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Solar System.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar System

2 Mercury Size- 4878 km in diameter Density-.055 density of Earth
Atmosphere-helium, oxygen, hydrogen Distance from sun- 36 million miles Moons/Rings- None Surface Comp.- rocky Orbital Path- 88 Earth Days

3 Venus Size- 12,400 km Density-0.86density of Earth
Atmosphere-carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid Distance from sun- 67 million miles Moons/Rings- none Surface Comp.- rocky Orbital Path- 225 Earth Days

4 Earth Size- 12,756 km in diameter Density-1 Earth
Atmosphere-oxygen, hydrogen Distance from sun- 91 million miles Moons/Rings- 1 moon Surface Comp.- rocky with water Orbital Path- 365 Earth Days

5 Mars Size- 6794 km in diameter Density-.11 density of Earth
Atmosphere-nitrogen, carbon dioxide Distance from sun- 142million miles Moons/Rings- 2 moons Surface Comp.- rocky with iron ore dust Orbital Path- 687 Earth Days

6 Jupiter Size- 170,000 km in diameter Density-318x density of Earth
Atmosphere-helium, hydrogen Distance from sun million miles Moons/Rings- 63 moons Surface Comp.- gas Orbital Path- 12 years

7 Saturn Size- 120,535 km in diameter Density-95x density of Earth
Atmosphere-helium, hydrogen Distance from sun- 889 million miles Moons/Rings- 56 moons/ 1,000 rings Surface Comp.- gas Orbital Path- 30 years

8 Uranus Size- 50,826 km in diameter Density-14.1x density of Earth
Atmosphere-helium, hydrogen, methane Distance from sun- 1 billion 790 million miles Moons/Rings- 27 moons/ 9 rings Surface Comp.- gas Orbital Path- 84 years

9 Neptune Size- 49,528 km in diameter Density-17.2x density of Earth
Atmosphere-helium, hydrogen, methane Distance from sun- 2 billion 800million miles Moons/Rings- 13 moons/ 2 rings Surface Comp.-gas Orbital Path- 165 years


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