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English 115 Subject Databases Hudson Valley Community College Marvin Library Learning Commons 1.

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1 English 115 Subject Databases Hudson Valley Community College Marvin Library Learning Commons 1

2 Hudson Valley Community College Marvin Library Web Page 2 While the library has some journals available in print, many of the articles you need will be found using the Research Databases & Articles tab. Databases provide access to material that may not be freely available on the web.

3 Hudson Valley Community College Marvin Library Web Page 3 Subject databases contain articles within a specific field. To narrow search results to a certain field, choose a database by subject or from the A to Z list. View descriptions to find out more. subject databases

4 Database Descriptions:

5 Covered Research Databases: These databases will be covered in this session: CQ Researcher DynaMed Gale Virtual Reference Library JSTOR Literature Resource Center National Newspaper Core PsycARTICLES/Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection Science Direct WestlawNext

6 CQ Researcher Online: CQ Researcher Online provides research on subjects that affect the United States. CQ stands for Congressional Quarterly and includes charts, chronologies, statistics, experts, etc on a particular topic. Browse Hot Topics or use the Search box.

7 The Full Report provides an overview, expert opinions, a chronology, and all kinds of maps, charts and graphs. Their bibliographies will often lead you to more great sources. Note the CiteNow feature. CQ Researcher Online:

8 DynaMed is an evidence-based, primary care database designed to provide point-of-care health information. Note that general information, epidemiology, causes, diagnosis, treatment are all provided. Tools to Alert, Print, and Email are on the right. They do not have a citation tool. DynaMed

9 Gale Virtual Reference Library: If you need reliable information from reference sources, try Gale Virtual Reference Library. This database contains authoritative texts on people and time periods. Use the Search Collection box at the top or enter your keywords in Advanced Search.

10 Here are the results for a search on Oprah Winfrey. Search within results or limit your search by document type, publication title, subjects, etc. The citation tools will be on the right after you open the article. Gale Virtual Reference Library:

11 JSTOR JSTOR is a huge database of scholarly journal articles and books from a variety of disciplines. Enter your keywords in Search or click on Advanced Search. JSTOR does not have a Citation Tool so be prepared to create the citation.

12 Note the number or results and types of formats. Note that some articles are book reviews (not acceptable for this assignment). Click on Download PDF to open the article. It will ask you to accept JSTOR’s terms and conditions before giving access. JSTOR

13 Literature Resource Center: For research on an author or literary work, go right to the Literature Resource Center. Search by Keyword, Name of Work or Person By or About.

14 Narrow your results on the right. Note you can pick content types, subject, Person-About, Name of Work, etc. Once you open an article, the tool box will allow you to print, email, save, or cite. Literature Resource Center:

15 National Newspapers Core Full-text articles from 1980s to present for Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.

16 Note the Cite, Email, Print, and more options. National Newspapers Core:

17 Research in psychology uses PsycARTICLES and/or the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences databases. To search them both, click on Choose Databases. PsycARTICLES:

18 A search on social media OR cell* phones AND anxiety OR ocd yields 35 results. To narrow the search, change the dropdown to Subject or Title. Options include: full text, scholarly journal articles and the option to limit by date. PsycARTICLES/Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection:

19 Science Direct: Science Direct is a huge database owned by Elsevier that provides journal articles and books on scientific topics. Use the search box or browse publication by subject. Science Direct does not have a citation tool.

20 Science Direct: You can filter by year, publication date, topic, or content type. You have full text access if you see the green or orange striped box to the right of the title. Some materials are not fulltext access. You need fulltext access to use a source for research.

21 Science Direct: To print or save file, Download PDF. Note that Recommended Articles may lead you to similar articles on your topic.

22 WestlawNext WestlawNext contains legal, news and business information available in fulltext, including case law, statutes, regulations, and secondary legal sources. This can be tricky to use so find the Campus Help Guide on the opening page. 22

23 You can search of case number or topic. Be prepared to narrow by federal, state, courts, etc. 23

24 Subject Databases These are just a few of the many databases HVCC provides. You will notice similarities when you search databases owned by the same company. This can be tricky stuff so don’t hesitate to ask a librarian for help. Remember that help is available at the Writing and Research Center on the second floor of the Marvin Library or use the Ask a Librarian service available from the library web page. 24

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