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Mentoring in a Professional Development School Fall 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring in a Professional Development School Fall 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring in a Professional Development School Fall 2009

2 Outcomes Understand the role of the mentor. Communicative effectively as a mentor. Provide feedback to the intern. You will receive a repertoire of skills that will enable you to:

3 The Role of the Mentor

4 Communications Skills for Effective Mentoring

5 Listening Unproductive Patterns of Listening 1. Judgment/Criticism 2. Autobiographical Listening 3. Inquisitive Listening 4. Solution Listening

6 By paying attention to the presuppositions that we used and choosing our words with care, we can more positively influence the thinking and feelings of others with whom we are communicating. The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense, Suzette Haden Elgin Speaking

7 Positive Presuppositions Do you have an objective for your lesson? What objectives have you planned for your lesson? Do you use any technology in your teaching? How are you integrating technology into your teaching? Have you thought about using manipulative to engage your students? What manipulative do you plan to use to help engage students during your lesson?

8 Providing Feedback to Your Intern Oral Written

9 Conferencing with Your Intern Informal Conferences Formal Conferences

10 Informal Conferences Setting expectations Class information Schedule Informative... Share curricula and expectations Engage in co-planning Reflective conversations... Mentor teaching and methods Intern teaching and methods Should occur at a set time weekly...

11 Formal Conferences Post-Observation Variety of formats/different university requirements Start with intern self-reflection Share written feedback Goal setting Dialogue journals 3-Way conference No surprises Mid-point and Final (as minimum) Evaluative Conference

12 Written Feedback Provide on a daily/weekly basis Use a variety of formats that will indicate both strengths and weaknesses Keep copies to use when writing the formal evaluation Make reference to the domains from the HCPSS objectives, the INTASC Standards, as well as level/content standards Base it on data Make it timely

13 Non-Judgmental Feedback Ways to provide nonjudgmental feedback: Verbal Feedback Timing a Lesson Movement During a Lesson Effective Directions

14 PDSP Mentor Wiki

15 Feedback


17 Questions ???

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