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NEAR DEATH THEOLOGY. NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES “Heaven Is For Real” – book now movie Millions of other experiences.

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2 NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES “Heaven Is For Real” – book now movie Millions of other experiences

3 WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? Nothing directly However, if NDE’s are accurate, then we are wrong Actually, if NDE’s are accurate, everyone is wrong

4 RESURRECTIONS IN THE BIBLE Not near death, but established death events Saints at Jesus’ death (Mt. 27:52-53) – already in tombs Widow’s son (Lk. 7:11-17) – at a funeral procession Jairus’ daughter (Lk. 8:49-56) – laughable to think she wasn’t dead Lazarus (John 11) – didn’t want to open the tomb because of the stench (dead 4 days) Tabitha (Acts 9:36-42) – dead long enough to go between villages

5 EXPERIENCE OR RESURRECTION? Which mattered most? We never see the resurrected speaking about their death experience nor was that message what impressed others

6 EXPERIENCE OR RESURRECTION? Which mattered most? Mt. 27:52-53 – they appeared Lk. 7:15-16 – they feared because of a great prophet Lk. 8:56 – amazed at the resurrection John 11:45 – Saw what he had done…believed in Him (John 12:10-11,17) Acts 9:42 – same as Acts 9:32-35

7 Is a Near Death Experience any different than a proclaimed vision or dream from God?

8 THE DANGER OF DREAMS/VISIONS/EXPERIENCES 1.Colossians 2:18 – and people will take a stand on them because they are convinced 2.Contradictory visions / messages 3.Ezekiel 13:3-9 – there are fakers, and they will act convinced too 4.Dreams from God often required an interpreter to correctly understand

9 SHOULD WE BE DISTURBED BECAUSE WE CAN’T EXPLAIN THEIR SOURCE? Deuteronomy 13:1-3 Matthew 24:24 II Thessalonians 2:9-11

10 ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS WITH NDE’S Unverifiable Almost always about heaven – Mt. 7:13-14 They take away from God’s word (Gal. 1:8-9)

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