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1 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana Power Sector Conclave Mumbai 14 th -15 th July2008 Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra & Rajasthan.

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1 1 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana Power Sector Conclave Mumbai 14 th -15 th July2008 Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra & Rajasthan

2 2 RAJIV GANDHI GRAMEEN VIDYUTIKARAN YOJANA  Launched in April,2005  Initial sanction was for last two years of X Plan with capital subsidy of Rs. 5000 Crore  In the X Plan, 235 projects were sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs. 9722 Crore  Goa is not participating in the scheme as it has achieved 100% village electrification  These projects, when completed, will ensure electrification of 68,763 un-electrified villages, intensive electrification of 1,11,936 electrified villages and provide free connections to 83.1 lakh BPL connections  Achievements as on 30 th June 2008 -  Un- electrified villages: 49,272 (73.5%)  Intensive Electrification: 51,221 (45.8%)  Connections to BPL households: 27.47 Lakh (33%)

3 3 Status of Rural Electrification in 2001 StateUEV% UEV % of country Un- electrified Rhh (Lakh) % Un- electrified Rhhs % of country Goa 0000.117.67%0% Gujarat 1260.7%0.1%16.4127.88%2.1% Madhya Pr. 16433.2%1.4%30.6137.68%3.9% Maharashtra 7441.8%0.6%38.3034.83%4.9% Rajasthan 24776.2%2.1%40.0655.98%5.1% Total 49903.3%4.2%125.4938.9%16.1% Country11957020.1%780.9156.48%

4 4 X Plan Projects Region No.of Proj Un-Electrified Villages (nos.) Electrified Villages (nos.) BPL H/Hs Cost ( Rs. Cr) % Cost TgtAchd. % Achd TgtAchd. % Achd Tgt (Lakh) Achd (Lakh) % Achd NR110340793017088.5366371597143.622.128.64393987.7741% ER563273718919 57.8 901610471222.191.697.63592.1336.9% NER161666120 7.2 251541880.72.310.0180.78415.094.3% SR354947 95.9 428132977869.527.6414.9854.21043.3010.7% WR18232166.919618423721.68.852.1424.2684.227% Total235687634927271.71119365122145.883.127.47339722.52 Achievements as on 30.06.08

5 5 X Plan Projects State No. of Projs UEVs (nos.) BPL H/Hs (nos.) Cost ( Rs. Crore) Cost % country TargetAchd % Achd Targe t Achd % Achd Gujarat300-1.881.0958%60.840.6% M.P.81151613.9% Maharashtra400-2.630.7628.9%78.860.8% Rajasthan251705166297.5%6.992.8440.6%453.234.7% Total401820167892.2%14.624.832.8%988.5010.2% Country235687634925071.6%83.127.4733%9722.52 %17%2.6%3.4%17.6%17.5%10.2% Achievements as on 30.06.08

6 6 X Plan Projects State No.of Proj Electrified Villages TargetAchd % Achd Gujarat32409125552% Madhya Pr.8965398010% Maharashtra44052139134% Rajasthan2515608915159% Total40317221277740% Country2351119365122146% %17%28%25% Achievements as on 30.06.08

7 7 Achievements Implementing Agencies Wise (X Plan) State Imp. Agency Projs. UEV Tgt UEV Achd % Achd BPL Tgt (Lakh) BPL Achd. % Achd GujaratState100-1.180.6858% PGCIL200-0.700.4260% Madhya Pr.State643012%2.720.072.5% NTPC2721521%0.390.0410% MaharashtraState400-2.620.7629% Rajasthan State231424139098%5.992.2437% PGCIL228127297%1.00.660% Total401820167892.2%14.624.832.8%

8 8 Achievements Implementing Agencies Wise (X Plan) State Imp. Agency Projs. Electrified Villages Target Electrified Villages Achieved % Achvd GujaratState1120136631% PGCIL2120888974% Madhya Pr.State676667119.3% NTPC2198726913.5% MaharashtraState44052139134% Rajasthan State2312719721657% PGCIL22889193567% Total 40317221277740%

9 9 Issues: Expectations from Implementing Agencies 1.Delay in completion of Projects:  Projects to be completed in 24 months post sanction  All X Plan projects have crossed their schedule of completion  Project implementation to be expedited  Close monitoring of supplies & works 2. Release of BPL Connections:  Only 32.8% connections released in 4 states  Progress is very poor in M.P. (3.4%) and Maharashtra (28.9%).  Release of BPL connections to be taken up on top priority

10 10 Issues: Expectations from Implementing Agencies 3. Delays in providing land for 33/11KV sub-stations –  This is one major reason towards delay in project implementation  Suitable land to be handed over to implementing agency within 3 months of award to avoid delay in energization of lines & thefts 4. Coordination of Material Supply-  Required quantities to be tied up: Poles, transformers, cables  Identification of local contractors  Enhancement of capacity of local industry for pole manufacturing

11 11 Issues: Expectations from Implementing Agencies 5. Delay in energization of village – Big gap between number of villages where work completed and villages energized  Safety inspection to be arranged immediately on completion of work and village energized  Authorise Discom officers for safety inspection as in Chattisgarh  Administrative action to stop theft of material 6. Delay in issue of Panchayat certificates –  Rajasthan – Work completed: 1,631 villages, Certificates: 793 villages  M.P. - Work completed: 16 villages, Certificates: Nil  Certificate to be arranged immediately after completion of work

12 12 7. Delay in taking over of physical assets by state utilities -  Assets should be taken over within 15 days of completion of work 8. Quality of Material & Inspection –  Third party inspection for X Plan projects  Three-Tier Quality mechanism for XI Plan projects Issues: Expectations from Implementing Agencies

13 13 9. Establishment of Franchisee in RGGVY Village –  None of the village electrified under RGGVY franchised so far  Participation in Franchisee training programme from Rajasthan is poor (only 1 so far)  Franchisee should be in place at the time of energization  Active participation in franchisee training programmes required. 10.Correctness of data-  The data submitted by States to different agencies do not match  States to coordinate with CEA to freeze the data i.r.o. un- electrified villages  States to submit authenticated data on RGGVY to REC  States to submit data through web based MIS Issues: Expectations from Implementing Agencies

14 14 Status of Un-Electrified Villages States (1) UEVs as per CEA report (as on 31/3/07) (2) UEV covered under DPRs/ RGGVY (3) UEVs identified under MNRE (4) UEVs electrified under RGGVY up to 31/3/07 (5) Gap (2-3- 4+5) (6) UEVs as per RE Plan (as on 31/3/07) (7) Gujarat 158049010979 M.P. 19041020401048315740 Maharashtra 50856257048225085 Rajasthan 1307744884179959167NA ? What is the programme of electrification of the villages at colmn 6 ? Are these villages became un-electrified as per new definition ? Are these villages being electrified under intensive electrification ? Why Madhya Pradesh have high figures of UEV in RE Plan

15 15 11.Notification of RE Plan –  Only Gujarat & Maharashtra have finalized  MoP circulated sample RE Plan  M.P. draft RE Plan commented by MoP  M.P. and Rajasthan to submit their final/draft RE Plans  States to finalize before August ‘08 12. Fixing of RGGVY Boards – Few boards installed in Rajasthan  Boards to be fixed in all un-electrified villages (nil in Gujarat & Maharashtra, M.P.:115), where work has been completed or under progress Issues: Expectations from Implementing Agencies

16 16 13. New service connections to APL households – No connection in Gujarat & M.P.  Utilities to release APL connections simultaneously  Utilities to arrange awareness campaigns 14. Regular meetings of State Coordination Committee headed by Chief Secretary -  State to arrange monthly meetings to sort out state level & inter-departmental issues 15. Regular meetings of District Committee -  Utilities to arrange regular meetings to review progress and to sort out local problems Issues: Expectations from Implementing Agencies

17 17 XI Plan Projects State No.of Proj. Village Coverage BPL H/Hs (Lakh) Cost (Rs. Crore) Status of Award (nos.) UEVs (nos.) EVs (nos.) Gujarat220155257.67299.599 Madhya Pr.21 6752207810.011017.944 Maharashtra3063624016.14634.581 Rajasthan15 2115180039.82593.809 TOTAL8827969184643.642545.9123 Country31647672234201158.5215353.1394 % of Country27.8%5.9%39.2%27.5%16.6%24%

18 18 Implementing Agencies XI Plan Projects State Imp. Agency ProjectsUEVEVs BPLCost (Rs. Crore) Gujarat State220 15525 766679299.59 M. P. State21675 22078 10008481017.94 MaharashtraState306 36240 1613853634.58 RajasthanState12185313491809982442.81 PGCIL42624512172473150.99 Total882796 91846 43638352545.91

19 19 Conditions for RGGVY in XI Plan RGGVY  States to ensure minimum daily supply of 6 to 8 hours of electricity in the RGGVY network.  Deployment of franchisees is mandatory for the management of rural distribution in projects financed under the scheme.  States to give assurance of meeting any financial deficit in this context by supplying electricity at subsidized tariff  Three-Tier Quality Monitoring Mechanism introduced to be adopted to ensure quality of material & implementation.  The states to notify their Rural Electrification Plans in 6 months (Aug. ’08)

20 20 New Initiatives  For effective implementation and better monitoring of the RGGVY projects sanctioned in XI Plan, all the implementing agencies have to adopt following procedures Adoption of Three-tier Quality Monitoring Mechanism : RGGVY Quality Manual finalized & released Web-based Monitoring Milestone based monitoring system Electronic fund transfer up to contractor level Constitution of State Level Coordination Committees headed by Chief Secretary to resolve state level and inter-departmental issues Activation of district level committees for review of rural electrification

21 21 MOP TIER-III NQM (National Quality Monitor)‏ TIER-II RQCC (REC Quality Control Coordinator)‏ TIER-I 3 rd Party Appointed by Implementing Agency Turnkey Contractors REC Implementing Agency  All materials as per MQP/ Drawings  All villages & Substations as per FQP  100% verification of BPL connections  10% randomly selected materials  50% villages randomly selected  All new & 50% augmented Substations  100% verification of BPL connections in 5% villages and 5 connections in other inspected villages  Minimum one inspection of major material  10% villages randomly selected  At least one new & augmented Substations each  100% verification of BPL connections in 2.5% villages and 5 connections in other inspected villages  1% villages randomly selected  At least one new & augmented Substations each  100% verification of BPL connections in 0.5% villages and 5 connections in other inspected villages RGGVY- Three Tier Quality Control Mechanism

22 22 Project Sanction Award 3 M Survey Comp. 6 M Hiring of TPIA 4 M Hand Over S/S Land 6 M Material Orders by EPC 6 M Hand Over BPL List 12 M Material Supply Comp. 12 M 3 M Project Comp. 2 nd Stage 1 st Stage Material Inspection Site Inspections Material Insp. By RQM Site Insp. By RQM 1 st Inst. Fund Material Supply Equipment Erection 2 nd Inst. Fund# S/S construction Release of BPL Connections Preparation for Franchisee 15 M 3 M Franchisee Establishment 3rd Inst. Fund* # After commencement of material supply & Pole erection *After supply of 75% material & completion of minimum 10% Villages Milestone Based Project Monitoring

23 23 Web based Monitoring System for RGGVY Monitoring of works up to Village level Status of quality Inspections Status of fund utilization Status of village energization & taking over Status of Panchayat certificate The implementing Agencies to provide all these data through web based monitoring system Workshop for hands-on experience held at REC on 6 th June ‘08

24 24 State Level Coordination Committee  The Committee Chaired by Chief Secretary to review status and resolve matters related to: Issue of NITs and placement of awards To identify sufficient number of contractors within the state/outside the state to avoid delays Coordination among various suppliers and agencies involved to avoid delay in supply of material Coordination with the forest department is required for early forest clearances Identification & allotment of suitable land for substations Release of BPL list Energization of lines to avoid theft of material Installation of franchisees Supply of minimum 6 to 8 hours power supply to RGGVY villages


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