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Boot Camp By: Micah Worek. Boot Camp By: Micah Worek.

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1 Boot Camp By: Micah Worek

2 Boot Camp By: Micah Worek


4 Day 01 For the first day of boot camp we all had to go around and share our names and where we are from. Then, we had intake so they knew what to put on our dog tags and uniforms. I really hope these 13 weeks go fast.


6 Day 07 The training is getting more and more intense each day. Today we had to go on a four mile run with all pour gear on, and it didn’t help that the drill instructor was screaming in our face the whole time.


8 Day 13 Our schedule is going to take some time to get used to considering we have to get up at 5 a. m. every morning. I’m beginning to miss my family even more everyday.


10 Day 27 This is our first physical training exam of boot camp. It consists of push ups, sit ups, crunches, running, and more. With the confidence I have, I am sure that I will pass.


12 Day 31 We finally got our results back from our first PT test, and I passed no problem! Only 60 days left of boot camp until graduation.


14 Day 45 My body is thriving but in pain from all the training we have done so far. We are marines, and you know what they say- “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”


16 Day 67 It is getting very close to graduation. Most of us are scared to see where we are going to be sent. Basic training is like a walk in the park compared to where we will be sent.


18 Day 76 Now that I’ve been here for awhile, I feel I’ve changed. I grew up a lot, and I know my family and all my friends will be so proud of me.


20 Day 85 Two more days until graduation, and I am so nervous. We meet with our sergeant, and a couple of the other men. I may be sent off to war, but today is our last day of training. The Crucible will imitate war-like conditions to see how we function and work as a team during a war. It will be 54 grueling hours of intense training.


22 Day 91 Graduation day is today! I’m officially graduated as private first class. I’ve learned a lot but mainly honor, loyalty, and respect.

23 Micah Worek is a senior at the Lawrence County Career & Technical Center. He is enrolled in the Computer Office & Technology program and is from the Shenango Area School District.

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