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Types of Laws Criminal Laws are those that seek to prevent people from deliberately or recklessly harming each other or each other’s property.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Laws Criminal Laws are those that seek to prevent people from deliberately or recklessly harming each other or each other’s property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Laws Criminal Laws are those that seek to prevent people from deliberately or recklessly harming each other or each other’s property.

2 Law breakers


4 Types of Laws Civil Laws are concerned with disputes between people or between the government and its citizens. In these lawsuits you have a plaintiff and a defendant. Often civil suits involve contracts.

5 Types of Laws Constitutional Laws are those found in the U.S. Constitution. As the highest laws in the land they have enormous influence on our lives. Administrative Laws refer to all of the rules and regulations that the executive branch must make to carry out its job.

6 Types of Laws International Laws refer to any laws that affect the U.S. and other nations. These laws might involve military agreements, diplomatic treaties, trade regulations and other international agreements (like fishing rights).

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