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European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)

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Presentation on theme: "European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)

2 About EPSU 270 affiliated trade unions with 8 million paying members 68,5 % of our members are women 4 sectors: Health & Social Services; Local & Regional Government; National & European Administrations; Utilities (gas, electricity, water, waste) EPSU = recognized European Social Partner Organisation EPSU = recognised regional organisation of PSI in Europe

3 Executive Committee – article 8 of the EPSU Constitution National representation, meets twice a year Overview of EPSU work programme. It has so far approved the network and it has just approved a mentoring system for the EC.

4 Standing Committees – article 11 of the EPSU Constitution Local and Regional Government: Participation of Young members in the Riga Conference.

5 Standing Committees – article 11 of the EPSU Constitution Public Utilities: Little representation in the network but better as employer.

6 Standing Committees – article 11 of the EPSU Constitution Health and Social Services: Presentation of the network in the last Standing Cte.

7 Standing Committees – article 11 of the EPSU Constitution National and European Administration: Youth network and mentoring system was first discussed in NEA.

8 Women’s and Gender Equality Committee Mainstream Gender Equality or participate in the meeting.

9 EPSU Collective Bargaining Network

10 Other activities Public services network; Trade union journalists; Specific networks: firefighters, tax inspectors, prison officers…

11 Network for young trade unionists EPSU Executive Committee established a youth network. Look at recruitment and organising best practices across Europe. Mentoring system at the Executive and Standing Cte. Level. ETUC observer delegation Research on casual work at public services in Europe Establishment of the network in December 2011

12 Regional Structure: EPSU is divided geographically in regions – called Constituencies. Nordic constituency Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland Constituency UK and Ireland German-speaking constituency Germany, Switzerland, Austria Benelux constituency France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg Russian and Central Asian constituency Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan Central European constituency Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina North Eastern Europe Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine South Eastern Europe Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Albania, Azerbaijan, Moldova Mediterranean constituency Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Israel

13 . YOUNG WORKERS ACTIVITIES 13.1 The Executive Committee will establish a specific budget and structure for young workers activities.

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