Component Configuration Tool
PSoC 4: 32-bit Performance for $1
PSoC 4 has a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 system that upgrades legacy 8-bit and 16-bit systems The ARM Cortex-M0 processes instructions three times faster than the MSP430 and 45 times faster than the PIC18 Faster instruction processing enables the ARM Cortex-M0 to spend more time in sleep modes, reducing system power consumption PSoC 4 also has programmable analog and digital blocks that integrate AFEs and digital glue logic 8-bit MCU 16-bit MCU 32-bit MCU MCU Performance Comparison Using the Dhrystone Benchmark1 DMIPS per MHz2 PIC18 Microchip 8051 Intel MSP430 TI S12 Freescale H8S/2600 Renesas PIC24 ARM Cortex-M0 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 1 Dhrystone is a computing benchmark program used to calculate the relative performance of an MCU 2 DMIPS = Dhrystone million instructions per second; data referenced from The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M0, ISBN:
PSoC 4 Programmable Analog
PSoC Creator simplifies analog front end design and saves time on debugging with: Analog Components that are dragged and dropped as icons to create custom analog front ends Starter projects, such as the ADC Differential Preamplifier and Dynamic Gain Switching Opamp, that accelerate development Component Configuration Tools that simplify parameter configurations with a graphical user interface PSoC 4 integrates analog front end designs to save BOM cost by delivering: Discrete analog performance with a differential 1-Msps, 12-bit SAR ADC, and two high-performance opamps with ±1-mV-input offset voltage and 6-MHz gain bandwidth A 1- to 36-channel analog multiplexer (AMUX) that can be flexibly configured to create custom AFE designs A 5-V operating voltage that provides over 50% more analog input signal range vs. 3.3 V PSoC 4 Programmable Analog Blocks 12-bit SAR ADC 1 Msps Programmable Analog Blocks CTBm Op amp CTBm = Continuous Time Block-mini CMP = comparator Opamp Component with Configuration Tool in PSoC Creator The opamp graphical Component Configuration Tool simplifies parameter configuration CapSense 8-bit IDAC 7-bit IDAC CMP CMP
Programmable Analog Starter Project: Differential Preamplifier AFE
MCU + Opamps Opamp + ADC SAR Components PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit with Arduino Shield Arduino analog shield Opamps PSoC 4 MCU Old, three-chip solution New, one-chip solution The integration of an MCU and two discrete opamps in your differential preamplifier analog front end… Is simplified using the PSoC Creator ADC Differential Preamplifier starter project and PSoC Components… And prototyped quickly using the PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit and an optional Arduino™ analog shield to create a PSoC one-chip solution. To get started, you should: Buy the $25 PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-042) Install PSoC Creator software on your PC Use the Getting Started with PSoC 4 Application Note Use the ADC Differential Preamplifier starter project in PSoC Creator
Programmable Analog Starter Project: Dynamic Gain Switching Opamp AFE
MCU + Dual Opamp + AMUX Opamp + AMUX + ADC SAR Components PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit with Arduino Shield Dual Opamp Arduino analog shield AMUX PSoC 4 MCU Old, three-chip solution New, one-chip solution The integration of an MCU, two opamps and an AMUX in your dynamic gain switching opamp analog front end… Is simplified using the PSoC Creator Opamp with Dynamic Gain Switching starter project and PSoC Creator Components… And prototyped quickly using the PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit and an optional Arduino shield to create a PSoC one-chip solution. To get started, you should: Buy the $25 PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-042) Install PSoC Creator software on your PC Use the Getting Started with PSoC 4 Application Note Use the Opamp with Dynamic Gain Switching starter project in PSoC Creator
Programmable Analog: Choose Wisely
Tool to Rework Traditional Analog Designs Tool to Rework PSoC Analog Designs
PSoC 4 Programmable Digital
Simplify design and debug with PSoC Creator and integrate glue logic ICs to save time and BOM cost PSoC Creator Components integrate 60+ digital functions into a one-chip PSoC solution PSoC Creator digital Components are dragged and dropped as icons to create custom glue logic solutions PSoC Creator provides Component Configuration Tools to simplify parameter configurations with a graphical user interface Offload traditional firmware-based CPU tasks to save power and increase reliability Hardware-based state machines save CPU cycles by replacing firmware Hardware-based logic provides deterministic monitoring for safety-critical tasks by replacing firmware Hardware-based logic simplifies software design and ISR handling by replacing “bit-banging” firmware Reconfigure programmable digital blocks to create multiple functions from the same blocks Dynamic reconfiguration = changing hardware on the fly Dynamically reconfigure serial communication blocks (e.g., a UART transfer followed by a SPI transfer in the same block) Dynamically reconfigure timer/counter/PWM blocks PSoC 4 Digital Blocks PSoC Components Integrate Digital Functions UDB TCPWM SCB PSoC Creator integrates 60+ digital functions with Components, including: logic gates, flip-flops and lookup tables UDB = Universal Digital Block TCPWM = Timer/counter/PWM block SCB = Serial communication block
Create Custom Glue Logic Using UDBs
A Universal Digital Block (UDB) is a programmable digital block containing: Two programmable logic devices (PLDs) One programmable data path with arithmetic logic unit Status and control registers PSoC Creator UDBs simplify the design of custom glue logic solutions using one of three methods: Digital logic Components, which can be dragged and dropped as icons The graphical state machine editor The code editor, which accepts custom Verilog code 1. Use digital logic Components… 3. Or the Verilog code in the code editor… To program the UDB. Clock and Reset Control Data Path PLD 12C4 (8 PTs1) (8 PTs) Status and Control PLD Chaining Data Path Chaining Digital Routing to the System AHB 2. Or the graphical state machine editor… Three different design methods to create custom glue logic using UDBs in PSoC Creator 1 Product terms; a product term is a logical conjunction of Boolean inputs
PSoC 4 Brings Proven CapSense Technology to the ARM World
Cypress’s reliable CapSense solution is proven in production Industry’s No. 1 solution in sales by 4x over No. 2 PSoC CapSense buttons “just work” because of rigorous engineering and testing PSoC Creator CapSense Component simplifies design The CapSense Component Configuration Tool simplifies button and slider designs SmartSense Auto-tuning sets, monitors and continuously maintains optimal performance Touch Buttons: 2003 Water Rejection: 2008 Multi-Touch: 2009 Noise Immunity: 2010 Cypress’s CapSense research and development began with buttons and sliders CSD and CSA algorithms released, offering improved noise immunity, water rejection and proximity detection Mutual Cap creates multi-touch feature; improved dual channel CSD provides upgraded scan rate SmartSense Auto-tuning revolutionizes CapSense design and improves noise immunity CapSense Component Configuration Tool The CapSense Component Configuration Tool makes it easy to design buttons, sliders, proximity sensors and touch pads
CapSense Starter Project: Low Power Wake-On-Touch Design
Old: MCU + Touch-Sensing Controller Upgrade: Using the CapSense Component With Its Configuration Tool PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit Touch IC PSoC 4 MCU Two-chip solution CapSense Component with Configuration Tool One-chip solution Upgrading an existing two-chip touch-sensing solution with an ARM Cortex-M0 device featuring the industry’s best CapSense hardware and firmware IP… Is simplified using the PSoC Creator CapSense LCD Low Power starter project and PSoC Creator Components… And prototyped quickly using the PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit to create a PSoC one-chip solution. To get started, you should: Buy the $25 PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-042) Install PSoC Creator software on your PC Use the PSoC 4 Design CapSense Design Guide to get started Use the CapSense LCD Low Power starter project in PSoC Creator
Peripherals Available Clock Sources Available
PSoC 4 Low-Power Modes The PSoC Creator IDE simplifies power optimization using PSoC 4 low-power modes PSoC 4 has the lowest-leakage process technology, which: Consumes the lowest current in Stop mode with GPIO state retention Retains SRAM and UDB state in Hibernate mode Provides full state retention in Deep Sleep mode with LCD operation PSoC Creator’s APIs simplify power management by: Enabling changes between power modes Controlling the power of individual PSoC Components Power Mode Current Consumption Code Execution Digital Peripherals Available Analog Peripherals Available Clock Sources Available Wake-Up Sources Time Active 2.2 6 MHz Yes All - Sleep 1.3 mA No Any interrupt source Deep-Sleep 1.3 μA WDT, LCD, I2C/SPI Comparator, POR, BOD 32-kHz ILO Comparator, GPIO, WDT, SCB 25 μs Hibernate 150 nA Comparator, GPIO 2 ms Stop 20 nA Wake-Up pin, XRES POR: Power-on-reset BOD: Brownout-detect SCB: Serial communication block WDT: Watchdog timer XRES: External reset PSoC 4 Current Consumption in Different Power Modes1 Current (mA) System Current (mA) Average Current (mA) Stop Sleep Active Sleep Deep Sleep Hibernate 1 Graph is not to scale, in order to illustrate the differences in PSoC 4 low-power modes
PSoC 4 Example Application: System Management and Control
Thermal management Build a closed-loop fan controller that supports up to four independently controlled fans Integrate ASSPs, MCUs and ADCs Power management Sequence up to 17 power rails per PSoC 4 device Trim and margin up to 12 power rails per PSoC 4 device Monitor voltages at ±1.5% accuracy Detect over- and under-voltage fault conditions Communication bridging Communicate over serial host interfaces, including I2C, UART, SMBus and PMBus Build custom communication interfaces using PSoC 4 UDBs PSoC 4 is a one-chip solution for customized system management and control Rack-Mounted Routers and Switches
PSoC 4 Example Application: Temperature Sensing
Programmable analog front end Integrate ADCs, opamps, current DACs and comparators into a PSoC one-chip analog design Build custom analog front end designs in the PSoC Creator IDE Multiple temperature sensors Integrate multiple sensor AFEs for thermistors, diodes, thermocouples and RTDs into a PSoC one-chip solution Accelerate designs using PSoC Components that provide algorithms and firmware for accurate sensor conversion PSoC 4 is an easy-to-use, low-cost, one-chip solution for temperature sensing Temperature Controller
PSoC 4 Example Application: User Interfaces
Industry’s No. 1 CapSense solution Build reliable CapSense buttons that “just work” because of Cypress’s rigorous engineering and testing Simplify designs using the CapSense Component Configuration Tool Eliminate manual tuning with SmartSense Auto-tuning, which continuously optimizes performance Customized displays Drive and control LED and segment LCDs Integrate light sensor AFEs for auto-dimming Low-power operation Minimize power consumption using PSoC 4 low-power modes Sleep: 1.3 mA Deep Sleep: 1.3 µA Hibernate: 150 nA Stop: 20 nA PSoC 4 is a one-chip, reliable, easy-to-use, low-power solution for user interfaces Capacitive Buttons in a Digital Boom Box
PSoC 4 vs. 8-/16-bit Legacy MCUs
Feature CY8C4125AXI-483 PIC24FJ32GA004 MSP430F5310 MC9S08LL16 uPD78F1211 CPU Speed (MHz) 24 32 (16 MIPS) 25 20 Flash Size (KB) 32 16 Serial Interface 4 SPI, 2 I2C, 4 UART 2 SPI, 2 I2C, 2 UART 1 SPI, 1 I2C, 1 UART 1 SPI, 1 I2C, 2 UART ADC 12 bit SAR, 806 ksps 10 bit SAR, 500 ksps 10 bit SAR, 200 ksps 12 bit SAR, 400 ksps 10 bit SAR, 400 ksps Opamp 2 - 1 Comparator 4 Capacitive Sensing Channels (with Auto-tuning) 36 (36) LCD Drive Yes Supply Voltage Package 44-TQFP 48-LQFP 44-LQFP
PSoC 4 vs. ARM Cortex-M0 Competition
Feature CY8C4245AXI-483 STM32F150C6 LPC1114FBD48 MKL05Z32VLC4 NUC100LC1BN ATSAMD20E15A CPU Speed (MHz) 48 50 Flash Size (KB) 32 Programmable Digital Blocks 4 - Serial Interface 4 SPI, 2 I2C, 4 UART 1 SPI, 1 I2C, 2 UART 2 SPI, 1 I2C, 1 UART 1 SPI, 1 I2C, 1 UART 1 SPI, 2 I2C, 2 UART 4 SPI, 4 I2C, ADC 12 bit SAR, 1 Msps 10 bit SAR, 400 ksps 818 ksps 600 ksps 350 ksps Opamp 2 Comparator 1 Capacitive Sensing Channels (with Auto-tuning) 36 (36) 18 (0) 14 (0) 60 (0) LCD Drive Yes Supply Voltage Package 44-TQFP 48-LQFP 32-TQFP
Getting Started with PSoC 4
PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-042) 1. Download the PSoC Creator IDE: 2. Buy the $25 PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit: 3. Download the Getting Started with PSoC 4 App Note: 4. Attend the “Introduction to PSoC 4” Workshop in person: Contact PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit provides simple, rapid development Direct access to all PSoC 4 I/O Easy access to PSoC 4 power measurement test points Compatible form factor with Arduino shields and Digilent® Pmod™ daughter cards PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit provides an advanced debug interface Onboard PSoC 5LP, factory-programmed to be a programmer and debugger USB program and debug channel for target PSoC 4 device USB-to-serial communication interface with the target PSoC 4 device
References and Links Introductory video:
PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-042) page: Contains kit documentation and example projects App Note AN79953: Getting Started with PSoC 4 App Note AN86233: PSoC 4 Low-Power Modes and Power Reduction Techniques App Note AN82156: Designing PSoC Creator™ Components with UDB Data paths App Note AN82250: Implementing Programmable Logic Designs with Verilog PSoC 4 CapSense Design Guide: Cypress Platform PSoC Product Roadmap:
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