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UB. BARCELONA UB 18 faculties 2 university schools 8 affiliated centres UB faculties and centres.

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1 UB



4 UB 18 faculties 2 university schools 8 affiliated centres UB faculties and centres

5 Diagonal Nord 18.880 Bellvitge 2,008 Clínic 1,421 Sants 860 Diagonal Sud 12,241 Mundet 8,543 Centre 7,411 UB Campus

6 Faculty and research staff (PDI) Administrative and service staff (PAS) The people at the UB

7 Teaching at the UB The UB offers a wide range of academic studies Art and Humanities Experimental Sciences and Technical Degrees Health Sciences Social Sciences Education Sciences 66 official degrees 49 doctoral programs receiving award for quality 5 UB-endorsed degrees 98 doctoral programs 7 degrees at affiliated centres 406 postgraduate programs 88 official master’s degrees 545 lifelong learning courses

8 Teaching at the UB Official Programs 50,563 Undergraduate Students 11,825 New students 2,548 Doctorate students 9,655 Postgraduate students Outcome 7,345 Graduated 559 Doctorate

9 Teaching at the UB International mobility 863 UB students abroad 1.919 foreign students at the UB Socrates-Erasmus program:  UB students at European universities  Socrates-Erasmus students at the UB The UB also organizes exchanges with the US, Canada, Latin America and other countries. 794 1.185 Study and residence permits for non-EU lecturers and students863 Official degrees (undergraduate, doctorate and Erasmus Mundus master’s) taught in conjunction with other foreign universities 8 UB-endorsed degrees (postgraduate) taught in conjunction with other foreign universities24

10 Faculty of Chemistry February 25, 2011 UB

11 The Faculty of Chemistry 1450: Foundation of the UB 1845: First studies in Chemistry in the UB 1859: Creation of the Faculty of Sciences, with a secton of Chemistry 1969: New building of the Faculties of Physics and Chemistry in the Campus of Pedralbes 1998: Beginning the enlargement of the building 2006: Enlargement finished and inauguration

12 Council of the Faculty DEAN: P.L. Cabot Administrator of the Centre: Chemistry and Physics: X. Meneses Head of the Secretary: M. Boada Council for Chemistry Studies M. Sarret Comission of Library Users E. Bosch Secretary R. Costa Vice-DEAN F. López Research Commission Doctorate Commission Permanent Commission Staff of the Faculty Vice-DEAN F. Urpí Academic Commission Commission for Security, Health and Environment Vice-DEAN T. Roca Council for Chem. Eng. Studies J. Tejero Coordination of General Laboratories M. Seco Conuncil for Mater. Eng. Studies I. Fernández UQMAS: I. Pérez Professorate Commission Delegation for External and International Relations C. González Commission for the Quality of Teaching J. Giménez Commitee of Quality J. Giménez External Consulting Committee Commission for Language Dynamization TICs Commission (Web)

13 Departments Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Physical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Chemical Engineering Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering

14 Undergraduate Students: ≈1400 (Chemistry) + ≈400 (Chem. Eng.) + ≈100 (Mater. Eng.); GRADUATED: ≈265 GRADUATED: ≈265 PDI (all cathegories of teachers and researchers): ≈ 245 (≈60 Full Prof.) PAS (administration and services): ≈ 85 European Master Students: ≈85 PhD Doctorate Students: ≈80

15 (2009-10) New Graduation Studies Graduation in Chemistry: 240 ECTS (4 years) Graduation in Chemical Engineering: 240 ECTS (4 years) (2010-11) Graduation in Materials Engineering: 240 ECTS (4 years)

16 Master in Advanced Chemistry (with specialties) (90 ECTS) Master in Environmental Engineering (90 ECTS) Working DOCTORATE Non-official Masters Experimental Master in Chemistry (with specialties) (60 ECTS) Experimental Master in Chemical Engineering (60ECTS) Other Masters such as: Molecular Biotechnology (60 ECTS) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (90-120 ECTS) Water (Interdisciplinary) (90- 120 ECTS)

17 DOCTORATE Homogeneous Catalysis Molecular Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry of the Environment and the Pollution Electrochemistry. Science and Technology Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Technology of Materials Biotechnology Environmental Science and Technology Engineering and Advanced Technologies

18 5 PC Rooms 14 Laboratories 17 Classrooms 1 Aula Magna

19 Studying Tupper's room Bar-Restaurant Photocopying

20 Library of Chemistry and Physics 30.000 monographic volumes More than 200 printed scientific journals 1600 journals in electronic format Printed Chemical Abstracts since 1907

21 The quality of the scientific research. El País, 29/09/04 M. Nazario y E. I. Nebot, The Faculty of Chemistry of the UB is in the first place in this study and it is the first Spanish University Centre in number of published papers and in the number of citations. Journal "Capital", February 2005 The Faculty of Chemistry of the UB is the first recommended Centre to study Chemistry. The Universitat de Barcelona, leader en scientific production. Avui, 27/10/05

22 Journal “Anales de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, 102 (2006) 11-17” Study performed by P. Román and A. Luque The Faculty of Chemistry of the UB is the first Spanish University Centre in the number of published papers and in the H factor during the period 1996-2005. Annual reports of the journal "El Mundo" about 50 careers. The Faculty of Chemistry is the first recommended Centre to study Chemistry in Spain in the last five consecutive years. It has been the first in eight of the nine annual reports.

23 “Campus more active in research” La Gaceta de los negocios (26/02/2007)

24 For students in the secondary level: FEM QUÍMICA AL LABORATORI

25 Welcome (July and September) Graduation PAT (Tutorials): -During the career. -Mobility (Erasmus and Seneca)

26 Journey oriented to search for a job and Exposition of Companies (April) About 300 cooperation agreements with the Industry and Public Institutions

27 Chemical Engineering Department University of Barcelona Faculty of Chemistry Martí I Franquès, 1, 6th floor 08028 Barcelona Spain Phone: +34 93 4021288 Fax: +34 93 4021291 E-mail: Director: Dr. Jose Maria Gutiérrez (

28 28 Chemical Engineering Department UB 19 Professors 17 associate professors 1 assistant professor 20 researchers 5 Administrative and service staff (PAS) Services Chemical Engineering Grade Environmental Engineering Master Other grades: Chemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Food science and technology Other masters: Molecular biotechnology, Water

29 29 Results from for research Research at the Chemical Engineering Department UB 13PhD and Master thesis 60Congress presentations 35ISI Publications 276.923Research Projects, FBG contracts 431.450Research Projects € YEAR 2008 €

30 30 Research at the Chemical Engineering Department UB 8 Research Groups 4 Excellence Research Groups (Catalan Government recognition) Applied Catalysis and Kinetics Advanced Oxidation Process Engineering Environmental Biotechnology Industrial Separation Processes Colloidal Engineering Systems Separation and energy integration. Design, control and simulation Composting Methodological Developments. Nanotechnology

31 Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Chemistry Martí I Franquès, 1, 6th floor 08028 Barcelona Spain Phone: +34 93 4021288 Fax: +34 93 4021291 E-mail: Thanks for your attention questions???

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