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Dr.Koen Rossel-Cambier EU Delegation for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Third Caribbean Workshop on Social Protection and International Cooperation,

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Presentation on theme: "Dr.Koen Rossel-Cambier EU Delegation for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Third Caribbean Workshop on Social Protection and International Cooperation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr.Koen Rossel-Cambier EU Delegation for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Third Caribbean Workshop on Social Protection and International Cooperation, OAS and the Barbados Government Presentation 26 September 2013

2  The EU in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean  The EU Social Protection Agenda in the Eastern Caribbean  Different modalities: ◦ Project Management and Social investment funds ◦ Budget support programmes ◦ Enhancing sustainable public private partnerships  Trends and opportunities for rights-based social protection in the Eastern Caribbean

3  The European Consensus on Development clearly indicates employment as a crucial factor to achieve high level of social cohesion.  The EC adopted over time a number of key policy documents to address employment, social protection and decent work for all  Financing instruments in the period 2007-2013 and beyond: ◦ Country and regional programmes: The European Development Fund ◦ Thematic programmes:  Global Programme “Investing in People”  EU MDG support initiative  Civil society and human rights specific programme ◦ Trade related programmes SUGAR and BANANA accompanying measures (SFA)

4 Social Protection Health care financing Access to insurance and credit, employment creation Human rights and civil society strenghtening Disaster management and national security Human resources and Education

5 Policy and planning Finance Legislation Implementation and monitoring

6 Project management including social investment funds Budget support programmes Public private partnerships

7  Examples of projects ongoing : ◦ National security (SKN) ◦ Health (SLU, SVG) ◦ Agriculture and private sector development (CARICOM, DOM, SVG, SLU) ◦ Gender and employment (AandB) ◦ Knowledge management (CKLN) ◦ Emergency preparedness (CARICOM) ◦ Education (SLU, SVG, SKN)  SIF: Eastern Caribbean: ◦ Saint Lucia: over 4.5 million euro ◦ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: 4.25 million euro (2006-2008) ◦ Dominica: 4.4 million euro (2006-2009) Project management including Social investment funds in the Eastern Caribbean

8  25 vulnerable plans and 10 community plans developed  53 projects with each a training component  Beneficiaries: 7547 persons and 2300 households  6 vulnerable groups: elderly, children at risk, youth at risk, women, Carib community, physically and mentally challenged  20 communities  591 cases of short term employment  433 persons benefitting from 22 training activities on +management, ECD, proposal writing, leadership, financial management and MandE

9  General versus sector specific BS programmes  Possibility to work on different levels: policy, finance, legal and monitoring & implementation  Results orientation and ownership  Technical assistance

10 Policy and planning Finance Legislation Implementation and monitoring


12 201020112012 Anguilla707.2136.5 Antigua and Barbuda58.9 Dominica19.97.8 Grenada33.83.7 Montserrat76.620.245.2 Saint Kitts and Nevis12.747.172.9 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines25.127.3

13 Thank you for your attention SectorIndicator201420152016 Social Protection and Poverty Reduction Policy indicator: focus: social protection reform The Social Development Assistance Act reformed to provide appropriate legislative framework for improving implementation of social protection programmes. Four (4) cash assistance programmes (compassionate grant, food voucher, social protection and poor relief programmes) merged into one unified grant scheme based on an objective targeting formula for means testing, eligibility and exit and allows for greater transparency. An electronic management information system established for social assistance programmes in use at least two (2) departments and includes all beneficiaries. Programme indicatorThe workforce and stakeholders of the social protection system including the MEND Programme are strengthened in their capacities to embark upon an innovative pro- poor and supply driven approach to social assistance delivery. Operation of a modern Co-Ed Rehabilitation Centre to accommodate up to 30 residents in a rehabilitating and enabling environment. MEND programme assistance increased by 50%.

14  Support to civil society as service providers  Donor coordination  Support to insurance mechanisms, in particular related to emergency  Promotion of EU-Caribbean partnerships

15  Increase in inequality and vulnerability  Role of Regional Integration: standards and social dialogue  Sustainable public private partnerships for effective service delivery  Rights-based approach to affordable social protection

16 Thank you

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