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Hospitality Industry Management (H.I.M)

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Presentation on theme: "Hospitality Industry Management (H.I.M)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hospitality Industry Management (H.I.M)
Publicity Budget: 15,000 THB

2 What is Hospitality Industry Management?
Background What is Hospitality Industry Management? Customers service Giving best experience possible to your customers Challenging/interesting Different careers and job opportunities Hospitality industry is all about customers service and giving the best experience to your customers. It is a challenging but interesting field to work in and it has a wide range of job opportunities.

3 Why study Hospitality Industry Management?
Background -Focuses on hospitality -HIM and BBA -Skills and knowledge -Updated information -Brings out confidence in students Why study Hospitality Industry Management? - Hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industry because more and more people are travelling so they need more professionals -HIM focuses on hospitality part -Payap HIM program is different from other uni in cnx because it also offers Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) which means that students who study HIM gets business background -Since HIM is a new project in Payap, students get updated skill and knowledge in the hospitality field - Because of the experience student will get during their studies in HIM, they will therefore graduate with more confidence

4 What is special about Hospitality Industry Management?
Background Real life experiences What is special about Hospitality Industry Management? Visual Learning Training What makes HIM program different from other programs? -HIM program is different from IBM, EC, IT because HIM students not only focuses their studies in class, but also outdoors, -Trained to real life experiences, gets to experience first hand. (visually and practically) -ASEAN- there will be increasing number of tourists and this will continue to grow and many sightseeing attractions will develop. Economic growth (goods and services) ASEAN

5 Background Last year in 2014 five students graduated from IHM program
Altogether there were 31 students


7 Background Aj. Chanvit Jatuprayoon (Aob) Head of H.I.M
Masters degree in Accounting and Finance at Central Queensland University, Australia Master degree in Hotel and Tourism Management at Stamford International University, Bangkok Bachelors degree in Hotel Management at Dusit Thani College, Bangkok Courses, clubs, partnerships, internships,

8 Background Experiences: Chedi Hotel (Anantara) -Reception tasks
-Handling food/beverages -Selling tour excursion Restaurant in Australia -Serving -Assisting the cook -Plating the dishes Experiences:

9 Background Aj. Premchit Khurana (Prem)
Masters in Hospitality and Tourism Management at Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Bachelors in Hotel Management at Prince of Songkla University, Phuket

10 Background Experiences:
Worked in sales and marketing section of Marriot International, Phuket (6 years) Helping in family business

11 Background Aj. Patima Jitpakdee (Moe)
Masters in International Tourism and Hospitality Management at Griffith University, Australia Bachelors in Liberal Arts- Library and Information at Thammasat University, Bangkok

12 Background Experience
-Marketing and Brand Management in Bacardi Thailand -Brand consultant (10 years) Bangkok -Flight attendant for Japan Airline (3 years)

13 Background Aj. Sasiprapa Pota (Oil) Masters in Hospitality and Tourism Management at University College Birmingham, United Kingdom Bachelors in Business Administration at Chiang Mai University

14 Background Experiences: Family business in Tourism
Real Estate companies in Asian Property Development (5 years) and Himma Prestige living Marketing field at PIAS International Thailand, international brand selling cosmetic products

15 Key Communication H.I.M is a brand new major at Payap International College Updated and new courses Trained to real life experiences Incorporate hospitality with business (H.I.M and BBA) Professors with 30+ years of experiences in the hospitality industry field

16 Key Communication Contact info: From Thailand Ext: 7263 From abroad: Ext: 7263 Department Website: Official Facebook page:

17 Target Audience Primary
International school students (Thai or Foreign) within Chiang Mai area Age: 15-16 Both male or Female GPA: 2.00+ The life matrix: -Outgoing, great communicator, adventurous, friendly People who likes: -Culture, travelling, adventure -international school students because students who study in HIM program must have good English skills. They can be Thai or Foreign students as long as they can Communicate well in English. -I chose ages 15 to 16 because this is the time when students start thinking or planning where to go for university or college. The reason why I didn’t choose 17 or 18 is because many people this age already know where they are going and many students this age probably applied to several universities already. (they already have a plan) -life matrix : outgoing, great communicator, and friendly because hospitality industry is all about communicating well to your customers and satisfying the cutomers by giving them a great experience.

18 Target Audience Secondary
Bilingual School students within Chiang Mai area Age: 15-16 Both female and male GPA 2.00+ Students with skills or experience (if possible) The life matrix: -Outgoing, great communicator, adventurous, friendly People who likes: -Culture, travelling, adventure Bilingual school students should have a good level of English skills And if possible we want students that already had experiences or skills from a part time job or family businesses just so they Have a general idea or background and know what to expect when coming into HIM

19 Objectives Inform people that Payap has a new major
Attract new high school graduates Provide new updated knowledge to students Interview

20 Strategies Having booth at college fairs
Provide application forms for people to apply in HIM department Guest speakers to talk about the benefit of the new faculty Have an interview with an alumni

21 American Pacific International School
Target Press Lanna International School newsletter American Pacific International School

22 Target Press Grace International School
Prem Tinsulanonda International School

23 PR IDEAS PR Ideas Having a booth at College fairs (ex: at PTIS)
Rationale To give out awareness about HIM program Target Media High school students and parents Cost No cost Round table interview at Le Meridien Hotel for professor to speak about new H.I.M program To inform people who attends the meeting -Magazine/news reporters -Local radios 8,700 THB Have an interview with alumni information from a first hand experience School newsletter Magazine No cost

24 Promotional Partners

25 Promotional Partners

26 Sara aonuma

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