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SVOPME – A Scalable Virtual Organization Privileges Management Environment Phase I Project Review and Phase II Project Kickoff Oct 28, FNAL, Batavia,

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Presentation on theme: "SVOPME – A Scalable Virtual Organization Privileges Management Environment Phase I Project Review and Phase II Project Kickoff Oct 28, FNAL, Batavia,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SVOPME – A Scalable Virtual Organization Privileges Management Environment Phase I Project Review and Phase II Project Kickoff Oct 28, 2008 @ FNAL, Batavia, IL Funded by DOE OASCR SBIR Grant #DE-FG02-07ER84733 Nanbor Wang Tech-X Corporation Gabriele Garzoglio Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

2 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Outlines Project overview –What SVOPME tries to address Phase I results –Design and capability of the prototype tools Phase II outlook and planning –Our current plan –We need your feedback and wishes Verify our focus areas and prioritize tasks Particular features that’s needed Remember that we have tried one possible solution that works We are ready to adopt a better approach or address other more pressing issues related to various VO policies

3 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff What are VO Privileges? VOs use resources VOs wish to define usage policies for various resources for different users within the VOs – Production team members submit jobs with higher priority – Software team members can write to disk area for software installations VOs grant users privileges for using different resources to enforce the usage policies However, VOs do not manage/configure grid sites Grid sites provide resources Grid sites may want to provide different services to different VOs – As an example, some site might decide to offer DOE-sponsored VOs higher priority to local resources Grid sites help VOs to enforce their useage policies by managing user privileges Grid sites don’t define VOs’ usage policies Challenge: Enforcing VO privileges on multiple grid sites (ah hoc solution: verbal communication)

4 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Motivations of SVOPME With the growth in Grid usage, both the numbers of VOs and grid-sites increase Serious scalability problems in propagating VO privilege policies SVOPME: –Provide the tools and infrastructure to help automate enforcing VO privilege policies –Reuse proven administrative solutions – we adopt common system configuration patterns currently in use in major grid sites … CMSUSATLAS CompBioGrid STAR LIGO FermiGrid SDSSiVDGL FERMIGRIDCMS-T2 LIGO-MIT GPFARM UCSDT2UC-ATLAS ASGC STAR-BNL Address scalability

5 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Modern User Privilege Management Moving away from the use of gridmap files to VOMS/GUMS role-based privilege mangement –Eliminate the need for multiple user certificates Similar trend in EGEE (LCAS & LCMAPS and VOMS) Job priority management for both SE and CE

6 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Phase I Objective and Tasks Objective: validate the approach Design suitable XML schemas for describing policies –We have adopted XACML –Allow aggregation of policies –Also used by AuthZ Interoperability project Determine the information needed in VOs and site policies –Come up with a list of resources and policies Implement a prototype environment for synthesizing administrative directives and verifying VO policies VO Privilege Policies Site Privilege Policies Site Configurations Configuration Recommendations Propagate Verify Synthesize SVOPME Concept Diagram

7 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Task 2: Survey Resources and Policies Needed Resources –OS protection (account types: group or pool) –Batch system –File system –External storage (SRM/dCache) –Network access (inbound/outbound) –Edge services Site policies –Timed availability (execution time slots for certain VO users) VO policies –Relative priority in batch system –Directory access permissions –Consecutive execution period –Suspension/resumption of jobs –Repeat execution (More like allowing restart or not in batch system) –User file privacy –Two roles to share the same GID VO or site policies –Disk quota –File retention period –Account type –Network (inbound/outbound) access control We have implemented the highlighted policies in the Phase I prototype tools

8 SVOPME Phase II KickoffTech-X Corporation 8 Task 3: SVOPME Prototype Architecture VO Grid Site XACML VO Policy Editor Grid Probe Policy Comparer Storage Element Actual Site Policies Site Instructions A report on which VO policies are implemented by Grid Site Grid Admin uses these instructions and configures CE and SE accordingly Tool 3 probes site resources Outputs site policies Forms test queries for every policy such that the response is always a permit. Policy Advisor Compares Produces If response is permit, this VO policy is honored. Otherwise not. Compute Element VOMS Client VO Policies with supporting attributes/Verification Queries Provides info from VOMS server Compares Edits VO Policies Same query sent to the Grid Policy

9 SVOPME Phase II KickoffTech-X Corporation 9 VO Tools – Used by VO-Admin Comprises of 2 Tools –VOMS Client –VO Policy Editor VOMS Client –Obtains info about all the Group/Role and the no of users from VOMS server –This information is passed to VO Policy Editor (next slide) to avoid operator’s errors

10 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Domain-Specific VO Policy Editor XACML is a generic XML-based language for specifying access control policies –Not very human readable –Suitable for machine processing The VO Policy Editor therefore allows VO administrators to edit a pre- defined set of VO policies in simple readable forms –For example: Account Mapping Policy Group _____ should run with pool/group account The Editor, however, stores the policies in XACML format to enable automation –Privilege policies –Test queries for verifying correct implementation and enforcement of policies on Grid sites Support for new policy types can be added as “Policy Templates” plug-in’s We also plan to develop a command-line policy editing tools to convert between a text based policy specification and XACML documents

11 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Phase I VO Policy Editor Screen Shot 1 Select Policy Type to Add Select Policy VO Policy Description

12 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Phase I VO Policy Editor Screen Shot 2 Edit Policy Attributes VOMS Client assists in setting attributes

13 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Phase I VO Policy Editor Screen Shot 3 Allow XACML view

14 SVOPME Phase II KickoffTech-X Corporation 14 Grid Tools Comprises of 3 Tools –Grid Probe –VO/Grid Policies Advisor –VO/Grid Policies Comparer Grid Probe –Probe the grid site local configurations –For Phase-I we probe the settings of GUMS and Condor system –GUMS provides info on account mapping from VO user/role to local UID –Condor provides priorities of accounts –Generates the equivalent Grid side policies (in XACML) from the probe results

15 SVOPME Phase II KickoffTech-X Corporation 15 VO/Grid Policies Advisor  Verify that the Grid site configurations support the VO policies by running the verification queries generated by VO Policy Editor for each VO policy  Provide advises for the Grid site administrator on what amendments needs to be done on the Grid; such that the Grid site complies with the VO policies  Example output:  VO requested 3 accounts for VISITORS role via VO policies  Site-policies derived from GUMS do not match [java] VO/Grid Grid Accounts Policy Advices [java] ------------------------------------ [java] No matching Grid Accounts Policy was found for /TECHX/VISITORS on the Grid site. Create a mapping in GUMS config such that /TECHX/VISITORS be mapped to at least 3 account(s) [java] TECHX/Role=VO-Admin mapped to 1 account(s) (techxVOadmin) on the Grid site, is not suffient enough. Needs to be mapped to atleast 3 accounts.

16 SVOPME Phase II KickoffTech-X Corporation 16 VO/Grid Policies Comparer  Verify that the Grid site configurations support the VO policies by running the verification queries generated by VO Policy Editor for each VO policy  Produces a report on which VO policies are honored by the Grid site and which are not  Example output: [java] VO/Grid Grid Accounts Policy Comparison [java] --------------------------------------- [java] /TECHX/Role=User is mapped to 1 account(s) on the Grid site. Passed! [java] No Account Mapping Policies for /TECHX/VISITORS were found on the Grid site. [java] /TECHX/Role=Software-Admin is mapped to 1 account(s) on the Grid site. Passed! [java] /TECHX/Role=VO-Admin does not have suffient accounts on Grid Site. Failed! (Needs to be mapped to atleast 3 accounts.) [java] /TECHX is mapped to 1 account(s) on the Grid site. Passed!

17 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Phase II Workplan Objective 1: Usability –Support a more comprehensive set of VO policies Add support for remaining policies collected in Phase I –Not sure if we want to incorporate site-specified policies or not Collaborate with VOs and key OSG grid sites to gather VO policies needed and how site could support these policies –Comman-line scripting tools Derive a set of policies sentences Embed policy sentence in generated XACML

18 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Phase II Tasks (cont) Completing Features and Hardening of prototype tools –Overall Feature enhancements Change to use PolicySets for VOs and grid sites –Allows us to aggregate policies –Supports the semantics of a whole VO or site Modularize components –Support new policies –Support new grid environments and configurations –VO Policy Editor Merge VOMS Client with the Editor Allow opening/editing/saving of existing PolicySet Support browsing of PolicySet Support consistency check of overall VO PolicySet What to do when there’s a mismatch between VO and PolicySet –Grid Probe Support probing of more resources configurations –VO/Grid Policy Comparer/Advisor Currently, we only check for supported policies but not redundant site policies Address security concerns (of site configurations and policy inconsistency, etc.)

19 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Phase II Workplan (Cont.) Objective 2: Flexibility and Robustness –Modularization of Aspects such as Grid configurations and tool stacks –Migration toward a common Grid XACML profile (Authorization Interoperability Profile) –Identify and implement more privilege policies Site-specific policies Service contracts between sites and VOs?

20 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff Phase II Workplan (cont.) Objective 3: Demo the Effectiveness –Integrate with OSG distribution –Develop recommendation for running/using SVOPME tools –Deployment, documentation and customer service

21 SVOPME Phase II Kickoff We Need Your Opinions Immediate features we should support General approach –Particular policies we are not covering? –Different strategies to verify support of VO privileges? VO tools –Features in GUI editor? –Scripting capability? Grid site tools –New configurations to probe? –How can we incorporate new configuration patterns that site administrators often use?

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