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Curriculum backbone for development Allard Strijker, 2012-05-08 Edrene, Lissabon.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum backbone for development Allard Strijker, 2012-05-08 Edrene, Lissabon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum backbone for development Allard Strijker, 2012-05-08 Edrene, Lissabon

2 Introduction SLO – Centre of Excellence for Curriculum Design Task from ministry Describing what Primary education Secondary education

3 Background for the project(s) Support educational development –Lessons and lesson plans –Publishers, teachers and schools –Assessment –Accountability –Flexibility Special needs, gifted, vocational Consistency and coherence in curriculum Quality Data exchange –Results –Rating

4 Describing education requirements Structured data Educational Term store (Onderwijsbegippenkader) –Educational framework concepts –Unique concept with captions and descriptions if needed –Persistent locators –Basis for consistent vocabularies –Relations Educational framework and technical representation Authoring environments Tooling

5 Educational termstore LevelContent Objective Topic School Learning objective Core objective Intermediate objective Subject Program

6 Curriculum Elements COMPONENTCORE QUESTION LevelWhat knowledge or competence is required? ObjectivesTowards which goals are they learning? ContentWhat are they learning?

7 Leerplan in beeld




11 Relations between objective LevelContent Objective hasLevel hasObjective hasLevel hasContent hasObjective hasContent

12 Competence Hierarchy in descriptions hasCompetence Subject Content Topic Specification isSubjectOf isTopicOf isSpecificationOf hasCompetence hasSubject hasTopic HasSpecification Content

13 Relations between objective LevelContent Objective hasLevel hasObjective hasLevel hasContent hasObjective hasContent Learning resource hasObjective hasContent hasObjective

14 Curriculum Elements COMPONENTCORE QUESTION RationaleWhy are they learning? LevelWhat knowledge or competence is required? ObjectivesTowards which goals are they learning? ContentWhat are they learning? Learning activitiesHow are they learning? Teacher roleHow is the teacher facilitating their learning? Materials and resourcesWith what are they learning? GroupingWith whom are they learning? LocationWhere are they learning? TimeWhen are they learning? AssessmentHow is their learning assessed?

15 The curricular spider web Learning resource

16 Ease of use Profiles Personal –Role –Expertise –Style –Vision Didactical –Approach –Level –Subject Organizational –Location –Time Lesson (plans) –Context –Relations –Use

17 User should be central More attention for –User needs –Ease of use –Workproces –Using materials –Integration reuse and sharing –Didactics

18 More information Thank you for the attention Allard Strijker

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