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Money Does Grow on Trees Funding your evolving mission.

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Presentation on theme: "Money Does Grow on Trees Funding your evolving mission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money Does Grow on Trees Funding your evolving mission

2 Your tree huggers for today: Barbara Andersen Consultant Wally Verdooren CDO, Roadrunner FB Albuquerque NM Erik Talkin CEO, Foodbank of Santa Barbara County CA

3 Format for Workshop 1. Three Presentations: Barbara Funder Perspective “How to Develop your Relationship with Funders” Wally National Perspective “Broadening and Expanding Philanthropic Support for Ending Hunger ” Erik Local Perspective “How one Foodbank Changed its approach”

4 2. Break up into interest area groups to work on a proposal COMMUNITY FOOD SYSTEMS HEALTHADVOCACY COLLECTIVE IMPACT

5 Using what you have learned, your groups will have two minutes to pitch a project to our funding experts 3. PITCHING SESSION 4. PITCH FEEDBACK & GENERAL QUESTIONS

6 Wally Verdooren CDO Roadrunner Foodbank National Perspective “Broadening and Expanding Philanthropic Support for Ending Hunger ”

7 Barbara Andersen Funder Perspective “How to Develop your Relationship with Funders”

8 Erik Talkin CEO, Foodbank of Santa Barbara County CA Local Perspective “How one Foodbank Changed its approach”


10 Re-educate existing funding base: Visioning lunches or events bringing in a third party expert to validate your approach Program tours – approach in action Accept that some can only process the old hunger message and show respect by keep taking their money

11 What new tools do you have to market yourself: Information – Guide to Nutrition Programs Access to clientele – for health screenings or other services for low- income people

12 Find Novel Partners: Donors and foundations who are interested in solutions – health, good food New partnerships for your new work to excite funders – Like us partnering with an environmental Charity for our local Food Action Plan

13 Re-build your narrative: Health, community development and novel partnerships are going to excite the media who only have one ‘food insecurity’ story in their repertoire Rebrand and get new positive client stories out there

14 Cobble together the funds to get your first easy wins: Use partial funding of new initiative as demonstration that this is ‘the wave of the future’ and sneak through full funding. Get that rich individual who wants to fund a garden or health program

15 2. Break up into interest area groups to work on a proposal COMMUNITY FOOD SYSTEMS HEALTHADVOCACY COLLECTIVE IMPACT

16 COMMUNITY FOOD SYSTEMS HEALTH - community food hub or access place - community gardens - market match - capacity building through evaluation - agricultural partnerships – building local growers - food provision partnerships - your own project idea - Diabetes - Obesity - Food Literacy - Health Partnerships - Hypertension - Pre-natal or early childhood education - Your own project idea

17 ADVOCACY COLLECTIVE IMPACT - talking to legislators - grassroots organizing/ neighborhood revitalization - coalition building - your own project idea - local multi-agency impact groups - coalition building - Family resource centers - data / evidence building / - your own project idea

18 SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS a Pick one of the four areas b Introduce yourselves quickly stating what type of project resonates with you c Pick a project to work on d Consider how best to pitch it e Identify a pitch person 15 Minutes

19 PITCH TIME 2 Minutes per pitch

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